Look below the words ‘Fresco Lavado’.Don't forget this brand of fresh lettuce, folks. What probably happened is, the water the lettuce was washed in contained tadpoles and these became fresh new frogs, right in the packages. So if you're looking for salad fixings with a little more body, then be sure and try this brand. Don't forget, it's the extra care that Mexican companies take that makes the difference. 就算是那个袋子没有密封好,
MS 蝌蚪也要在水中靠鳃才能呼吸,变成青蛙或蛤蟆吧。。。 估计是个模型吧,哈哈 天,真的假的?:o $m32$ $m32$ $m32$吓到偶鸟。 $郁闷$ $郁闷$ $郁闷$ 吐了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!