要回国了,LP ,爸爸,妈妈,爷爷,奶奶......都说要把英语说好, 说德语没用.都好久不碰的东西了,怎么才能够比较快的温习一下呢?大家给点意见;) 看英文的专业书,看完一本后,接着第二本,然后进行一些专业的口语训练,接着看一本生活故事书。然后多听别人说,最后形成自己的风格和套路,刚开始就是套,最后就自由发挥吧
预祝楼主成功 德语怎么会没用呢$汗$ 英语捡起来的办法进行听说读写的练习啊,英语版块有个帖子,列举了很多不错的免费网上资源,可以看看
http://www.dolc.de/forum/viewthread.php?tid=495137&extra=page%3D1 我觉得这个不错
另外我经常听空中英语教室系列的教学节目,你可以先听听中级的,就是空中英语教室;如果觉得有苦难,就听初级的大家说英语;如果觉得太简单,改成高级的彭蒙惠英语好啦:) 谢谢 楼上两位,$送花$ $送花$ i am afraid there is no golden key that helps you mastering a language within a short time. or you have the environment and make use of it, or you don't have it and create one for yourself. both requires much time and diligence. english is a more versatile language, it is indeed a great difficulty to make progress while living here lacking chances to be confronted with this language. i can understand your vexing situation, on the one side the vanishing english knowledge, on the other side a smattering of german. i think you 'd try to study both language simultaneously. after all german is linguisticly closer to english than chinese is. living for some years in germany should actually have helped you gain a better approach to learning english - something that will please your family for sure, hahaha. 原帖由 csoulcmate 于 2008-8-28 10:24 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
i am afraid there is no golden key that helps you mastering a language within a short time. or you have the environment and make use of it, or you don't have it and create one for yourself. both requi ...
谢谢!有几个单词要查字典..... 不用谢。 $支持$ $支持$ 借问一下如果回国找外企的工作 要考哪种英语证书好呢??