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发表于 2009-10-5 18:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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转自豆瓣Susan Miller小组http://www.douban.com/group/susanmiller/

This is the month your life will begin to turn a corner and bring you much closer to life as you want it, both personally and professionally. When you begin to see things change for the better, no one will be more surprised than you. For too long, you've had quite a no-frills life, and you've not seen much evidence that this would ever change. Furthermore, you need evidence that you've been making the right moves and showing good judgment, and that will show up soon now, too. This month will be chock-full of news, and as tense as September proved to be (and it was that, for sure), October will be just the opposite - joyful, lively, and full of fast-moving events.


Mercury is no longer retrograde at the start of October, and more importantly, Saturn and Uranus have calmed down and won't be fighting with each other as fiercely - nor will these two pick arguments with the Sun, moon, and Mercury as they did last month. Let's get started looking at the month ahead.


As October begins, you seem to be working very hard toward finishing a big work project. The full moon will bring an enormous amount of energy for you to use, but also to harness team members and get them on board. If you feel things were crawling along in September, with nothing but one delay after another, that would sound right. If you were wondering if this project will ever get done on time, the good news is yes, it likely will. Rally the team and delegate - you can be very effective now and everyone will pull together beautifully.


Watch your health near October 4, as it appears you might run yourself down a bit. If there is any part of you that needs attention, you will know at this time, and should go to the doctor for help. This full moon will be sweetly angled to Jupiter so you will get the right advice and be on your way to better health. Jupiter is the planet of healing and miracles but also the planet associated with financial gain. This suggests that the project you are working on at the start of October could lead you to a raise eventually. Do a good job!


Once Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, goes direct on October 13, you will see your professional life take off. Jupiter has been retrograde since mid-June, but will now turn on full power. There are two areas where you'll see the results from Jupiter's stronger orbit: 1) better finances - specifically, you will have an easier time increasing your earned income, and 2) you can see more upbeat news in regard to a goal related to real estate, home, and family. (An extra dollop of good news is due to come to one, or both, of your parents. Watch those areas for a shot of really good luck in the weeks ahead.)


You may sense things improving a few days prior to the date Jupiter turns direct on October 13, from October 9 through 11. Over these days, not only will we be hours away from the point when Jupiter turns direct, but the Sun and Jupiter will form a gorgeous aspect - a "trine - which is the best you can get. This shows me you may not even have to wait until October 13 to see a home or family related victory. If you need to lease a new apartment, sell your coffee table, get a more attractive bid from a contractor to do over your kitchen, or do any other property-related plan, you can expect to see progress at long last. When a big planet like Jupiter turns on the power, you can usually see signs immediately that things are looking up. Look carefully for clues that when it comes to money and home / family issues, better days lie ahead.


Over the past weeks you seem to have had an enormous emphasis on travel. It may be that you needed to take more than one foreign or long-distance domestic trip, or that you have been on the phone a lot to complete an international project. If you work in publishing or broadcasting, then you may have had an ongoing project that required much attention. This project seems to be winding down on or near October 15 when Mars will move into Leo.


If you have been traveling, you will not be able to get away as easily after October 15. You may want to take that business trip or vacation sometime in the first two weeks, for best progress.


There is another reason I suggest you travel earlier, not later. After Mars enters Leo on October 16, Mars will light your tenth house of fame and honors, giving you a very high profile in your industry or community. A great deal of interesting news will be going on in your career - all of it good - and you will want to be back at your base to enjoy it and attend to possible offers and opportunities. Usually Mars stays in one part of the chart for seven weeks, but this time, Mars will stay in your career success and achievement sector for nearly eight months! This is extraordinary!


You will do best while Mars moves direct speed, and that's from October 16 to December 20. I should add here that Mars will move faster in October than November, for as Mars moves along he will get more tired, until he grinds to a stop in retrograde on December 20. So December will be slower than November, and November slower than October. Mars will retrograde from December 20 to March 10.

你会做的最好的,当火星直接行动速度,从10月16日到12月20日。 我应该要补充一点,火星移动的速度在10月将会比11月快,他将会更累一些,知道它逆行停在12月20日。所以12月火星的移动速度将比11月慢,而11月比10月更慢。火星将从12月20日到2010年3月10日逆行。

When Mars finally turns direct and speeds up again through your house of fame and honors from March 10 to June 7, he will be moving at top speed. That will be your best period of all for your career. Keep that in mind and plan to have something to launch at that time! Anything! Introduce a new product or service, present a great idea to your boss to be implemented in March, or start interviewing like mad now, and then again later, in March through June, if necessary. You are so lucky to have this brilliant help from Mars. On top of that, Mars is one of your two rulers, giving this trend double weight for Scorpio.


As I mentioned previously, as Jupiter is now about to move in a more positive, powerful direction, you are likely to find it easier to get paid what you deserve. All in all, when it comes to career, things are looking up, big time!


You are getting close to your birthday this month, so before that happens, the Sun will move through your twelfth house, making it the ideal time to think about what you'd like to have happen in the next twelve months. The twelfth house is one that encourages you to be creative and imaginative - see your life as a movie, dear Scorpio, and make yourself the star. What should happen next for our protagonist?



Work will be on your mind as you begin October. You'll be busy finishing a major project at the full moon phase, October 4, plus or minus four days. You'll see a strong team effort around you, so you will make your deadline, plus or minus four days of this date. Keep your health up to par, as you'll be using a great deal of your energy.

在十月的開始,工作一直在你的腦海中占重要位置,你將會很忙碌的,要在十月四日滿月前後完成一個重要的企畫。你會看到強力的團體力量包圍着你,所以把你的死線定在滿月前後四天是有利的。注意健康吧,因為你得耗費大量精力 。

A wonderful feature of October is that Saturn, the planet of lessons learned and of facing and accepting new responsibilities, will exit your eleventh house of friendship, fun, and events. Over the past two years that Saturn has occupied this house, you may have been concerned about a friend and perhaps helped him or her through a personal crisis. Or, you may have taken on a leadership position in a club or charity, for the eleventh house rules groups and also humanitarian events. Once Saturn moves on, you will find your social life becomes lighter and happier.


Saturn will briefly move back into this house when it retrogrades from April 7 to July 21, 2010. Those fourteen weeks will fly by, and moreover, you will have seen just how vibrant life can be. That will change you in a very deep and abiding way. Your outlook and your love life will improve, too, as the eleventh house of friendship, parties, and other fun events is linked to your fifth house of true love. Wow, this surely is the moment you have awaited! Just remember that Saturn will move on October 29, and it will take a little while to feel the difference, but feel it you will!

土星大概会在下年4月7日至7月21日逆行回到十一宮,那十四星期內,你將会看到生活可以有怎样的震动,那时候將会对你有非常深层的改交,你的外貌和爱情生活也会有所进步,因为代表友谊、派对、玩乐場合的十一宮也跟代表真爱的五宮有連系(圓:真的,五宮不止代表真愛啦!!!還有創作和表演!)。wow~ 那肯定是你期待以久的时刻,只需要记着土星会在10月29日移动,要花点时間去感受当中的不同,但你会感受到的!

This is all very curious because meanwhile, in another part of your chart, on October 16, Mars, the planet of energy and purpose, will be gearing up to add nearly eight months of razzle-dazzle to your career. Just as Saturn is due to haul out of your eleventh house, allowing your private life to blossom, Mars will be busy seeing to it that you finally get career rewards for hard work you've put in. You will have to pay attention to your career after October 16 - you will get the kind of opportunities that you used to only dream about, but you will have a better balance in your life between your private and public life.

一切都很值得好奇,因为同時,在你星盘的另一部分,在10月16日,代表力量和目的的火星將会加速,对你的职业生涯帶來差不多八个月的混乱。正好是土星離开你的十一宮,让你私人生活可以璀璨些,火星就让你在事业上忙着,因为你之前的努力,终於在事业上得到些成绩了。10月16日后,你得注意下你的事业 – 你將会得到某些梦寐以求的机会!不过,你得在私人生活和对外生活上取得一个平衡。

Speaking about your career, your best phase will come in the spring, from March 10 to June 7, but you should see some exciting news later this month and in November, too. The part of the chart that Mars will highlight is your house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame - quite a lofty part of the chart. Your name will be in lights in your industry for months, from now until June 7, 2010. Wow!

说到你的事业,最有利你的階段將会在春天,3月10日至6月7 日,但你也应会在10月下旬或11月收到令人兴奋的消息。火星会強调着你代表名誉、成就、榮耀的宮位 – 在你星盘中較崇高的部分。你的名字会在你的行业中被注意到,長达好几个月,由現在到2010年6月7日,WOW!

Lastly, once Saturn enters your twelfth house, you will have a chance to live a healthier life in every sense. This is the house of self-undoing, the area of the chart that reflects self-destructive behavior. Sometimes we simply don't believe there will be consequences. Saturn will look to see if there are any areas you need to work on, and he will help you. If there is a habit that is bad for you, Saturn will show you how to kick it and give you the means and reasons to do so. If you have only dated unavailable types, you will end that proclivity - first seeing why you do - so that you can find true romantic happiness you deserve.

最后,当土星进入你的十二宮,你会得到机会生活得健康点。这是个代表潛意识(self-undoing 这意思我沒搞清),十二宮表現的是自我毁滅的行为,有时我們簡直不能相信会有这样的结果。土星会替你检查有什么地方你沒做好,他会幫你在那地方努力。如果你一直有什么坏习慣,土星会显示你该怎样改掉它,给你改掉坏习慣的意义和原因,如果你正在和不适合的对象交往,是时候结束了,首先你会看到你这么做的原因,使你明白真爱、浪漫、快樂都是你值得拥有的!

Think of Saturn as an expert you hire to come in to clean out the closets of your mind. Saturn will help you reorganize them by showing you what should remain and what should go. You are about to start a whole new cycle in late 2012 and it will be Saturn's job to make sure you begin it in the best possible way, on the right foot.


Dates to Note for Scorpio:

Want a new dog or cat for your household? Choose one at the full moon October 4.

Most romantic dates of the month: October 1, 2, 9-11, 18, 20, 23, 24, 28, and 29.

Plan a big dinner with friends on your best night for a night out: October 20 in a pretty restaurant.

Pack your bags and travel far and wide, thanks to Mars in Cancer: October 1-15.

Your career is about to explode with fantastic opportunity in an unusual and long trend of Mars: October 16, 2009, to June 7, 2010. In this period you will do best March 10 to June 7, 2010, but will build up to that point starting now.

The new moon October 18 plus two weeks will increase your instinct and intuitive ability even more - and it is already operating on high levels!

Want to give up a bad habit? Work with the new moon October 18-28 to banish psychological factors that hold you back.

Negotiate a contract on October 23 or 24 - you'll feel powerful, and you will be that and more!

When Saturn leaves Virgo on October 29, you'll have more time with friends in coming weeks and months - even years - without the frustrating obstacles that you encountered. If you moved to a new location, you'll be able to make new friends more easily. Join clubs after this date - any time.

Want to make your home more attractive? Shop on October 28.




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发表于 2009-10-5 18:36 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-10-5 18:37 | 显示全部楼层
转自豆瓣Susan Miller小组http://www.douban.com/group/susanmiller/

下一站 发表于 2009-10-5 19:29


“为20号的最佳夜晚制定一个宴会计划,约你的朋友去高档饭店。 ”
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-10-5 18:41 | 显示全部楼层
Mandy 发表于 2009-10-5 19:36

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发表于 2009-10-5 18:48 | 显示全部楼层
狮月娘 发表于 2009-10-5 19:41

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发表于 2009-10-5 19:49 | 显示全部楼层
生日快乐, 如果我没认错的话
小.鬼 发表于 2009-10-5 20:28

Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-10-5 19:56 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-10-5 19:57 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-10-5 20:00 | 显示全部楼层
我认错了,谁是火影啊? 我醉了,看晕乎了
小.鬼 发表于 2009-10-5 20:56

你这个小鬼,又喝酒了!! 拉出去。。。

Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-10-5 20:01 | 显示全部楼层
我认错了,谁是火影啊? 我醉了,看晕乎了
小.鬼 发表于 2009-10-5 20:56

Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
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