这周五的六点半左右,查经班看一部叫做*耶稣诞生记*的电影,有兴趣的朋友可以去参加,希望能够增进彼此的认识.地址见附件。 下周四开始19:00有英文圣经讲解, 想学习英文,结交朋友的可以去上边的所写的教会。
[ 本帖最后由 开心果-逍遥 于 2008-10-15 12:59 编辑 ] 太好了°°谢谢°°° haha, the point is to increase the awareness of Jesus, or each other?
{:2_235:} haha, the point is to increase the awareness of Jesus, or each other?
qingcheer 发表于 2010-4-12 16:27 http://dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
If you think you can improve yourself there, you will really improve yourself. At least the bible is a great book and has influenced and will influence many people,just like the old chinese philosophy has great influence on our sense of worth and value. The media in the daily life doesnt always tell you the truth. respect the history, respect Bible and respect other people, you will be respected by others {:5_360:} 本帖最后由 qingcheer 于 2010-4-12 18:21 编辑
If you think you can improve yourself there, you will really improve yourself. At least the bible is a great book and has influenced and will influence many people,just like the old chinese philosophy has great influence on our sense of worth and value. The media in the daily life doesnt always tell you the truth. respect the history, respect Bible and respect other people, you will be respected by others
deutschlandcard 发表于 2010-4-12 17:56 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
I always respect who respect me.
Sometimes it is not a big deal if I am not respected and bored and lazy to react,无须废话. But if the people make rumor of me, sorry, u will see how i dont respect u^^
and BTW, the most important thing is at first u should respect urself.
And god know me. That is all^^ 有台灣地區的嗎? 邮箱地址联系不上啊?怎么回事? 一年半以前的帖子了。。。还有效吗?