妹妹在英国读书,想来德国玩,说是旅游签证的话给签的时间比较短,这种情况能让她签探亲签证吗?如果可以的话需要什么呢~而且还有个问题,就是她签证上的时间不多了,这种情况下,还好签德国么?{:4_282:} 本帖最后由 PimmsL.D.N. 于 2009-6-20 20:11 编辑英国学生签证上最好有3个月以上有效期啦
Visitors visa (family / friends)
* An invitation and a passport copy from your host in Germany (data page and page with residence permit if your host is not German, data page only if your host is German) or a formal obligation /(Verpflichtungserklärung)/ from your host in Germany. The formal obligation can be obtained by your host at his local town authorities in Germany ("Ausländerbehörde").
* Evidence that you have sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay, e.g. recent bank statement or traveller's cheques. Please note that cash is no acceptable proof.
* Evidence of occupation / student status, i.e. recent letter from your employer / school / university. 伦敦的德国使馆签证网页链接:http://www.london.diplo.de/Vertretung/london/en/07/Visabestimmungen/Documents__for__Schengen__seite.html 要去的话,要早预约。那个办事效率很慢的。。。 她的签证有效期至少3个月 你邀请她 她并且定了机票的话 申请到3个月的申根还是很有可能的
我曾经邀请过两个朋友来德国 都给签了3个月的多次往返
不过她们两个都在英国工作 不知道学生签证会不会更严格一些