How to pronounce " I love you" in German?
What's the pronunciation of " I love you" in German?How to spell them...
Thank you very much!!! Ge-hen wi-rins Be-tt. $ok$ $ok$ with a lot of sense :D :D 小花太不厚道了。
"I love u" ispronounced as I l-o-v-e u in any language.
if what you wanted to ask was how to SAY it in German, then it's "Ich liebe dich":D :D
回复 沙发 的帖子
:D :D :D $高$ ich liebe dichich habe dich lieb 俺觉得沙发 Blüte的是正解! 一西 里拨 弟媳 原帖由 寒碜 于 2008-5-29 14:20 发表
一西 里拨 弟媳
$汗$ $汗$ 还带口音的~~~哈哈:D :D