丽江风光 (多图)
玉龙雪山风景区和泸沽湖风景区以各自丰富、独特的自然景观和文化内涵而闻名中外。 古朴幽雅、自然、富有民族特点和地方特色的高原水乡丽江古城,风景宜人的万里长江第一湾,幽雅俊秀的玉泉公园,以及被喻为“云岭第一枝”、“环球第一树”的万朵山茶等景色,组成了一幅优美的自然画卷。 丽江古城 The Old Town of Lijiang
位 置:丽江市中心
批准时间:1997 年 12 月 遗产类别:文化遗产 海 拨:2416 米 门 票:无
古城风貌 The Charms Of Lijiang ancient Town
丽江古城座落在海拔2400米一块的高原台地上,始建于宋末元初公元12世纪末至 13世纪中叶,由纳西族祖先开建一座城池,名叫大研镇。明朝大旅行家徐霞客曾为之惊叹:“宫室之丽,拟于王者”。
An 800-Year Old Border Town:A World Cultural Heritage
Located on a flat piece of land of 2400 metres above sea level,Lijiang was built by the ancestors of the Naxi ethnic minority during the late years of the song and early Yuan dynasties(from 12th to mid-13th centuries), and named Dayan at the time
A Panoramic View
The cluster of houses in the town presents a unique look of a town with history and tradition.The whitewalled houses with black title-roofs also seem to form a labyrinth. The place will surely go down in your fond memory.
City of Flowers
When you push open a classiclooking gate to a courtyard,the first thing to greet your eyes is the myriad range of rare flowers and plants,as if you have entered a fairland。
City of Water
Every house stands by the water and every courtyard is cut though by a steam, which provides convenicence for residents to wash their clothes and utensils. They have naturally developed a fine tradition of loving and protecting water resources.
City of bridges
insides the 3.8-sq-km ancient town,there are as many as 354 bridges .The large and elegant looking ones include the Suocui and Dashi bridges.Numerous stone and wooden bridges can been everywhere in the town.
This is the heart of the town which once served as the most important hub on the Ancient Tea Caravan. Since the Ming Dynasty,merchants have come over from all over the places, bringing with them the different cultures at same time.The steet has also been the centre of cultural an economic exchanges in Lijiang for sevearl hundred years.
位 置:丽江市区古城内
海拨:2416 米
Mu's Residence
Admission Fee: CNY 35
Transportation:Can be reached by walking in the town
This is the home of chieftains who used to rule Lijiang.Now it stands as a "grand view palace" for the culture of Lijiang. Located in the southwest corner of the town, it is a architectural complex in imitation of the Forbidden City in Beijing. The most striking part is a stone archway called the Zhongyi (Loyalty & Righteouness) Archway.
海拨:2500 米
Lion Mountain
Admission Fee: CNY 15
The former chieftain's private garden is a natural barrier in the ancient town.The entire hill is covered with lush green trees. The Tang pines on the hilltop are most precious.
http://www.softime.cn/images/fengguang/img_gucheng08.jpg 玉龙雪山Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
位 置:丽江市区北面15公里
景点评定:国家AAAAA 级风景名胜区、省级自然保护区 海 拨:5596 米
门 票:160元(玉龙雪山进山费80元,古城维护费80元)
大索道费:150元 有2块的保险 小索道费:45元。要去云杉坪的话就一次购买观光车来回车费:20元
交通:7路公交 或租车
Admission Fee: CNY 80 for the entrance charge CNY 40 for the Protection Fare of the Old Town
Getting there:You can take No.7 bus in Lijiang Old Town or you can rent a car to get there.
玉龙雪山以险、秀、奇著称,其内主要景点有冰川公园、 白水河、甘海子、 云杉坪、 黑水河 东巴神园冰塔林等景点,是一个集观光、登山、探险、科考、度假、郊游为一体的具有多功能的旅游胜地。
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in Lijiang, Yunnan
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is a holy mountain for the local Naxi people not only because of the legend, but also because long time ago,it was a place for young lovers to sacrifice their young lives in honor of true love and to escape from the arranged marriages and feudal ethics.
Dry Sea
Dry Sea lies in the eastern part of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. At the Dry Sea you can be assured of a panoramic view of the mountain because Dry Sea is the closest and best place to witness the beauty of Jade dragon Snow Mountain. In addition to the view, there are many kinds of convenience facilities and areas to rest for visitors.Recommended Timefor a Visit: 20 minutes
Spruce Plateau
In fact Spruce Meadow is a vast grassland in the virgin spruce forest. During each period between spring and summer the grassland is delightfully green and the flowers are pleasantly beautiful.From a distance, the Spruce Meadow looks like a jade green blanket in the ranges of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.According to the legend, the Spruce Meadow is the place where the first pair of lovers of Naxi nationality died of love. If you come here you can have the chance to witness the mighty thousand-year-old glacier on the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the fantasticality and quietness of virgin forest and the amazing songs and dance of Naxi nationality.Recommended Time for a Visit:Two hours
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Locating between 10004'-10016'east longitude and 2703'-2740' north latitude, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (Yulong Mountain) is the southernmost glacier in the Northern Hemisphere. Consisting of 13 peaks, among which Shanzidou is the highest one with an altitude of 5,600 meters (18,360 feet). Looking from Lijiang Old Town in the south which is 15 kilometers (nine miles) away, the snow-covered and fog-enlaced mountain resembles a jade dragon lying in the clouds, hence, the name Jade Dragon Snow Mountain.
Archaic legend about this mysterious and beautiful snow mountain goes like this: Once upon a time, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Haba Snow Mountain were twins. They had lived on panning in Golden Sand River until one day an evil fiend usurped the river. The brothers were very brave and had a fierce fight with the fiend, Haba died in the fight and Jade Dragon drove off the fiend after wearing out 13 swords. For guarding the people and preventing the return of the fiend, Jade Dragon held the 13 swords in hands day and night. As time passed, the brothers had turned into the two snow mountains, and the 13 swords had become the 13 peaks. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is a holy mountain for the local Naxi people not only because of the legend, but also because long time ago, it was a place for young lovers to sacrifice their young lives in honor of true love and to escape from the arranged marriages and feudal ethics.
The 13 peaks, which have the altitudes of at least 4,000 meters, are covered by snow all year round; the mountain is called the "Natural Glacier Museum" for it has all types of glacier. Move down from the mountaintop and you can see rivers and pools, which are formed by the thawed snow water running along the valley and through the forests. The plants and the animals are different according to the altitude, so are the views. Every sight brings you a surprise and every step takes you to a new scene. Each of the meadows on Jade Dragon Snow Mountain has its own special character due to their different landscape and height. For instance, Yunshanping (Spruce Plateau) is grassland with gigantic spruces whilst Ganhaizi (Dry Sea) used to be a highland lake as its name tells, the meadow was formed after the water had dried up.
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain now is a famous scenic spot for sightseeing, mountaineering, skiing, exploration, scientific research and taking holiday.
http://www.softime.cn/images/yulongxueshan/yulongxueshan1.jpg 虎跳峡-Tiger Leaping Gorge
名 称:虎跳峡
位 置:丽江市区西北面,路程 105 公里
海 拨:1800 米
门 票:50元
简 介:
Tiger Leaping Gorge (Hutiao Gorge) :
Admission Fee:CNY 50
Recommended Time for a Visit:Two hours
Opening Hours: 08:30 to 18:00
About 100 kilometers (62 miles) northwest of Lijiang Old Town lying between Jade Dragon Snow Mountain (Yulong Xueshan) and Haba Snow Mountain (Haba Xueshan) is Tiger Leaping Gorge (Hutiao Gorge), which is believed to be the deepest gorge in the world. From the top of the gorge you look down the steeply angled (70-90 degrees) mountain sides to the rushing Golden Sands (Jingsha) River with its 18 frothing rapids more than 200 meters (about 700 feet) below.
Naturally divided into three sections, the first section, which is the narrowest and uppermost section, is the mouth of the fast flowing Jingsha River. In the midst of the river's mouth is a large rock that is positioned at the gorge's narrowest section-only 30 meters (33 yards) wide. An ancient legend says that a tiger used this rock as its stepping stone so it could leap across from one side of the gorge to the other, which is how the gorge got its name.
As the river enters the middle section, it drops another 100 meters (330 feet) and its flow rate increases to an amazing speed. Here the thunderous rushing waters slam into sharp, large rocks and crash down into the river forming swirling whirlpools. Can it get more exciting? Yes, it can as the third and lowest section is acclaimed for being the wildest attraction of all!
The cliffs over-looking this section are even steeper and much more dangerous. Here, the river twists and turns and the river vigorously surgesforward creating high waves and a frothy spew as it collides with the mountainsides. This is a view that inspires a sense of adventure and satisfies the deepest yearnings for magnificent scenery.
The gorge stretches about 15 kilometers (nine miles) and also affords people the possibility of rafting and drifting peacefully in its large quiet sections, for the gentler folks among us and an exciting rafting adventure for the more experienced. Do not want to raft?
Useful Tips: This is a great sightseeing stop with enormous photo opportunities. Bring your camera, wear skidproof shoes, and be prepared to be astonished.
http://www.2tour.cn/images/lijiang/hutiaoxia_1.jpg 束河古镇-Shuhe(Shoe Her)
英文名称:Shuhe(Shoe Her)
位 置:丽江市区北面 4 公里 距离白沙镇3公里
海 拨:2440 米
门 票:50元
从丽江古城往北,沿中济海东侧的大路程行约四公里,便见两边山脚下一片密集的村落,这就是被称为清泉之乡的束河古镇 。当年徐霞客游芝山解脱林时,曾走过此道,在他的记述中这样写道:"过一枯涧石桥,西瞻中海,柳暗波萦,有大聚落临其上,是为十和院"。"十和"即今 束河古镇 之古称。由此可见,早在明代,这里已是丽江的重要集镇了。 束河古镇 依山傍水,民居房舍错落有致。街头有一潭水,称为"九鼎龙潭",又称"龙泉"。潭周绿柳垂地,翠柏指天,泉水清澈,游鱼可数。从潭中溢出的流水蜿蜒于村中道旁,远近汩汩有声。村庄中心有长33米、宽27米的小小四方街,与古城四方街一样可以引水冲洗。街面上的那些被人马踩踏得光溜平滑的石板,似乎还能照见往日的繁华。
束河古镇 曾以发达的文化教育和皮革加工、竹编等手工业闻名于世。早在清朝乾隆年间, 束河古镇 就开设了由政府公助的义学馆",还有三所私塾,近、现代又创办小学、中学,使 束河古镇 成为著名的人才之乡。过去 束河古镇 村从事皮革业的有300多户,日产皮鞋500双,各种皮货远销西藏、西昌、青海等地,有的商人甚至到达印度、尼泊尔等国,故有" 束河古镇 皮匠,一根锥子走天下"之说。在宁蒗中甸、德钦,至今还有以 束河古镇 皮匠聚居而成的皮匠村。1942年, 束河古镇 皮匠村与国际工合组织合作,通过贷款、集股合资开办过"皮革合作社"。
如今,倘佯于龙泉之畔,漫步于 束河古镇 古街,总能让人感受到一股浓郁的文化气息。作为大研古城周边民居建筑的 束河古镇 民居,成了"世界文化遗产"中的一部分,吸引着各种肤色的众多游客。
束河坐东朝西,背风向阳,村后山林为玉龙山南下之余脉,山形秀丽,植被茂密,白沙岩脚院有凤凰山,为丽江木氏发祥之地,至束河山形再变,呈祥瑞之象,堪舆家称为“丹凤含书之地”, 预言文化昌盛,兴旺发达。
Shuhe(Shoe Her)
Beam River ancient town in the ancient city of Lijiang four kilometres north-west is Naxizu pioneers in Lijiang mark in the first one where there is "Cha Ma Road," preserved an important market towns and Naxizu from commercial farming civilization to civilization transition live specimens, and the soft chime of bells to the market towns of activities forming the building model.
Ancient town core protection area of about one square kilometre, there are more than 1,000 households and 3,000 people.
"Cha Ma Road" from the bordering Xishuangbanna, the Dali, Lijiang, Deqen Tibet directly, through subtropical, temperate, boreal, rising to an altitude of over 8,000 meters from the shore. Is a national biological resources and
Extremely rich cultural resources destinations. And in this a long and magnificent line, the ancient city of Lijiang is the only one classified as "world heritage", fully demonstrated the accumulation Cha Ma ancient city of exceptional historical and cultural value.
Beam River, which is an important part of the ancient city of Lijiang, it has natural scenery, folk customs, historical monuments and multicultural landscape, is the ancient city of Lijiang with complementary extension. Especially ancient town water diversion into the village way of example and markets is an important reference for the study Lijiang ancient city.
When Xuxiake plants from Lin Yu, had travelled the road in his account, wrote : "stone bridge over a dried up stream, looking in the West Sea, Liu dark wave wind around a large area of its clinical, and the hospital is 10." "10 and" foot beam river name. Thus, as early as the Ming Dynasty, here is an important market town of Lijiang. Beam River yard, residential building blocks. There is a street below, called "Highlights Longtan," also known as the "Longquan." Tan Week pine lowered, face that day, clear springs, fishes therein may figure. Spillover from 3,250 in the village along the river wind, near Java audio. Village center has long 33 metres, 27 metres wide small Square Street, and the ancient city of Square Street can diversion water. Those troops leaves in the streets Guangliu flat stone, but it seems as see past downtown.
Beam River has developed educational and leather processing, wood crafts world. Back in the Qing Dynasty Qianlong period, beam River opened by the public on the help of science museum, "there are three schools near, and the creation of a modern primary school, secondary school, so that beam River became famous talents of the township. In the leather industry in the past beam village of over 300 households, 500 two-day off shoes, leather goods sell to distant places of Tibet, Xichang, and Qinghai, some businessmen and even reached India, Nepal, and other countries, it is a "beam River cobbler, a bodkin to the world" theory. Ning herb in the west, the symposium has also to beam live by the river cobbler cobbler village. 1942, beam River cobbler village cooperation with the International Organization for Cooperation through loans, sets up a joint venture unit "leather cooperatives."
Now, walk to the Crescent Longquan, stroll in the beam River Streets, always people feel a strong cultural atmosphere. As the city's largest residential construction beams River residential areas, it has become "the world's cultural heritage," part of a variety of colour attracting many tourists.
7 km away from Lijiang ancient town beam River, three kilometres from the town of Pak Sha, beam River, along the Pak Sha is the earliest settlements Naxizu ancestors, but also the birthplace wood's boss, from here, we can feel more simple folk of Nasiriyah.
http://www.2tour.cn/images/lijiang/shuheguzhen4.jpg 宝山石头城
位 置:丽江市区东北面,路程 110 公里
海 拨:4600 米
门 票:无
交通: 尚未开通直达班车,可租越野车前往,租车费一天约300元。到山口需步行4~5小时方可抵达石头城。
Baoshan Stone Town
Transportation: No regular public bus. One can go there by hiring a crosscountry vehicle for 300 yuan a day. At the
mountain path,you still have to walk 4 to 5 hours to reach the village.
The place has long been known as the "village on a huge rock". About 100kmnorth of Lijiang, it was the site where kublai
Khan of the Yuan Dynasty ferried across a river on his southern expedition. Ona huge rock in the shape of a magic herb,
several hundred Naxi people have built their homes. Every one of the households uses stone tables, sleeps on stone beds,
cooks on stone beds, cooks on stone fireplaces and keeps water in stone vats, living a life as if in a fairyland.
石头城,不是用石头垒砌的城堡,而是建筑于一块巨石之上的村寨。大自然鬼 斧神工造就了巨石,而纳西民族用智慧和劳动利用这块巨石
Baoshan Stone Town(Baoshan Stone City), Lijiang
Like the Machu citizen of Inca Empire, Boshan is also a huge stone town. This stone town lies in the Jinshajiang River valley northeast of Jade Dragon Mountain. It is not a castle made of stones but a town built on a gigantic rock. The people built their houses according to the things that they can use around them. Some people use stones to make columns, desks and tables, and some water vats, stone kitchen range and even bed. All these stones are polished smoothly,. They record life Naxi people year by year. Touching the stones we can feel that our ancestors are living around us. The most amazing thing in town is the indepent irrigating system that the villagers use for each track of field without affect those of others', which shows us the admirable wisdom of the Naxi people.
Different with the mystical disappearance of the Machu Pichu citizen, the Stone Town of Baoshan has existed for thousands of years from the day when it was built. Naxi people use about a thousand years to move from northwest China to the bank of the Jinshajiang River and develop from a nomadic ethnic group that can make a town on a huge rock. This castle built by Naxi ancestors is not only a military defense but also a homeland for the people. More than one hundred households live here from generation to generation. They keep the ancient tradition and lead a free and peaceful life on this rock.
http://www.2tour.cn/images/lijiang/shitoucheng05.jpg 白沙古镇
简介: 白沙古镇位于丽江县城以北约8公里,北临玉龙雪山,南至龙泉,西依芝山,是丽江最古老的集镇之一,是纳西族在丽江坝的最初聚居地,也是丽江木氏土司的重要发祥地。现存有明代建筑大宝积宫、琉璃殿、文昌宫等,著名的白沙壁画就在大宝积宫内。
住宿: 打算游白沙古镇,最好是住丽江肃河古镇的客栈内那理的房价淡季在120元——150元左右,黄金周的房价在150元——260元左右。
[ 本帖最后由 Pink桃子 于 2008-4-18 16:25 编辑 ] 老君山Laojun Mountain
被誉为‘滇省众山之祖’,相傅太上老君在此炼丹而得名。位于丽江、兰坪、剑川三地交界之处,丽江市区西南面,路程110 公里,其主峰海拔4,247米,景区内森林苍苍莽莽,环境幽静,冰蚀湖星罗棋布,俗称99龙潭。这里分布着由红色砂岩形成的2O0多平方公里的丹霞地貌,岩石、险峰、悬崖、峭壁,均呈现出鲜红的色彩,累色奇丽。慨括来说,以四绝见称:野杜鹃林、原始森林、高原草甸、99龙潭(冰蚀湖泊)
Laojun Mountain
Regarded as the best of all mountains in Yunnan Province,it is said to be the place where LaoZi,the founder of Taoism,used to make longevity pills of immortality . Sitting on the border between Lijiang,Lanping and Jianchuan counties,its main peak rises 4,247 km above sea level The mountain iS home to thick forests, tranquil environment and lakes of melting ice water.There are so many of the lakes that people describe them as the“99 dragon pools”.Of typical red sandstone formation stretching for more than 200 sq km,the place is brightly red with rocks,grotesque peaks,steep cliffs and precipitous stones.In short,it attracts visitors with four unique features:wild azalea plants,primitive forests,highland grassland and the“99 dragon pools”一glacial lakes.
Admission:40 yuan
Transportation:It is not yet reached by regular public bus.Visitors can join a tour or hire a vehicle for 300—400yuan/day
http://www.2tour.cn/images/lijiang/laojunshan1.jpg 长江第一湾First Bend of the Yangtze River
位 置:丽江市区西面,路程 51 公里
海 拨:1900 米
交 通:丽江市至石鼓(长江第一湾)70公里,15元/人,2小时 也可包车前往,但价格需面议。
门 票:长江第一湾博物馆5元石鼓镇3元
Admission Fee:CNY 10
Recommended Time for a Visit:One hour
First Bend of the Yangtze River
Yangtze River, considered the mother river of China, flows majestically through the center of China and is the third longest river in the world. Starting from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the Yangtze River surges southeastward until it meets the Hengduan Mountain Range. About 44 miles outside of Lijiang, unusual geological phenomenons force the Yangtze to make a sudden V-shaped bend and flow to the northeast. This extraordinary turn, nearly180-degrees, creates beautiful and marvelous views that startle the imagination. Here, the river is wide and the water flows in a gentle, slow pace. Large willow trees grow luxuriously alongside the river that is banked on both sides with lush, fertile deep green vegetation and immense, steep mountains that rise up from the river to touch the clouds in the blue sky above. The whole sight is like a wonderful landscape painting that never ends. This is the First Bend of the Yangtze River - a world-famous geological phenomenon and an extraordinary panoramic scene whose vistas you will long remember with great pleasure.
On the mountain at the river's bend stands Stone Drum (Shigu) Town. This ancient town is named after a drum-shaped marble plaque. Built during the Jiaqing era (1548-1561) of the Ming Dynasty, the stone drum is a monument commemorating the victory of Lijiang's Naxi ruler over an invading Tibetan army. It is one point five meters (five feet) in diameter and zero point five meters (two feet) in thickness. The stone drum has an obvious vestige of what appears to be a "rip" in it. It is said that the stone drum would rupture prior to any war and then fold when peace returned.
Throughout time, Stone Drum Town was always a significant and vitally strategic military area where many famous historical events have been taken place. It was here that Zhuge Liang, the famous and highly acclaimed military strategist of the Three Kingdoms Period, chose to cross the Yangtze River and gain "battle advantage" over his opponents. The first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, Kublai Khan, used this place for his expeditionary forces to ferry across the river. In April 1936, the Second Route of the Red Army, led by General He Long and Ren bishi, crossed the river here and continued to march north. There are memorials here honoring the people whose histories are entwined with the Stone Drum Town.
This whole area abounds with attractive stories and dazzling visions. Stone Drum Town, together with the First Bend of the Yangtze River, and so many other spots nearby such as the Tiehong Bridge and Rock Gate ensure that a trip here will be an exciting one that you will greatly enjoy.