With the objective of the European Union, the share of biofuels in the market to increase the use of biodiesel and biodiesel blends more and more important. Of great interest are those of diesel fuel differing characteristics of biodiesel and biodiesel blends as well as the technical adjustments to the engine and exhaust after treatment systems. As part of this work insight on current investigations on the use of biodiesel fuel be given. The main mission of the Raw behaviour and Auswirke to exhaust after treatment in the use of biodiesel blends.
The investigations were carried out influences of biodiesel share of the soot emission, the NOx Rohe Mission and the Zündverhalten from active regenerienden exhaust after treatment systems must be established. A higher proportion of biodiesel will tend to increase the NOx raw emissions and consumption while the PM emissions. The states of ATS require the influence of biodiesel additional share. The ignition of new ATS is significantly lower than those for aged ATS. The work shown in the results, it is possible to control devices by the self-recognition of the getankten to biodiesel blends.
Where specific fuel-engine optimization and after. Development of after-treatment technologies for the use of biodiesel and biodiesel blends, according to current knowledge, no exhaust emission substantially worse behaviour of biodiesel or biodiesel blends in comparison to conventional diesel fuel to be expected. 这是你自己写的还是用网上的翻译软件翻译的?语法错误不少,好多话也不知道什么
意思,一些还夹杂德语。您自己真的已经改过了么?别人想帮忙也无从下手啊。 原帖由 fraugladis 于 2008-8-18 17:43 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
是有用翻译软件的, 我能改的只有单词拼写,因为语法真的很差,我已经把你说的德语词改掉了,希望你能再帮我看看,谢谢拉~~
With the objective of the European Union, the share of biofuels in the market to increase the use of biodiesel and biodiesel blends more and more important. Of great interest are those of diesel fuel differing characteristics of biodiesel and biodiesel blends as well as the technical adjustments to the engine and exhaust after treatment systems. As part of this work insight on current investigations on the use of biodiesel fuel be given. The main mission of the raw behaviour and affect to exhaust after treatment in the use of biodiesel blends.
The investigations were carried out influences of biodiesel share of the soot emission, the NOx Rohe Mission and the ignition behavior from active regeneration exhaust after treatment systems must be established. A higher proportion of biodiesel will tend to increase the NOx raw emissions and consumption while the PM emissions. The states of ATS require the influence of biodiesel additional share. The ignition of new ATS is significantly lower than those for aged ATS. The work shown in the results, it is possible to control devices by the self-recognition of the biodiesel blends.
Where specific fuel-engine optimization and after. Development of after-treatment technologies for the use of biodiesel and biodiesel blends, according to current knowledge, no exhaust emission substantially worse behaviour of biodiesel or biodiesel blends in comparison to conventional diesel fuel to be expected. 或者这样是不是好一点?
With the increasing share of Biodiesel fuel in the market,using Biodiesel and Biodiesel-blends became more and more important. Today, combustion and emission characteristics of Biodiesel and Biodiesel-blends fuelled engines are uncertain. Therefore, biodiesel fuel properties differ from diesel fuel and that technical adaptation measures on the engine systems and exhaust after treatment systems are necessary. Thus, in following part,there will be given an overview about up-to-date research projects, focusing on the use of Biodiesel fuel, to contribute to a proper evaluation of emission characteristics of Biodiesel and Biodiesel-blends fuelled engines.
The work in this study influence the engine operating substances on the emissions performance and exhaust after treatment systems, an influence of various fuels on the soot emissions, NOx emissions and ignition and deletion it. However, the investigated engine operating substances have a partial impact on the PM, NOx emissions and consumption. A higher blend leads to a rise NOx emissions, and the consumption, while a lowering PM emissions. The states of the aftertreatment-Systems affect the conversion rate. The ignition in a new aftertreatment-system is significantly lower than in aged AGN systems. To the detriment of NOx emissions blends high geblendeten to compensate biodiesel was either a sensor or NOx sensor and oxygen sensor, which are driving the biodiesel varieties recognizes and the engine control unit appropriate information. Thus, it is theoretically possible that adjustment of the Einspritzbeginnes NOx emissions could use for biodiesel operations at optimum level.
With fuel specific optimization of the engine system and after further testing and development of exhaust gas after treatment system for Biodiesel fuel and Biodiesel-Blends application, and,according to present knowledge ,no unfavorable exhaust gas emission characteristics of Biodiesel fuel and Biodiesel blends fuelled engines compare with conventional diesel fuelled engines are expected. With the increasing share of Biodiesel fuel in the market,using Biodiesel and Biodiesel-blends is becoming more and more important. Today, combustion and emission characteristics of Biodiesel and Biodiesel-blends fuelled engines are still uncertain. (Therefore, biodiesel fuel properties differ from diesel fuel and that technical adaptation measures on the engine systems and exhaust aftertreatment systems are necessary. ? 这句逻辑不清。我理解好像AND后才是THEREFORE引出的结果,不知道AND前是要表达什么。另外好像是biodiesel fuel properties differ from diesel properties吧。) In the following part,an overview of the up-to-date research projects will be given, focusing on the use of Biodiesel fuel, to contribute to a proper evaluation of emission characteristics of Biodiesel and Biodiesel-blends fuelled engines.+ r( c4 a/ f- l/ W3 B
4 @/ d& q* K' t- p* V+ y
(The work in this study (influences?) the engine operating substances on the emissions performance and exhaust aftertreatment systems, an influence of various fuels on the soot emissions, NOx emissions and ignition and deletion it. 这句话的动词是influence?,这句是什么意思呢?另外逗号后的词组是什么成分呢?) However, the investigated engine operating substances have a partial impact on the PM, NOx emissions and consumption. A higher blend leads to a rise of NOx emissions, (and the consumption, while a lowering PM emissions.? 这句话不清楚是什么意思,语法也不对) The states of the aftertreatment-Systems affect the conversion rate. The ignition in a new aftertreatment system is significantly lower than in aged AGN systems. To the detriment of NOx emissions blends high geblendeten to compensate biodiesel was either a sensor or NOx sensor and oxygen sensor, which are driving the biodiesel varieties recognizes and the engine control unit appropriate information. 这句主语是什么,either..or后怎么又有一个and , is it „or NOx and oxygen sensor“?
Thus, it is theoretically possible that an adjustment of the Einspritzbeginnes NOx emissions could be used for biodiesel operations at an optimum level.
" W+ ]2 l3 ~: F9 }1 x$ P
With fuel specific optimization of the engine system and after further testing and development of exhaust gas aftertreatment system for Biodiesel fuel and Biodiesel-Blends application, according to the present knowledge ,no unfavorable exhaust gas emission characteristics of Biodiesel fuel and Biodiesel blends fuelled engines in comparison with those of conventional diesel fuelled engines are expected.
不是学工科的,只能看看大概,也许我的理解不对,改错了也有可能。改了几个地方,你在对对看。 原来德语原文在工作版呢,既然是这样,我改的你就别看了,那都不对。那边大灰狼
改得挺好。用词,语法什么的都挺地道。就照他写得改吧。 "became more and more important" => "becomes ..."
"Thus, in following part,there will be given an overview about up-to-date research projects, focusing on the use of Biodiesel fuel, to contribute to a proper evaluation of emission characteristics of Biodiesel and Biodiesel-blends fuelled engines." => "This thesis provides an overview of the existing research on the use of the Biodiesel fuel and evaluates emission characteristics of ..."
[ 本帖最后由 salalaha 于 2008-8-18 22:56 编辑 ] 按照lz的德文原文翻译的,不过德文我也没有怎么理解,请大家齐心合力帮忙。
Mit der Zielvorgabe der Europäischen Union, den Anteil von Biokraftstoffen im Markt deutlich zu erhöhen, wird der Einsatz von Biodiesel und Biodiesel-Blends immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen.
In accordance with the EU's target to significantly increase the market share of..., the application of... is becoming more and more important.
Von großen Interesse sind die von Dieselkraftstoff abweichenden Eigenschaften des Biodiesels und der Biodiesel-Blends sowie die technischen Anpassungen des Motorsystems und der Abgasnachbehandlungssysteme.
(...) are of great interest.
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit (这里好像少了个动词吧) Einblick zu aktuellen Untersuchungen zum Einsatz von Biodieselkraftstoffen gegeben werden.
This paper/work gives a glimpse into/reviews/sheds light on the current study on the application of (...)[/i]
Der hauptsächlich desRohemissionsverhalten und die Auswirke auf die Abgasnachbehandlung beim Einsatz von Biodiesel-Blends umfasst.
Bei der durchgeführte Untersuchungen konnten Einflüsse des Biodiesel-Anteils auf die Rußemission, die NOx-Rohemission sowie auf das Zündverhalten von aktiv regenerienden Abgasnachbehandlungssystemen nachgewiesen werden.
The impact of () upon () and () as well as can be verified in the conducted experiments.
Ein höherer Biodiesel-Anteil führt tendenziell zur Erhöhung der NOx-Rohemissionen und dem Verbrauch wohingegen die PM-Emissionen abnehmen. (abnehmen这半句好像有问题)
An increased/enhanced Biodiesel proportion tends to increase the () emission but reduce the consumption of the PM emission.
Die Zustände der ATS bedingen den Einfluß des Biodiesel-Anteils zusätzlich.
In addition, the state of ATS determines the impact of the Biodiesel part.
Die Zündtemperatur bei neuen ATS ist deutlich niedriger als bei gealterten ATS.
The ignition temperature of a new ATS proves to be significantly lower than that of aged ATS.
Mit den in dieser Arbeit gezeigten Ergebnissen ist es möglich, Steuergeräten eine selbstständige Erkennung des getankten Biodiesel-Blends zu ermöglichen. (这里两个möglich是啥意思?)
The results demonstrated in this work
enables the control device to automatically recognize
Bei entsprechender Kraftstoffspezifischer-Motorenoptimierung und nach erfolgter. Entwicklung von Abgasnachbehandlungstechnologien hinsichtlich des Einsatzes von Biodiesel und Biodiesel-Blends ist nach heutigem Kenntnisstand kein grundlegend schlechteres Abgasemissionsverhalten von Biodiesel- oder Biodiesel- Blends im Vergleich zu konventionellem Dieselkraftstoff zu erwarten (这是一句话吗?好复杂啊)
To the best of current knowledge, no fundamental gas emission
compared with conventional diesel fuel.
[ 本帖最后由 吃花生的大灰狼 于 2008-8-19 17:29 编辑 ]