debut 发表于 2008-6-17 16:37

回复 火星 的帖子

我是中国国籍, 情况可能不一样。公司还没有开始给我申请,要等到公司几年8月在伦敦注册后才能申请。

debut 发表于 2008-6-17 16:40

回复 宇宙 的帖子


liebeist 发表于 2008-6-17 16:57

在英国, 如果一个公司想帮非欧盟的公民办工作签证, 公司的HR是没有权利去办的, 公司必须请专业律师去帮你办所有的papier. 众所周知, 在欧洲国家请律师是很贵的.
如果你有一定的工作经验或者你的工作是欧盟公民都干不了的, 签证就容易的多了.

debut 发表于 2008-6-17 17:19


blueyesonme 发表于 2008-6-18 13:10


MystarAmelia 发表于 2008-6-18 13:24

I got my degree in UK and a bit familiar with the UK situation. If you do not have residence permit in UK, it will be very difficult to apply for the work permit. If your company want to send you to UK they should find a way to solve it, there are plenty cases. But, yes, you need to demonstrate that there is no EU citizen can do the job. Also, there will be salary requirments. From you side, can think about apply for HSMP, if you are under 26, there will be extra points.

Again as mentioned above, life in London is so expensive, meanwhile, there are lots things going on, exciting but tough. Life quality is not so great. In London, you might need a lot time just commute to work. For me, after living there for 2 years, I dont think I would like to go back and work there.

liebeist 发表于 2008-6-18 17:24

哎, 别说是工作了.
我以前有个朋友, 她去英国做5,6个月的实习, 在一间公司. 这公司刚刚想进入中国市场, 所以才要了她做这方面的市场报告..
她跟我说原来做实习, 公司也要专门出钱请律师来办签证.
做实习都那么困难, 何况vollzeit 的工作呢?
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