卓卓 发表于 2009-6-29 10:59

zt 麦克杰克逊死后,这个孩子才说出了真相!===有人辟谣了。。

本帖最后由 卓卓 于 2009-6-29 20:14 编辑

“I Lied for my father, i’m sorry Michael”
    After the sudden death of Michael Jackson Evan Chandler tells the truth.
    In 1993, Chandler told a psychiatrist and police that he and Jackson had engaged in sexual acts that included oral sex, the boy gave detailed de软妹子ion of Jackson’s genitals. The case was settled out of court for a reported $22 million, but the strain led Jackson to begin taking painkillers. Eventually he became addicted.
    Now maybe for the remorse of his death Chandler decides to tell us the truth. ” I never meant to lie and destroy Michael Jackson but my father made me to tell only lies. Now i can’t tell Michael how much i’m sorry and if he will forgive me ”.Evan Chandler was tape-recorded saying amongst other things, “If I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever…
    Under the influence of a controversial father (Jordan Chandler) told his son to tell that Jackson had touched his penis.Jordan Chandler then told a psychiatrist and later police that he and Jackson had engaged in acts of kissing, masturbation and oral sex, as well as giving a detailed de软妹子ion of what he alleged were the singer’s genitals.
    “Now for the first time i can’t bare to lie anymore. Michael Jackson didn’t do anything to me, all was my father lies to escape from being poor.”
  麦克杰克逊忽然死亡后,Evan Chandler说出了实话。
  也许是因为对杰克逊的死亡感到懊悔,Chandler终于愿意说出实情了。“我从未想过要撒谎并毁坏杰克逊的名誉,但我爸爸只让我撒谎。我对麦克感到无比的内疚,不知他是否会原谅我。”Evan Chandler在录音带里做了这样的表述,“我这么干(撒谎)的话,就腾达了,不会有什么损失。我可以得到很多,而他们则会被永远的毁掉。”  
  那个充满争议的父亲(Jordan Chandler)让他儿子说杰克逊摸了他的阴茎。Jordan Chandler还告诉一个心理医生,并在后来告诉警察,他的儿子和杰克逊还干了诸如接吻,撸管子,咬的事情,并详细地描述了歌手的生殖器座位指控证词。


疯狂的钢琴 发表于 2009-6-29 11:04


Passagier 发表于 2009-6-29 11:09


nick0700 发表于 2009-6-29 11:14


卓卓 发表于 2009-6-29 11:15


Vagantli 发表于 2009-6-29 11:25


CindyamMain 发表于 2009-6-29 11:30


Chupa_Chups 发表于 2009-6-29 11:31

yqdhhql 发表于 2009-6-29 11:40


hope 发表于 2009-6-29 11:43

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