p.s. 我真是一点情况都不了解,麻烦大家乐!!
多谢多谢!! 本帖最后由 Eggplant 于 2009-3-12 09:35 编辑
多谢各位前辈了,我是新来的,在考虑要不要去德国读研究生。但是很想知道多点在德国的华人毕业以后的出路,好找工作吗? -- Not as easy as you thought. Do you ever hear about the finace crisis?! What do you want to study and which job do you want to find?
德国那便是不是要求会德语,-- 99% Jobs need Germany knowlege. 而且会优先考虑欧盟的公民啊?--Not really.If you are good enough and your knowledge is very important for your job...
还有就是,德国的大学/研究生教育怎么样啊?-- Dear, There are ALWAYS good and bad universities. It Is imporativ...
我就听说不用教学费,-- WRONG! You have to pay for the Study since 2008 now!但是不知道会不会因为没有学费,所以学业也很荒啊……-- If you were right, the study in England should be the best of the world( it is the most expensive study), right?!Use your head...{:5_371:}
p.s. 我真是一点情况都不了解,麻烦大家乐!!
多谢多谢!! 多谢各位前辈了,我是新来的,在考虑要不要去德国读研究生。但是很想知道多点在德国的华人毕业以后的出路,好找工作吗? -- Not as easy as you thought. Do you ever hear about the finace crisis?! What do you w ...
Eggplant 发表于 2009-3-12 09:34 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
fifi 发表于 2009-3-12 09:49 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
Liebling, Wenn jemand nicht selbst denken kann, sollten wir fuer ihnen entscheiden...?!{:5_368:}
Liebling, Wenn jemand nicht selbst denken kann, sollten wir fuer ihnen entscheiden...?!{:5_368:}
Eggplant 发表于 2009-3-12 11:05 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
人家都成年了, 应该自己会entscheiden了. 万一等下走了歪路, 还要怪我们............{:5_392:} 这样回答问题的人,不多,帮顶