现在学经济的,怎么挣的这么少? 这两天朋友在找工作,北威,打听了一下,几个德国朋友DI毕业,才拿3W多BRUTTO一年!有在北威经济系毕业,过4W的吗? 学经济的学习压力和工科根本不好比,挣得少也是很正常的事情啊。 4W左右是EINSTIEG的平均线(不是最低线)。
比这高,比这低一些都正常 楼上说的是北威吗?? 坛子上很多人说北威劳动力过剩,工资可不象想象的那样啊~~文科更是雪上加霜~~
我的德国哥们和我说,起步3W出头就不错了~~ 这里的3w多是包括年终Weihnachten的钱吗?如果包括,确实太低了点。如果不包括,好像也不是低的很离谱。 原帖由 Sonya_2007 于 2008-8-6 20:57 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
i know some one also graduated from BWL, more than 4W.People shall learn how to negociate your income with your boss.
Important is you ask and convice him.
You can be shy but you shall be conv ...
This "someone" may have already the related work experiences, or he had luck.
Most of the time, salary standard has been defined by employer. They are crossing their fingers when this question comes out. Over-request is not expected.
......also, meine Meinung nach. 供求关系 原帖由 annieingermany 于 2008-8-7 15:36 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
This "someone" may have already the related work experiences, or he had luck.
Most of the time, salary standard has been defined by employer. They are crossing their fingers when this question co ...
严重同意~~我打听的结果基本上3W起步~~ 3万多和4万多起薪到手也差不了多少,现在这个经济状况,找到工作就不错了.