看到国内一家公司的位置比较感兴趣,是搞技术的,就试着申请了,那边答复还挺快,说要给我安排个tel.Interview。本来公司是德国的,可是偏偏我敢兴趣的这个部门经理不是德国人,他只会讲英语。现在我相当的郁闷啊。来德国这么多年了,一直都是用德语说话写东西的,英语忘的光光的了。怎么办啊。大家谁有经验啊,说说他们大概会问什么,会怎么问。本来英语就听不懂,现在可好,还得用电话的,:mad: 真急人啊! 网上查一查,搜索下,有很多东西可以看的 语言这东西,不是一朝一夕的。送你一句话吧,随机应变,扬长补短,这也算是我个人的经验和心得。希望能帮到你,哈哈!祝你好运! 这个版就有 mm加油,上面知道哪里有的朋友应该详细说一下的啊!;) just recite what you have to say accurately and fluently. catch every chance to say them in the interview. don't worry about that you can't understand what the interviewer asks you, pay special attention to the keywords!! 原帖由 izom 于 2008-5-17 19:38 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gifjust recite what you have to say accurately and fluently. catch every chance to say them in the interview. don't worry about that you can't understand what the interviewer asks you, pay special attent ...