Two nuns are riding their bicycles around the Vatican. After a while, one of the nuns says,” Hey, I never came this way before.”The second nun replies, “ Yeah, I know. It’s the cobblestones.”
At the back of a movie theater, a girl and a guy are making out passionately. Finally, the boy has to take a moment to stop and come up for air. “Wow,” he pants.” I really love kissing you. But would you mind not passing me your chewing gum?”
“Oh, that’s not chewing gym,” replies the girl.” I have bronchitis”
Three old men are sitting around, comparing how feeble they’ve become in their old age.
The first old guy says,” My hands shake so badly that when I shaved this morning, I cut my face.”
Not one to be outdone, the second geriatric proclaims, “My hands shake so badly that when I trimmed my garden yesterday, I sliced all my flowers.”
“That’s nothing,” the third old man says sadly.” My hands shake so badly that when I took a piss yesterday. I came three times!” {:4_278:}看不懂 第一个,好黄啊{:4_294:} 第二个很不卫生 第三个..... HOLY SH*T~ 第一个。。还好。。。可是第二个。。。好恶心。。。。
第三个。。。恩。。机器手臂老爷爷。。哦也 1. bike shaking
2. dirty
3. hand gun 第二个我准备拿去恶心别人,哈哈哈哈