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[话题] susan miller 5 月运 (这次有内容啦, 哈哈)

发表于 2010-5-1 16:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 崂山道士 于 2010-5-1 18:01 编辑

前天骗了大家, 道士在这里陪不是了, 哈哈, 改正错误,今天把内容加上了, 不容易啊, 一块儿一块儿地往上贴, 手都酸啦,眼也晕了.

Welcome to a landmark month, dear Aries. On May 27, Uranus, the planet of change, creativity, surprise, and even chaos, will enter your sign for a brief preview of what's to come next year. Uranus will stay in Aries for the next seven years beginning in March 2011, but for the coming weeks, from May 27 to August 14, Uranus will give you a little peek of just how exciting life can be when Uranus favors you above all others.

When a big outer planet like Uranus enters a new sign, it's headline news, for the opinions, trends, and even the fashions and politics of the day will reflect the sensibilities of that sign. This may all sound like a miracle (considering all you've been through lately), but believe it - it's coming and you'll love every minute of this trend.

What makes this trend even more vivid is that next month, on June 6, Jupiter will enter Aries too, adding much more oomph. Like Uranus, Jupiter won't stay, but he will stay a little longer in your sign, until September 9, and he will return in January 2011), so you have lots to look forward to now. The coming months could turn out to be downright thrilling.

Uranus has a cycle of 84 years, so the world has not experienced Uranus in Aries since the last time Uranus visited your sign, 1927 to 1935. This means that most people alive today have never experienced Uranus' powerful influence so directly, and chances are (unless you are in your eighties) all you experience will be completely new.

You'll soon enter an unforgettable seven-year stretch that will change others' view of you as well as your own view of yourself. You are capable of more, and Uranus will reveal this to you easily. If anyone has hemmed you in, held you back, or driven you to distraction, they will be sorry - you are about to break free of any and all debilitating situations in very dramatic fashion. Uranus was already edging close enough to Aries (over the past weeks), so you may have already experienced some of the rebelliousness and need to exert independence that is the trademark of Uranus.

March-born Aries will be first to feel the full effects of Uranus but anyone with early degrees of Aries in their natal chart will feel this trend very strongly.

Comfort and security will become less important to you in coming years than being truly independent and having the freedom and ability to take risks. You can and will make incredible, major strides once you are under the wing of Uranus. Unexpected events and forces will, at times, completely change your course, but amid it all, you'll find your true calling. It will be an amazing, breathless, unforgettable time to be an Aries. The coming years that Uranus will be in Aries, until 2018, will have the power to change your path and your understanding of your true worth, forever.

You have a lot on your plate because the eclipses of January 1 and 15, 2010, in Capricorn and Cancer, are (or soon will) have a big influence on your living and career situation. In a way, eclipses work in the same way Uranus does - very suddenly, like lightning.

Those eclipses may or may not have exerted their messages yet, but it was possible you heard something in April when the mathematical degrees reached what astrologers call their "midpoints." In other words, by April, if you had not yet seen the handwriting on the wall, those eclipses were beginning to speak in loud, clearer voices.

Eclipses don't always deliver their messages at the time they occur - sometimes they take extra weeks or even months to do so. As just one example of many possibilities, you may have been told you have a new boss in January, but by last month you may have begun to see the results from those changes.

We will have another pair of eclipses due June 26 and July 11, with June 26 the more emotional and difficult of the two. That will be true for everyone of every sign. Don't worry about that eclipse or anything else. Like Uranus, eclipses uproot all that is outdated and outworn. You are quite ready to add new elements to your life. You are so lucky that you're an Aries, because of the entire zodiac, you're the most fearless.

May can be a highly productive month for you, but only if you carefully navigate around the haywire effects of Mercury, which, as you enter the month, is still retrograde until May 11.

Keep in mind that the "bookend dates" - start and stop dates - of a retrograde Mercury are the very WORST dates. That's when the static around Mercury is always at the highest level. I realize that this is counter-intuitive, but it's important that you NOT jump on important activities or announce any key decisions until two days after the retrograde, from May 13 onward.

That's actually good timing, because the new moon this month, falling also on May 13, will be a really good one! This new moon will light your house of salary and other earned income. The fact that this new moon is one of the few truly exciting and positive new moons of the year bodes well for your ability to uncover a new source of income later this month. Actually a new moon has the power to change your life for a full year, but it's all contingent on what you do just AFTER the new moon appears, within that two-week period that follows its appearance.

You might get freelance or part time work, or you might find a well-paying full time position to interview for this month. It may take time to get your new job (or not), but what matters is that you begin talking to the employer in the second half of May. If you are self-employed, pitch new business, for your timing will hit the target.

No matter what your employment status, your new moon in Taurus at 23 degrees can help you create a secure base. Saturn will be in the perfect, most supportive position to help you. Because Saturn is the planet of long-term gain, you may find a new job or client that you enjoy working with so much that you may decide to remain in that situation a long time. This is really good news! As said, you will have two weeks in which to plant your seeds, May 13-27, with your strongest point at the front end of those weeks.

My very favorite day for you this month for money (and for being happy) will be Monday, May 17, when the Sun and Jupiter will have a major meeting to discuss you! Use this day to have any major interviews where money will come up.

I also like Tuesday, May 18, when the Sun and Saturn will make a jolly pair and you find it easier to make long-range work-related plans.

Finally, mark on your calendar Thursday, May 20, also special for money-related interviews and presentations, for that's when the Sun and Uranus will be in perfect harmony and that means all surprises will be good ones! The moon will cooperate too, by being in Leo. As you see, the week of May 17 to 20 is really quite wonderful for you.

The solar second house, where this new moon is falling, is also the house of possessions, so you may be ready to make a substantial purchase. If so, wait until Mercury is out of retrograde. That would be extra-important advice if you plan to buy an electronic, machine, vehicle, or appliance with moving parts.

If any checks are due you but have been running late, that money will start to arrive in your mailbox on May 11 or 12, but alas, not likely much before that. I suggest you start to make purchases any time or after May 13.

Jupiter, the great benefactor, will also be beaming rays to this new moon of May 13, suggesting that you will get awesome help from high level, influential people behind closed doors. You probably won't even be aware that you are getting strong support from VIPs behind the scenes.

The position of Mars is always a very telling part of how your month will go, and happily, Mars is in the most creative part of your chart, moving at a VERY fast, potent speed through most degrees of Leo, a fellow fire sign. You won't have any difficulty generating new ideas - and they'll be fantastic ones! Dear Aries, it doesn't get any better than this, on so many levels, including romance. (I will address your love life in more detail later in your report, so sit tight.)

Because Mars will move from approximately 12 to 27 degrees of Leo, those born April 2 to 16 will be most favored in May.

Those Aries readers with birthdays that fall from March 20 to April 2, or who have a rising sign that falls earlier than 12 degrees, had their best luck from March 11-31. If you say, "Gee, not much happened last month," then go through your BlackBerry and check your email - something may have come up that started to incubate. You may not be aware of how impressively that seed will continue to grow. Be happy!

Those Aries born April 17 to 19 will find the last week of May quite dazzling on all levels (love, money, career, and creativity), but the first week of June will be even more spectacular.

After June 7, Mars will move on into Virgo for about two months. Actually, that can be good news too, for Virgo rules your workaday sector. No matter when your birthday falls, if you do want more work or a new job, you will likely find it, whether full time, temporary, or freelance in nature.

Saturn will turn direct May 30 after having been retrograde since January 14, another sign that soon you will be able to more easily settle career and work questions. With Saturn retrograde all year, you've probably faced a confusing, difficult, or unproductive situation at work, which may have proved maddening at times if you were hoping to advance. Now, with Saturn regulating its orbit, your career progress should proceed at a much faster clip, without so many fits and starts.

If you were born near March 25-26 plus or minus three days, or have planets in the early degrees of Aries (near 4 or 5 degrees) you are dealing with Pluto in hard angle to your Sun. Pluto could put you in a difficult or underhanded political situation at work that was truly unfair. This might have been a really tense time for you, and I completely sympathize with all that you must have been dealing with these days.

If this resonates with you, be cheered in knowing that next month, June, you will have the outstanding advantage of having Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, in your sign. Only those Aries born in March will have the direct and overpowering protection of this benefic planet, but when Jupiter returns in January 2011, the other Aries will have this exceptional help from the happiest, most generous planet in the solar system.

Don't scoff at this or diminish its meaning. Jupiter will make YOU the celestial favorite of the zodiac for the first time in 12 years. Pisces began the year with this title, but has temporarily given up this grand advantage to you to enjoy. You will have Jupiter at your side until September 9, at which time Pisces will need it back again. It will be up to you to make the most of Jupiter's rare visit to your sign, but with just a little effort, with Jupiter behind you, you will see that your words and actions will have quite a bit of weight. Better days are due, dear Aries, and you can count on that!

Long distance travel appears to be in the cards over the full moon in Sagittarius, on May 27, operative plus or minus four days. That's the Memorial Day weekend in the United States, a popular time for many people to go away. This time, if you live in the US, or if your country has a holiday at the end of May too, you will be in the mood to cover many more miles than you might have done last year or on other Memorial Day holidays. You may go across country or even visit a foreign country.

This full moon on May 27 will be delicious because it will send a wink to Uranus (surprise), Jupiter (happiness and expansiveness), and Saturn (stability). While the moon will not be getting along with Neptune, that just means you might have a friend who is a little uncooperative, but that's easily fixed. (That's nothing to worry about). You should end the month in really good form!

If you were born on March 26 plus or minus five days, you will enjoy this full moon even more.

As an aside, foreign people may play a part in your life at May's end. It's also possible that what comes up may have something to do with a university - and news makes you happy. Publishing and broadcasting is lucky for you at this full moon.

Adding to the emphasis on travel, Venus will continue to tour your third house, ruling more close-to-home trips, a holdover from last month, and this will go on until May 20. And that just happens to be the day that the Sun enters Gemini, to pick up the banner once Venus leaves your travel sector.

As you see, you will have the power to journey near or far, and to enjoy yourself to the fullest when you do. Venus rules love and fun, after all, so you really do have a great month to look forward to this time.

Romantically, you have every reason to expect things to go fantastically well! With Mars in Leo in the house that rules not only creativity but also true love (and even babies), you should be at the top of your game. Your allure and charisma have never been greater,

In particular, watch what happens on May 7 when Venus will flirt with your ruler, Mars. Mars will still be in Leo, and Venus in Gemini - the sign of two - so if you are single, you may meet two interesting people that day.

Attached Aries who are born at the end of March who had been feeling strain due to Saturn in Libra now have relief. With tensions down, you can talk over a problem with greater ease. Saturn will be back to Libra in September, but before that happens, you can make outstanding progress.

Single, dating, or married, the week of May 15 to 20 should also be an incredibly happy one for love and fun, because the Sun, ruler of your solar fifth house, will meet with Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. That is one amazing lineup of planetary help!

Your most romantic dates include: May 7 (extra sparkling), 9-11, 14-15, 17 (perfect for a blind date), 18-19 (lovely!), 22, 27, and 28 (great weekend coming up!)

Dear Aries, this is one month you are coming into your own. You have every reason to be VERY optimistic!


With Mars moving at top speed in your house of love, if you're single, you should be tearing up the dance floor, enjoying drinks complete with little umbrellas bobbing in them, and generally socializing to the hilt. You will find the path to true love to be far easier than it has been at any other time this year.

Consider taking a summer share in a seaside cottage or booking a vacation to a nearby resort. Venus, now in your short travel sector, will open up the barriers to fun and relaxation now and summon Cupid who will work hard on your love life.

Attached? Think back to the full moon of March 29. From that point on, you knew where you stood and were able to plan accordingly. If you're still a couple, congratulations - you discovered your relationship is strong. Single or attached, this month will be just made for romance, so if you did break up, new love should come your way.

At work, fewer staff members mean more work and longer time to complete tasks. The pressure to perform will be high. By late July things will improve, so keep your chin up.

If you were born in March, you may have been troubled by a political situation that was very unfair - if you couldn't take it anymore, you left, possibly in the middle of your day!

Money due to you may be held up or delayed, a situation you may have had to deal with last month due to Mercury retrograde. Mercury turns direct on May 11 in your finance sector so after that, money should flow, especially if others owe you a check.

Just two days later, the new moon, May 13, will be your best moment of 2010 year to ask for a raise or negotiate salary for a new job or bring in new assignments if you work in your own business. Steel your courage and speak up prior to May 21 and life in 2010 will improve in a flash. This new moon is just made for you!

A trip or seminar / retreat will be very likely at month's end, May 27 plus or minus five days, so plan a vacation for month's end.

Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun, so the fact that Uranus will enter Aries for a few weeks beginning May 27 is MAJOR news. As is common when any outer planet changes signs, Uranus will dip his toe in Aries and then retreat back to Pisces, but in 2011, he will enter for good and not leave your sign again until 2018. This is a confidence-building aspect that will be loaded with exciting developments, for Jupiter will act as Uranus' ambassador and accompany him into Aries to get you oriented - and excited!

This is a wow of a time when you will begin to truly know who you are and where you should be going. In the coming seven years, your talents will blossom full fold. Anyone who tries to impede your progress will be sorry. Anyone who thinks they can predict your reactions will be wrong! Are you smiling and nodding? I bet you are! YO, ARIES! Your time has come!

Dates to Note for Aries:





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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-1 16:36 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 崂山道士 于 2010-5-1 17:39 编辑


May brings lots of excitement and a chance to start fresh on a whole new chapter of life. You are so fortunate that the new moon in Taurus on May 13 is so favorable! We all depend on having a really positive, friendly new moon each month to package all the energy swirling about a chart, but sometimes a new moon brims with luck, and other times it falls short. This is one of the best of the year and it's falling in Taurus.

This new moon receives golden beams from Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, in your house of friends and group events. Uranus is currently traveling close to Jupiter too, so Uranus will add his gift of out-of-the-blue surprises, in a noticeable, positive way. The people you know should turn out to be quite an area of help and support from mid-to-late month. You may get this support from a whole group of people or from one or two individuals. Saturn, in your house of love, will send all the help he can find for you, and because it's Saturn working, you can bet the help will be substantial. As soon as this new moon appears, you will have your chance to plot your course and to set an initiation very dear to your heart. Truly, however, a friend or even a casual contact will have a big part to play in your luck. Your social life should be fairly lively this month too, especially in mid-to-end of May.

The initiation you make could be about anything important to you, but it appears, by looking at your overall chart, that you seem to be on a mission this month to create a richer and more balanced personal life. This new moon activating your friendship / group / humanitarian area of your chart, and Saturn in your romantic fun / pregnancy and care of children area of your chart, says it all. This seems to be where your priorities lie, and you can make headway in any of these areas.

If children are not in your life, you may be thinking of new ways to express your artistic talents. Generate a new project by submitting a query, arranging a meeting, or presenting a proposal. Your timing would be superb!

I can conjecture about what you will be thinking about, but when a new moon is in your sign, it is up to you to find a way to use it. A new moon has the power to change your life in a big way, not for a few days but for a whole 12 months to come. The caveat is that you must act within the two weeks following the new moon. Once those initial actions take root - and they can take as long as you feel is necessary, whether in terms of weeks or even months - you will begin a new chapter of life. This new moon, May 13 at 23 degrees Taurus, is an important one for you, so start thinking of what you'd like to do.

If your birthday falls within five days of May 13, you will notice that the wind is in your sails.

With Mars in your home and property base, you seem still to be focused on a move or renovation, or you may have family tensions that have been hard to fix. This may have been going on as far back as last October when Mars first entered this house. When Mars turned retrograde in late December 2009, you may have had little choice but to put the project on hold. Similarly, if a parent was your focus, you may have had to delay your search for solutions to help your Mom or Dad.

Things began to change when Mars went direct in early March, but at the time, Mars was moving, but creeping along slowly. Now, however, Mars is moving REALLY fast, and you should be able to get a lot done this month - more than any progress you made so far.

If you are involved with some sort of home-related or property-related project, aim to have things wrapped up by June 7, the day Mars will move into another sign. After that, you won't have the rocket booster energy of Mars behind you anymore, and you will have to be patient until the new moon in Leo appears on August 9 to give you additional help. If that is too long to wait, you have excellent aspects the week of May 17, so work hard to complete things. Be decisive and swing into action. If a family situation is on your mind, do research, talk to your siblings or relatives, and start to shape a blueprint for your next step.

You should not schedule important actions during the first half of the month because Mercury will be retrograde in Taurus. Although Mercury goes direct on May 11, the day it turns direct is one of the days Mercury will be on his worst behavior, acting out of control and being a menace to one and all. You will want to give any planet that turns direct two days (at least) before initiating plans. If you need to buy any expensive items like a computer or new TV set for your home, wait until after May 13 to do so.

Mercury is tied to your income, so if you've found your finances to be rather unpredictable and unreliable, it's probably because Mercury is retrograde. If you have anticipated a check but not been paid, chances are the money will arrive mid-month. After mid-month you will have an easier time making financial deals too, and generally life in other areas will improve.

On June 12, you will have a new moon in your financial house and that may be the moment you need to push things assertively in the direction you choose and to generate good cash flow.

You have one outstanding day on May 7 that could work out well for having positive financial negotiations or developments. Or, you may receive a beautiful, possibly quite valuable gift, perhaps for your birthday. Mars and your ruler, Venus, will be receiving some lovely beams from each other, so it's likely to be a happy day for you. The moon will be in gentle Pisces, too - perfect for you - and because it's the sign of two fishes, you may get new pieces of good financial news (or, two gifts)!

The very best week of the month will extend from May 17 to 21 when you will have one sweet and encouraging aspect after another.

First, on Monday, May 17, the Sun and Jupiter will be beautifully supportive, indicating that a friend will offer you amazing help or will do something that makes you feel quite blessed.

On May 18, the Sun will summon Saturn and create a day for setting foundations for the future and for creating deals of mutual benefit. Venus, your ruler, will signal Neptune, too, on this day, so you might have a gorgeous social event to attend that evening.

On Thursday, May 20, the Sun and Uranus will have an upbeat conversation, and again, friends are part of the picture, but quite unexpectedly so. This is a lively wonderful influence, filled with fun.

Still, not everything will be easy on the friendship front, as Saturn and Jupiter (as well as Saturn and Uranus) will be arguing with each other. You may have problems with one friend that you don't see coming, so keep your antenna up. You may have seen evidence of problems with this friend at the end of April, so perhaps this will be a time of continued discussions or meditations about what occurred then and what to do now. Saturn opposed to Jupiter usually brings a big expense, so perhaps you will need to go to a wedding or charity event and have to lay out quite a bit of cash to attend.

If a friendship has troubled you (and not I am saying it has or will, but if so), then you would need to fix things before May 31, the date Neptune will go retrograde. Neptune is the ruler of your solar eleventh house of friendship, and once you reach May 31, will stay in weak position until November 7. This is assuming the friendship is important to you, but if it is not, let it go.

In your career, thanks to the move of Saturn direct on May 30, you'll see publishing and broadcasting enterprises take off - and you'll have the rest of the year to make progress. If you need to take a business trip that you had cancelled, you will be able to proceed with plans, confident that you won't need to backtrack.

Financial considerations will come up again as a main focus within three days of May 27. That full moon in Sagittarius (6 degrees) will focus you on loans, matters of credit, venture capital, scholarships, and similar areas of side money. Yet that full moon is a happy one, for the gang of three - Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn - will be back to help you in a big way. News could even be really exciting. For example, you could find a windfall or get some news you didn't expect.

Neptune will be in hard angle to that moon, however, so if you are in a legal dispute over money, make sure you have all the information you need and that no financial facts have been deliberately hidden.

Neptune will be cranky though, and that planet can obscure facts and cause errors, so check all statements. If you are in the middle of a financial dispute, demand a chance to dig deeper.

Romantically, the turn of Saturn to direct speed on May 30 should allow you to find a person that is truly appropriate for you. Saturn has been causing one obstacle after another in regard to your social life ever since it entered your fifth house of true love in September 2007. Saturn left this area in late October 2009 and retrograded back in on April 7.

This month, on May 30, Saturn will go direct, and you will finally start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You will have to wait until Saturn is fully out of this house and into Libra, and that will happen on July 21. Once there, Saturn will not be back to your true love sector until 2036. For now, you will see a slight change for the better, and you will have the peace of mind in the knowledge that Saturn is finally traveling in the right direction - away from your house of true love for good. For you, love lessons learned are almost completed. Great! Stronger and wiser, you won't likely repeat any debilitating patterns in the future because you will know better.

Saturn's departure in July will be big news, but for now you have some reasons for being optimistic, too.

On May 19, you will have Venus moving into Cancer, which will give you a small but sweet reason to believe you will have some luck in the love department later this month. You may be able to travel to a nearby spot that are you particularly fond of, and when you do, you will fan the fires of romance.

May 19 is significant and lyrical for another reason - Mercury will work well with Pluto, planet of transformation. Pluto's in your house of long distance travel, and Mercury rules your fifth house of true love. Again, the message is if you can travel, romance could easily find you.

Although the full moon of May 27 (operative plus or minus four days) brings a strong emphasis on money, other things going on in your chart will ALSO help to promote tender feelings in love, too. In the US, the Memorial Day weekend (May 29-31) coincides with this full moon, a popular time to go away. If you can, do! As you see, this month will be chock full of activity once you get to the middle. You'll enjoy the fuss!

Your most romantic dates include: May 3, 7-8 (brilliant), 12-14, 16-17, 20-21, 25, and 29-30.


Socially, you'll be in demand - so much so you'll be wondering how to keep up with everyday obligations of work, family, and any others you may have. Certainly, your private life has been taking precedence lately.

Invitations to events will be too sweet to pass up, so you'll need to do some master juggling to accept them all. Personal growth will result, and you could also realize an unexpected professional breakthrough, thanks to the efforts of a friend or your association with a group or community. No matter how crammed your life happens to be, you can find a way to be out and about.

Admittedly, a lot is going on with your home situation or in regard to family. You may need to move, renovate, or decorate your apartment, which would keep you mighty busy. Or, you may need to solve a complex family matter that arose several months ago. Still, be cheerful, for if you and your family have not agreed on a direction to take, you can make progress now that Mars is moving at top speed. Present your point of view, but be prepared to compromise too in some cases.

The new moon in Taurus May 13 will mark a change for the better on just about every front. This would be an ideal time to launch a new endeavor or relationship that is dear to your heart. Act within seven days of this date. If your birthday falls near May 13, this new moon will help you even more, for your year ahead will be filled with many fresh starts.

No matter when your birthday happens to fall, a friend or a group / community of people with will be pivotal to your progress. One or two surprise invitations will come up and those events will foretell what's coming next - take those events seriously. A new friend could make you very happy in weeks and months to come. Extend yourself and cultivate new contacts.

The first part of the month may bring a number of frustrating delays due to Mercury, still in retrograde, until May 11. Don't jump on that date to resume important activities, though, as you need to leave a space of at least two days before you act. The last day of a retrograde is often the very worst.

Finances may have been frustrating, especially if checks due you have been late. However, when it comes to money you will have reason for celebration on the full moon, May 27, plus or minus five days, when you may get an influx of cash out of the blue. Help things along by buying a charity raffle or scratch-off ticket. TV game shows would be lucky, too!

In love, things are heading in the right direction. Saturn is moving direct at month's end and will soon be out of your house of true love by the end of July, not to return until 2036. While you wait for July to arrive, the new moon in Taurus on May 13 will also focus the world on you, and getting a little extra attention will be exactly what you need to liven things up. By month's end, travel, both near and far, will help you spice up your chances for romance too, especially at the end of May.

Happy Birthday, dear Taurus!

Dates to Note for Taurus:

Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-1 16:37 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 崂山道士 于 2010-5-1 17:42 编辑

Life has not been easy for you, but May will give you a little breather and time to think about your next move. While you think about what comes next, your career is about to show another happy victory at mid-month, on or near May 17, and it could be due to the fine work you've done previously. Finally you are starting to see the results you dreamed about. By month's end, the planets will be playing musical chairs, and this time they are moving to all the right places to help you see a far better social life - perhaps the best you've seen in years! Wow!

Mercury will be retrograde as you begin May, a holdover from mid-April when this planet started its reverse. Mercury is your ruling planet, so you would feel the effects of a weak Mercury more than most. Keep in mind that those effects are not always adverse. While it is true that you and others could easily become forgetful, confused, and indecisive during a retrograde, and that miscommunications and misunderstandings become rampant, Mercury retrograde has an upside, too.

You will have a chance to reconnect with one or two old friends from the past and make plans to do things together in the future. Old facts come to light and something you thought you lost may come back to you. It's a great time to clean out closets and drawers - treasures show up! With so many appointments being shuffled around on your calendar, you will have more time to address projects and other things that you have been meaning to do but have put off for lack of time. Dear Gemini, clear the decks before your new chapter of activity begins - and that will be soon!

If you need to work on a manuscript, report, thesis, or any other written document that requires your time and concentration, fire up your pot of coffee, put your cell phone ringer on silent, and head for a quiet place to work. I love working on my laptop in a neighborhood outdoor cafe when the weather is warm and sunny - you might, too. Mercury in Taurus would be the ideal place for getting a lot done and if you are in a pretty setting, everything will go better. Need to work in a library? Choose the oldest, most beautiful, and well-maintained one in town. If you need to work at home, bring in flowers for your desk. Mercury in Taurus allows you to think best and work more productively when beauty is near.

Mars is still in Leo, so it seems you either have been working very hard on a writing or speaking assignment, or have had to travel quite a bit. If you are in sales, you've been beating the bushes with a passion to find prospective buyers. Mars is moving faster than at any point since Mars first entered Leo in mid-October, so the pace will be a lively one this month in regard to communication and travel, especially after Mercury turns direct in mid-month. You will get more done than ever, so roll up your sleeves, dear Gemini. You will see an end to this trend after June 7, so get as much done now as you can.

Home and family will be a big focus once Mars enters Virgo next month from June 7 to July 29. This may be good news, because it looks like you've neglected just about everything (and everyone) else in life in favor of concentrating on assignments or traveling for work. If you are in sales, PR, or marketing, it's also been a crazy-busy time for you. Remember when you had free time and took it for granted you always would? Can you remember that far back? Happily, it looks as though your home and family will be getting more of time from you soon, and later, with changes to the planets, you'll have a much bigger social life. (More about that later.)

Saturn retrograded back into your home sector last month on April 7, so you might be concerned about a real estate, home, or family situation. Whatever has come up, financial considerations may be playing a considerable part in your meditation, because clearly your income sources have been changing due to the eclipses that came by in January.

The way eclipses work is different from the way other aspects in a chart deliver news, for eclipses deliver their news over much longer stretches of time, up to six months or even longer, until the next eclipse comes by to push the discussions on the table to a new and more advanced level. This goes on for 18-24 months, until the eclipses change signs. The eclipses of January are still exerting a pull to this day and were very strong last month in April, for they had reached mathematical midpoints, which are significant in astrology.

Two more eclipses are due to fall in the same family of signs, Capricorn and Cancer (respectively), starting next month, due June 26 and July 11, so clearly the way you make money and how you manage it is shifting day by day. Eclipses are known to take things away and bring on sudden endings, but they also bring unusual opportunities and fresh starts, too. You do have lots of reasons to feel you will find more money if you lost a source.

The fact that Saturn will move ahead on May 30 is good news, for it means that finally you'll be able to figure out which path to take to find new sources and how to deal with present financial obligations. Saturn is, after all, the natural ruler of your eighth house of credit, loans, mortgage, tuition, taxes, and other such areas, and this house also includes child support you receive or pay. All these areas will begin to improve and become easier to manage. Less stress will be the result.

For now, you seem to be coping with the home, other property, and real estate matter. This powerful emphasis will begin to end by the time you reach July 21. By then Saturn will have slipped out of Virgo, not to return for several decades. This will be a relief on many levels - your health will improve, your confidence will return, and you won't feel so stuck, unsure of which way to go, if indeed you do, which seems possible, dear Gemini.

Those Gemini born late in the sign, say, from June 17 onward, are feeling Saturn's presence the most these days, and it has been a draining influence. If your physical home has not been the focus, you may have been worried about the welfare of a parent, or family obligations may press on you. You can fix whatever you are dealing with, so look at the problem a different way and find a solution no one has come up with until now.

Know that no matter when your birthday falls, you are nearing the end of a 1,000-mile journey. Saturn in hard angle to the Sun is considered a hefty, difficult aspect, and you've shouldered this since September 2007. It's been a long road, dear Gemini, but it is about to the end. This is one ending you'll be happy to see.

Your health and well-being are being highlighted these days in a big way, too. You may have seen the first indication of this at the end of April or soon will in early May when you may wrap up a long health phase. You may be ending medical treatments or finishing up physical therapy. Or, you might take care of a problem that has been going on in the background that you hadn't had time to ask your doctor or dentist to finally help you fix. If you didn't do so last month, you can in May. While Mercury retrograde opens your schedule, you will have a little extra time you didn't expect, so schedule those dental and medical checkups you've put off.

The new moon May 13 happens to be one of my favorites of the year. It will reach out and send a kiss to Jupiter (healing), Saturn (long-term benefits), and Uranus (surprise). What a lineup! You can use this new moon to begin a new chapter in your well being, so don't delay! If there is a new exercise routine you wanted to try to increase fitness, this is your moment to do so. Because the new moon is in Taurus, a fixed sign, routines you begin now will be ones you'd likely stay faithful to over time. If you have been vowing to eat more nutritiously, begin to turn over a new leaf. It is a time of fresh starts and for deleting old, outworn behaviors that aren't doing you any favors. I love this new moon!

Now let's go back to the subject of your career. As I mentioned at the start of your report, will be given a big boost in status on May 17, when the Sun and Jupiter will work together to help you. It's due to be a superb career day, so think, how can you use it?

Just three days later you will get another big career day, May 20, when all sorts of unexpected developments will have you so happy that by day's end, you'll be singing in the shower. This is also sure to be a delicious part of the month, so cast a wide net by having a key meeting or having lunch with an influential person. You will have "spillover" luck on May 21 too, and it can't hurt that the Sun will move into Gemini, favoring you, by Friday.

In the middle of these two days will come May 18, a day to help stabilize finances, when Saturn and the Sun work in concert to help you.

As you see, the week of May 17-21 will be a dazzler, so use it for all it's worth! Schedule those meetings, discuss ideas, and make applications.

Once Neptune turns retrograde on May 31, you will need to focus on people and offers already on the table rather than to search out new opportunities, for the ones you have now will have greater potential than ones that come later. Neptune will turn direct on November 7, a time you can pioneer forward again. Neptune is the natural ruler of your solar tenth house of career success, reputation, and fame. You can make big gains even after Neptune goes out of phase, as long as you focus on present business relationships and projects. Looking ahead in this area, watch the full moon August 24 for career news you'll want to celebrate.

Socially you have SO much to look forward to! Venus will be in Gemini from the start of May until May 19, days that will favor your love life and also will be a great time to improve your looks. On May 7 the sparks of love will fly, thanks to Venus in Gemini and her lover Mars in macho Leo that day in perfect sync.

If you want to do something to change your appearance in a big way, do so from May 13 to May 18 for best results. (Your best days to change your looks or have fun within that week? The weekend of May 14-15.)

On May 27, the full moon in Sagittarius, if you are attached, your yen to combine forces with another will be strong. If you are dating and in love you may get engaged or married, or if you are already in an established relationship, you may come closer in a way you have not in the past. I love that Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn will be all standing by like loving fairy godfathers to bless your union.

If you are not dating or involved with anyone, this aspect can be used to help you form an important business alliance.

Those Gemini born near this date, May 27 (within five days), will benefit most from this glorious full moon. Also if you have early degrees of planets in Gemini, you will, too.

Something else very important is happening on the very same day as the full moon, May 27. Uranus will enter Aries for the first time since 1927 to 1935, so for most people alive today, this will be a brand new influence. Uranus will only stay in Aries until August 14, but what's important is that you will get a short little preview of a very important trend that will begin in earnest in March 11, 2011, to stay in place for seven years.

Jupiter will join Uranus on June 4, so both will be in Aries for the coming months! Like Uranus, Jupiter will only be giving you a little look at what's to come early next year, but for now, Jupiter will stay with you in Aries until September 9, 2010 (and Uranus, until mid-August). This is so exciting because in Aries, both planets will light your house of fun, friendship, hopes, and wishes at such a nice time of year!

Aries is a fire sign that blends beautifully with your air sign Sun sign, so you will have a dazzling set of weeks to enjoy when career pressure will be reduced and you'll be able to focus more on your personal life. Saturn won't return back to Libra and your house of true love until July 21 (good), but even after, Saturn will be on good behavior.

With so many planets moving into air and fire signs, you will feel more comfortable with life and you'll get so much more support from those around you. Gemini born in May are likely to feel this energy the most dramatically first, but all Gemini will get a taste of this in some way or another. Also, all Gemini will feel things dramatically during the first five months of 2011.

If you feel life has been same-old for too long, you have a really different and very encouraging planetary energy to look forward to in coming months. You'll have a better shot at finding or enjoying love, and to enjoy the company of friends. It may be time to rent a summerhouse in a social, upscale resort-type area that promotes parties and fun. Or, make other types of plans that will get you out of the house, such as to travel on a trip that will allow you to camp or play sports, or to enjoy a safari. Planets in Aries will accent athletics, adventure, and an ability to discover something new - so go for it!

You'll love this new upcoming trend, and if you are thinking, "Wait - I need Jupiter and Uranus to help me to boost my career!" you will get that too, from mid-September through mid-January 2011. Dear Gemini, you'll get your cake and get to eat it, too!

Your most romantic dates this month include: May 5-7, 9-11, 14-15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, and 28.


At work, you've been racking up successes, one right after the other, and building strong momentum. Your ability to communicate clearly to masses of people through writing, editing, speaking, or broadcasting can now set you apart from your competitors. You not only are competent but compelling. Others will find they need to hang on your every word.

After the new moon, May 13, your career may bring another victory, and it won't be the first you've seen this year nor is it due to be the last. A VIP may contact you to discuss new plans that will be exciting, but that will need to remain under wraps. The money seems generous, and your image would be "out there" and seen by many. In fact, with this deal, you soon you could become a household name. Watch May 17 as an outstanding day when this is likely to happen.

This month, all seems so perfect. Even so, you seem to be taking a very cautious approach. There is little chance you'll make a mistake, especially after Mercury goes direct May 11. Wait until May 13 and the new moon will point you in the right direction. Creatively, the ideas you seek will be at your fingertips, so proceed. If it feels right, it is.

Concern over a family member - most likely a parent - or a plan to fix a housing question may press on you. You will be able to fix this situation next month and you will be ready to swing into action. If you concentrate, things will be fully solved on August or September.

A close romantic or business relationship will be the center of your attention at the full moon, May 27. This will be an exciting moment - you may get engaged or married, or make a professional tie official. Uranus will bring out-of-the-blue surprises, and Saturn, greater stability. There may be obstacles iron to out, but the financial plans seem set, so you may be ready to make a serious commitment now or very soon.

In love, Venus in Gemini until May 18 is giving you mighty allure. No one could resist you, and on May 7, an extra-strong day for love especially if you are single, you may find this to be abundantly true. Your very best weekend for love will be May 15-16 when the moon will be in Gemini, and Mars could have you traveling to a truly beautiful setting.

When Jupiter and Uranus enter Aries (first Uranus, May 21, then Jupiter, June 4) your social life will be set to swing into action! The coming three months will certainly dazzle!

Dates to Note for Gemini

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-1 16:37 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 崂山道士 于 2010-5-1 17:43 编辑


May will be brimming with good news for you, with the biggest development that Uranus, the planet of surprise, is about to enter your solar tenth house of career on May 27 for the first time since 1927 to 1935. That's an astounding shift in anyone's book, because Uranus will help you affect an unusual career breakthrough in coming months. Uranus won't be ready to settle down in this professional area of your chart quite yet, for he will only make a short appearance for now, lasting a bit over two months, to give you a preview of what's to come in 2011 and beyond. Uranus rules whatever you'd never expect, so your career life is about to get very exciting.

This year, Uranus will visit your career house from May 27 until August 14, 2010. Next year Uranus will return on March 11, 2011, to March 2019 - a very long time! This development will have an enormous impact on your professional progress. You will demand increasingly more freedom to be creative and innovative, and you will become more interested in entrepreneurial enterprise. If you've ever considered starting your own business, you may feel the moment has come.

What makes this year's visit of Uranus to your house of career rewarding is that Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will accompany Uranus early next month (June 6). To have the planet of happiness orbiting in tandem with the planet of surprise is something special, and they will reach an exact conjunction on June 8 - your stellar career day.

Sometimes we have to make space for good things to happen, for if your pockets are full, you won't have room to fit in additional gifts. If anything should happen to create a space, greet it with enthusiasm. In your case, all change will be good. Same-old situations is what you want to avoid, for Uranus is well known to sweep out all that is no longer valuable and to help you replace what was taken away with something far better. You are, quite simply, in a period of stunning career renewal and rejuvenation. Uranus is not subtle at all - he strikes like lightning, and while he may give you a setback or two, he will also bring you opportunity that you could never dream possible.

This all means that if you have been looking for work, or if you are ready to get a better position, it appears opportunity is about to strike soon. You will have from May 27 until September 9, 2010, for after that, Jupiter and Uranus will have moved on. Both planets will return in January (Jupiter) and March (Uranus), so you will also have the first five months of 2011 to make your professional victory. Those months should dazzle with lucky breaks.

If you are a Cancer with a birthday that falls between June 21 and 25, you will feel this trend dramatically now, and ALL Cancers will feel changes in some way. If your birthday falls after the dates mentioned, you will feel changes more directly during the first five months of 2011. Get your resume, artistic portfolio, or reel ready to show influential people. You'll get your call out of the blue - it will be so important that you are ready when it happens.

Other news will be going on this month for you, so let's now look at those.

If you feel May starts out slow, it will be because Mercury will still be retrograde in Taurus until May 11. This will keep things moving slowly, with many postponements, delays, and changes of mind. You may get very forgetful and lose things (be careful!) and find your judgment is a bit off.

Although you'll be anxious to get things moving assertively forward, don't rush to start on May 11, but rather, wait two more days. Always give a little space between the date Mercury goes direct and the day you actually start making major announcements, initiations, and decisions. A planet is at its most unstable state at the very start and end of a retrograde period.

Still, you will likely enjoy this particular Mercury retrograde because it is touring your friendship house, and you will run into at least one old friend you haven't seen in a very long time. Going back to the past is always a good idea during a retrograde, and in this case, when you see your old friends, you will find more you can do together in the future.

The new moon, May 13, will be an unusually supportive one that should bring you a fantastic opportunity to socialize. While Mercury will have you linking up with old friends, the new moon will help you make NEW ones. Not all new moons are THIS special! One friend may go out of his or her way for you and touch you deeply - this new moon is not like many I have seen this year. I say this because the May 13 new moon will receive very encouraging beams from Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn, and that's quite a lineup of heavy-duty support! You may decide to travel with a friend or to see one. This will be a fun and yet very productive influence, allowing you to easily mix business with pleasure if you like.

Schedule lunches, dinners, parties, sports, or meetings, or other activities that are likely to lead you to more success. So rather than sit at your computer, doggedly churning out formal presentations and resumes, get out of the house and be open to making the acquaintance of new people. Join groups both on and offline. By all means, fix up your social networking page, but also make an effort to see new people face to face, dear Cancer. Start increasing your socializing from May 13 on, plus two weeks.

If your birthday falls on July 15, you will receive double blessings from this truly lovely new moon.

The week of May 17-21 will be your social best. On Monday, May 17, my favorite day, Jupiter and the Sun will be in perfect sync, and that is fantastic for your income, for the Sun rules your second house. Other possible areas of gain include distant travel, an offer from the broadcasting or publishing industry, or from academia.

On May 18, the Sun and Saturn will trade pleasantries, and you'll benefit from being able to stabilize a situation, perhaps involving a home, property, or family matter. Again your finances are protected - you may be able to buy or sell a house. It's also a good day to sign a contract.

On May 20, the Sun and Uranus will be sweetly angled and once more, money will find a way to your door. Foreign people and places will be lucky for you, too. You may get a chance to do import-export of goods or services, or get a chance to travel to a distant city, perhaps one you've never seen. Exciting!

Romantically, this same week that you and I have been discussing is the week Venus will enter Cancer, from May 19 to June 14. This will be your very best phase for love and fun. Your charisma will be high, and so will your confidence - a potent blend!

This same phase, May 19 to June 14, will be a perfect time for you to go about improving your looks with a new hair style or cut, or some new clothes, or you may find another way to improve your appearance. You might also consider getting new eyeglass frames if you need them for reading or distance, or a new pair of sunglasses if you are tired of your old ones. Just as we have to refresh other parts of our lives, we need to do so AFTER Venus enters Cancer May 19.

You may want to join a gym, sign up for new sports lessons, or hire a trainer near the full moon May 27. That full moon, plus or minus four days, would be ideal for committing to a new and more vigorous exercise routine, for it will fall in the sign of Sagittarius. That sign is known to be competitive and quite blessed in sports. In fact, Sagittarius has been said to produce an unusual number of Olympic athletes (along with Aries). Use that energy of the new moon to help you get stronger and more attractively sculpted.

That same new moon of May 13 plus two weeks will bring you news about a work assignment. Full moons bring finality and closure, so you may finish up a big project or get word back on a job that you had interviewed for earlier. If you take a full time job on this full moon, however, it is likely to be one that is at the same level as the one you have been doing. If you take a job in June, July, or August, you seem able to go up a notch or more. It may be worth waiting to see what comes to you the first part of June, when Uranus and Jupiter will conjoin on June 8. See how you feel. It's always exciting to be in demand!

Now let's talk about one of your favorite subjects, romance.

Late last month, you may have met someone new to love, or perhaps you have been dating a partner you are newly smitten with, and if so, you will have a good chance to see your relationship develop into greater closeness. At long last, you'll have time to enjoy the private world you've built for two.

Some Cancers who are in long-term established relationships may have experienced turbulence in the last six months due to two eclipses in your sign and partnership sign of Capricorn in January. If you did have problems, you may have already left the relationship or plan to do so soon.

If you want to stay and repair your alliance because you see positive potential, in May there's a good chance for progress. More eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn are due in late June and mid-July, so you may have more developments and more to discuss. What you may need to get closer is just more silly fun and less long hours of analysis of what went wrong in the past. After May 13, turn your face forward and forget what happened for now. Just have fun. You'll see that the universe will be happy to comply.

The move of Saturn from retrograde to direct speed on May 30 may also help you if you are attached and have had problems getting along with your partner. Saturn's new stronger speed will also help you if you have been considering marriage, but have not actually set the date or even had a serious discussion yet. Saturn is the natural ruler of your house of commitment and marriage, so you will find that you will be clearer about the direction your relationship is heading. That's always a good thing!

Most romantic dates: May 3, 7, 8, 13-15, 17 (four star), 20-22, and 25-26.


It's May and Mother Nature is awash in pastel blossoms. You seem ready to put your career on hold for just a moment while you enjoy yourself. You can, too - your career will bring big unexpected breakthroughs at the very end of this month through September, so you'll not skip a beat. For now, you can safely turn away without missing a step in your professional life.

The new moon May 13 will send a strong and positive trend of new social activity. You'll enjoy the chance to meet up with friends and to make the acquaintance of new people, too. This new trend will feel like a refreshing breeze, and events that come up will make you feel optimistic and excited about life again.

A thrilling trip may be an option, too, at this new moon, but pressing family obligations may make you think twice about taking off to distant points. Do your best to find a way to go - with Saturn retrograde, this would be the most possible month to do so. Don't go to siblings to ask them to help you, though - they won't be helpful, for they seem to have their own troubles to meditate on. Rely instead on the kindness of friends or hire recruits to care for home-related matters to allow you to find the break you need.

The week of May 14 to 22 will glitter brightly. Then, from May 19 to June 13, love-planet Venus will smile on you when it glides in Cancer. At that time, a relationship could really begin to take off.

The enchanting spell will be temporarily broken at the full moon, May 27, when a major work-related project will need to be finished. Within four days of this date, you may also have a chance to pick up a new assignment. It will come suddenly, and it's a plum spot - you will want to be back from any travels on your agenda so that you can carry this prize home.

The move of Uranus into your professional sector from May 28 through August 14 will show you that work, like love, can produce miracles when you least expect it to. You are only seeing the tip of the iceberg - more positive career surprises will come your way in 2011 and beyond.

Dates to Note for Cancer:

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-1 16:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 崂山道士 于 2010-5-1 17:45 编辑


This month will be an exciting one! Career matters will get a huge push forward, money matters will improve enormously, and developments in love and fun could thrill you. Travel to foreign shores could come up, and talks going on at a distance will come up suddenly but will offer opportunity you'll want to investigate. With Mars still in Leo, it will be clear that the tide is moving in your favor again, at long last! When the Sun shines on you like this, you will want to take full advantage. Let's look closer at all the goodies on tap for you in May.

As the month opens, you won't see that it's a special month at all. Mercury will be retrograde in your tenth house of career matters until May 11, causing all sorts of pandemonium. This will be a holdover from last month, as Mercury first started to slow down in mid-April. Meetings will continue to be cancelled or postponed, and miscommunication will be rampant. The people you will be dealing with will be confused or indecisive, so in all, not at all the kind of start to a month that would later bring good news!

There is always method in Mercury's madness, and for you, take all this as a sign that you should not be rushing into any new relationships or projects just yet. You need to analyze what you would accomplish in the long range by getting involved in the venture on the table. Alternatively if you are in a dysfunctional situation at work, ask yourself why you are staying there. Bide your time, and rather than announce any decisions immediately, adopt a wait and see attitude. As you get closer to mid-month you will see the environment in which you are operating change quite dramatically. The fog will lift and the beat of everyday activities will become much faster. Mercury will go direct then, but more importantly, a key new moon is coming up, one of the best of the year.

Use your time in the first two weeks of May to clear up lingering paperwork and to finish off old projects. You will want to offload unproductive and outworn elements in your life so that you can replace them with exciting new opportunities that will be sprouting up like wild flowers.

Your big moment for career matters will come at the new moon in Taurus at 23 degrees on May 13, which will light your tenth house of fame and honors. If you have been hoping to get an important new position, you will have your chance. If you are in your own business and you'd like to reel in a new big client and generate positive publicity for your company, you will get your chance.

Spend the first half of the month refining your resume, presentation, and or press kit, so that when opportunity knocks you will be able to open the door wide and go after the offers that are the most promising.

Mars has been in Leo since October 15, but has not always been strong and robust. With Mars now moving in its very strongest orbit in May, Mars will be in even better shape than it had been so far since October - moving even faster than he was last month, which was at a good clip!

By early next month, Mars will leave Leo on June 7. Astrologers know that when you have Mars in your own sign, it's always a really positive time for steeling your courage and going after a dream that is dear to you. You will be at your best in May, and this month could well turn out to be your turning point for the year. Decide what you want, and then go after it with all your might.

You only get one new moon of the year, so when it comes, you hope it is a positive one - this one, arriving May 13 in Taurus, will be a glorious one, just brimming with gifts and luck! The new moon will receive incredibly supportive greetings from Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus, suggesting that new professional opportunities coming your way soon will bring you opportunities to make good money, both by salary and on a commission basis.

With Uranus striking like lightning, you will have to be decisive when the offer arrives. By then Mercury will be moving direct, so you will be ready to sort out your options and state your choices. The actions you take in the week following the new moon, May 13 to 20, will have the power to affect your entire year to come - or even longer, possibly forever! That's how new moons work, and this one is a rare gem!

Because you are ruled by the Sun, we need to see what conversations the Sun will have with other planets. This month there will be three - all glorious ones! Indeed, during one golden week, you will have a chance to generate good news galore! Here are the days to circle on your calendar:

It starts with May 17, when the Sun will meet with Jupiter. This will be a delicious day in just about every way for you, but especially for making commissions and royalties, for seeing negotiations go well, and for getting favor from VIPs. Schedule your biggest and most important meetings for this day.

On May 18, the Sun will move on to meet with Saturn on your behalf, allowing you to stabilize a financial situation in a substantial way. This is a great day for a win-win negotiation.

On May 20, the Sun will receive a beam from Uranus and happy money news may strike suddenly. Wow, this will be one special week!

Not all news will be as bright during mid-month, for on May 23, when Jupiter and Saturn will oppose each other, the outcome may be that you will have little choice but to satisfy a major financial obligation. It alternatively may be when you throw in the towel and take a loss on a certain endeavor. No matter, for this is another of those "clean up" aspects that will release you from old problems and let you pursue better ones. (At least it seems you will have the money to pay off any obligations that come due.)

The fact that Saturn will turn direct this month on May 30 will be helpful too, for right now Saturn is moving through your house of salary and will leave that area on July 21 - not to return for nearly three decades. In every way, your outlook for seeing more income is excellent. Actually, whenever a planet turns direct, it gives a clue of better times to come, so watch carefully the ring of days surrounding May 30 for some good news.

You might reasonably assume that there couldn't be much more on the calendar by month's end, but there will be more news!

When it comes to love and fun, the full moon on May 27 (operative plus or minus four days), will bring you a chance to enjoy romance in a very tender, loving way. By this time in the month you will have scored a number of career victories and have earned time off, making this time of the full moon all the sweeter. Again the gang of three - Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn - will be ready to offer gifts, sure to bring snap, crackle, and pop to your days.

Venus in Gemini will bring you more time with friends, from May 1 to 18, giving you some sparkling events to put on your calendar. In the early part of this period you will get a chance to reconnect with people you've not seen in a long time, and catching up will be fun.

Your most romantic dates this month include: May 1, 4-6, 9-11, 14-15, 18, 19, 24, and the full moon, gold-star days of 27-30.

Wait, there is more!

Uranus will move into Aries - the third fire sign - on the same day, May 27, for the first time since 1927 to 1935. Uranus will only make a short appearance in Aries and your ninth house, for Uranus will retreat back to Pisces on August 16, 2010. Next March 2011, however, Uranus will return to Aries, so this planet of change and surprise will stay until 2019! Travel, university study, and opportunities in publishing and broadcasting will become major influences for years to come.

Having Uranus in this house, even for a few weeks, would be headline news all by itself, but Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will accompany Uranus into this same area, your ninth house, on June 4, and by June 8 Jupiter and Uranus will conjoin. This is one of the most sensational aspects of 2011 and is likely to bring on instant, positive results.

Specifically, you may travel to a distant city quite spontaneously (or at least, plan a trip) or else see opportunities emerge from foreign companies and opportunities to go to foreign places. You may work for a foreign publication or see your book translated into other languages. Because broadcasting will be so favored, you may be invited to be a guest on foreign television shows or do a translated speech. If you are a college student, you may do your junior year abroad, or if you do research, you may get a grant to go abroad. These are just a few examples, but you get the idea. Your opportunities will glitter and your world will expand - it'll be a gorgeous time for you. Wow, dear Leo, this trend will start late this month!

If you are a Leo with a birthday that falls from July 21 to 25, you will be the first to get a double dip of luck, but all Leos, especially those with planets in early degrees of Leo (or another fire sign), will have very strong luck. If you have Leo rising, 0 to 3 degrees, you will also benefit. It should be a very exciting time.

If you were born later in your sign, after July 25, you will experience this incredibly happy influence in a stronger way from January to June 2011. Don't worry, though - you will feel an instant lilt to your life in June, next month. This is all so good!


You are now entering a near-perfect month where just about everything will go your way. The planets will be acting like a crowd of little friends who want to bring you all sorts of happy surprises.

As you begin the month, though, you may still be dealing with a home-related matter that came up at the end of April. You may be in the throes of a residential move, are having new furniture delivered, or are finishing up a renovation or maintenance project. Expect some bumps, but this month brings so many wonderful developments (along with just plain dumb luck) that you'll find them easier to solve.

Your first big opportunity will be directed toward your career and will come up just after May 13. Whomever you are speaking to at the time seems to have a terrific offer for you, because that new moon will be in perfect angle to generous Jupiter, surprise-a-minute Uranus, and stabilizing Saturn. Your status is due to rise quite a bit, and the chance to interview for a top position should come up shortly after, from May 14 to 27. When Saturn turns direct on May 28, your finances will begin to look up and no one will be more relieved to see this to be true than you.

If you need to settle a salary matter, bring up talks on May 17 when VIPs will be ready offer you the moon and the stars. Side benefits, like health insurance and vacation pay, are likely to be quite generous, too. VIPs will be on your side, so don't be afraid to ask what you feel is your due. May 18 and 19 will be sensational days for career and money as well.

Do you work in a creative field? If so, you may be finishing up a major project to present or ship near May 27 or 28. This will cause a buzz, get you raves, and lead you to other important opportunities.

After a month of hard work, May will spin a magical week of events just made for love and fun. The full moon of May 27 would be an ideal time to go on vacation quite spontaneously, and best of all, this is not a trip done for work but for pure fun and romance. Have your passport ready!

The fact that Uranus is leaving your eighth house is equally as exciting as the fact that it is entering your expansive ninth house of learning. It means that for the first time since 2003, you will see a more stable financial situation, something that has been missing for so long you may have given up ever seeing it return. In Aries, Uranus will be in a much more compatible place for you to host this planet, for Aries is a fellow fire sign like yours. Your finances will become stronger and more stable, for sure.

Your life will become more exciting too, for your world will grow larger and more interesting. Travel and study will form a huge theme, and in your career, you may be doing more international work. Next month I will talk more about this major trend, but just know that from now until mid-August, you will feel like a puppy in clover!

Alternatively, you may get an A-list invitation to attend a party within days of May 27. This four-star event would be populated with intelligent, well-traveled guests ranging from entrepreneurs to academics, and the party would offer sparkling conversation and a United Nations of special dishes, too. You could meet someone new, or draw closer to someone you are with now. In all, a memorable evening is coming and one not to be missed!

Dates to Note for Leo:

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-1 16:39 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 崂山道士 于 2010-5-1 17:46 编辑


This year is about to shape up nicely for you, but in order to take full advantage of the glamorous aspects on tap, you need to be in the right frame of mind and a bit more relaxed than you are now. You may have taken a short trip last week (end of April), and if so, that was the right move. You need to unwind and breathe, and the universe will provide all the opportunities you need to do just that. You have been under considerable stress lately and there is just so much someone can endure before thinking becomes arduous and slowed from pure fatigue.

Come mid-month, you'll get another chance to go out of town again, and you should consider taking advantage of the chance you get. With the days long and the skies bright, there's no reason to stay inside. This month is all about taking a break from the recent chain of events to gain a bit of perspective.

Even if you have to travel for business, see if you can upgrade your hotel and fit in a few nice personal moments in your schedule, such as to book a spa, massage, or drinks with a friend in the city you are visiting after having your meetings.

The month starts off with Mercury still in retrograde and will not turn direct until May 11. Your ruling planet began to go backward on April 18 last month, but you felt the effect sooner than that. By now, it would be understandable if you feel as though the haywire affects of Mercury have been going on much too long. You will just need to be patient a while longer.

It's never wise to make an important decision, choice, or announcement while Mercury is retrograde, and certainly not if it's your ruler, as it is for you. Outside conditions are changing in ways you can't possibly see or understand quite yet, so if you make a binding decision now, you won't likely see the endeavor work well in the long term. With much static in the air, you need to slow down. Later you will say you are glad you did wait, for in time you will get additional information.

One good activity to do while Mercury is retrograde is to connect with friends, family, and colleagues you've not seen in a long time. You might also want to visit a special city or location you've not seen in years, perhaps not since childhood. Going back to the past is always very fortunate when Mercury is retrograde. For example, if you had been offered a job but didn't take it some time ago, and now get another offer from the same company, this would be a good time to look into taking it this time. This is the only exception to the Mercury in retrograde rule of never making a big decision during this phase - you CAN if the endeavor represents something that almost happened in the past.

Your first big, bright moment this month will come at the new moon, May 13. That new moon will fall in Taurus, a fellow earth sign like yours (making it extra special), and that new moon will get support from Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces as well as Saturn in Virgo. Certain partners will be quite helpful, and might possibly be your established partner, an ex spouse, or a business partner, agent, or broker, as some examples. Saturn's help suggests that new offers and opportunities that come up will help you find stability and comfort, a very welcome feeling for sure.

Foreign people and places will be lucky for you this month, as will any sort of media. By definition, media delivers all sorts of information, so it may be that a broadcasting, publishing, or Internet offer comes up, but it may be to work on cell phone apps or other forms of data, text, or graphics distribution.

Your ninth house, so accented, also rules the taking in of information, especially on the college level, so if you are going back to school in the fall, you may be able to get your plans to return to the university (or go for the first time, as an undergraduate or graduate student) set late this month. The point is, this new moon will be wildly expansive and broadening, and you'll be very happy about all that you are focused on in the second half of September. Even seminars and workshops you take in May should be helpful and fun - look into them.

Saturn is still is in Virgo, moving through very late degrees, so if you were born September 17 onward, you are feeling the pressures from Saturn. Keep going - you are so close to the end of all this stress, dear Virgo. You need to get to July 21, the date when Saturn will leave Virgo, not to return until 2036. Even if your birthday falls before September 17, you are probably nevertheless feeling some strain, although not as much as the later-born Virgos. You already faced your dragons, are stronger and wiser, and not only survived but flourished.

You have learned so much about life and about yourself since Saturn first entered Virgo in September 2007. Think back to where you were then and see how far you've come. You are now more fit to cope with anything life can throw your way. You only have a few more weeks until July 21, and you can make it.

Actually, this new moon of May 13 will help you most if you were born on September 17 or within four days of this date. Be sure not to act on any big initiatives prior to May 13. This new moon will give you a nice lucky break, and it will come when you least expect it sometime in the second half.

After Saturn goes direct on May 30 you will see that life becomes more defined and a bit more easily navigated. Relationships will get better, too - especially that one love relationship - but it is possible that alliance may need a few more weeks to get in smoother sync. It will come, and at the very least, things will be civil and polite, and at the very most, you can expect a reconciliation.

Whenever a major planet turns from retrograde to direct, news emerges around the time it makes that switch that proves to be quite telling. For this reason, if your birthday falls on or very close to September 21, you will see some sort of indication of what's to come in the days surrounding May 30.

See if you can pick up an important message from Saturn at that time, for the news you find will show you the direction that life is taking for you. What you learn should be something of a relief. You are on your way to a whole new chapter of life, dear Vigo, and that chapter is about to start up very soon, possibly even this late month.

Many Virgos had difficulties with money over the past few months but this month, Uranus, planet of surprise, and a week later, Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, will move into your eighth house of credit, loans, mortgage, and other such financial matters. Your finances will take an immediate upturn, quite out of the blue in early June.

If you are in the middle of a divorce, try to settle it during June, July, August, or at the very least in the first week of September. You will agree on a fair settlement that will benefit you, and you will be able to move on with your life.

Uranus and Jupiter won't stay in Aries and this eighth house sector of your chart for long - by August 14, Uranus will retreat back into Pisces, and Jupiter will go back to the same sign on September 9. Both planets will be back to this financial area in early next year (2011), so have faith - your financial situation can and likely will turn around quite dramatically. Keep up your efforts, dear Virgo. You are closer to a calmer life than you ever thought possible.

Your home, property, or family will be a big, happy focus at month's end with the only full moon this year to fall in your home sector, May 27 plus or minus four days. You may move or do something really wonderful to your present home. With this full moon signaling Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn, there are several possible outcomes.

You may decide to move in with someone you've been dating seriously. Or, you may have saved up to move to a new home on your own or with your spouse. If you like having a roommate, you may now find the perfect one for you. Or, you may paint a room or two, choose new furniture, or find a number of perfect accessories to add the perfect touch to your living room or bedroom. The only other possibility would be if you need a new piece of furniture or new accessories - this full moon on May 27 plus or minus four days would be a great time to choose something new and special. You'll love forever what you buy.

If your home is settled, you may have a family celebration on your calendar, and if so, it will be one outstanding event. Your parents, or one of your parents, will be on your mind if your physical home is not the focus.

Next month will be special because Mars will move into Virgo for the first time in two years. This is great, because for months you've been in a holding pattern with Mars in your twelfth house of planning and behind-the-scenes activities. You'll be in the spotlight and feel very courageous. You'll go for the gold - there will be no more reason to hold back. Come back next month and I will have more to tell you about that, and I promise all news will be good news. The universe has been hard on you, but has not forgotten you, dear Virgo. The universe loves you and soon you will see proof of this very fact.


The new moon May 13 will bring you sterling opportunities to travel a very far distance, possibly overseas. A partner who only wants the best for you will be the most likely one to bring the opportunity. This trip would be so outstanding that you must not use your usual excuses why you feel you have to stay back at the office. There is work to be done, for sure, but this time, you really do need to take a break. There is no value in pushing yourself to exhaustion - as given evidence by the recent position of Mars - so don't feel guilty when you pack and go. The most delicious part of this trip will be how unexpectedly it comes up and how much you enjoy your time away. You seem to have no clue it's coming. Good! Go!

This merry month of May seems to be all about tending to your personal life, for near the full moon on May 27 you'll see a home-related matter reach a lovely conclusion. If you've been wearing out shoe leather looking for the ideal apartment, a rare piece of furniture, or a new roommate who doesn't gobble up your special stash of chocolates - look no further. A perfect solution is near - you'll love the outcome of this full moon.

Romantically, your partner is providing the momentum to your relationship. Not surprisingly, you've been content to sit back and see what happens. When Neptune turns retrograde May 31, if you want to continue the relationship, you'll need to take a stronger role and show more interest to keep things moving forward. Your more active role will continue until early November.

If you are not attached, however, you should find your social life to pick up speed in a very noticeable way, from now through the rest of 2010. When it comes to love, admittedly, you've had a number of false starts. That was because Saturn has been in weak state, but now will turn on the power at month's end. In all ways, life is getting better.

Dates to Note for Virgo:

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-1 16:40 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 崂山道士 于 2010-5-1 17:49 编辑


You had money on your mind late last month, thanks to the full moon that came by April 28, and you may have paid off a large bill or soon will within the first few days of May. It seems you want to make more money, or at the very least, hang on to more of what you earn, so as you enter May, you will still be sorting out your options. Take your time, because as you think about how to shore things up, you may change your mind more than once about exactly how to accomplish that aim.

Mercury will be retrograde until May 11. Because Mercury is always at its very worst at the start and end dates of its retrograde period - exerting the most confusing vibes on the "bookend dates" - it would be best to resume decision-making two days later, on May 13.

May 13 would be fortunate timing to begin resuming decision-making because it also is the date of the new moon in your eighth house of other people's money. This is the only new moon you will have this year in this house, so in May, take a few moments to reexamine and renegotiate all sorts of financial matters.

Have a look at the interest rate you pay on credit cards, your line of credit, or your mortgage to see if you can get a better rate. Call your cell phone provider to make sure you are on the most attractive plan for your needs. You may also want to look at your retirement portfolio to see if there are ways to get a better return on your investment. Insurance needs change over time, so make sure yours are up to date, too.

Finally, if you are getting divorced or leaving a business partner, this new moon will be the right time to discuss the fair division of property. If you have been in the hospital and need to send in forms to your health care provider or get reimbursements, do so on or after May 13 (not before) to avoid having your application fall into a black hole.

I am very enthusiastic about this particular new moon because this one will receive beautiful vibrations from an impressive crowd of three: Jupiter (good fortune), Uranus (surprise), and Saturn (stability and security). With Jupiter and Uranus currently touring your sixth house of work assignments, you may be able to find additional funds from working side jobs or from working on commission. You may be able to sell a book idea and get an advance, or create an app and start getting licensing fees. If you are self-employed, this is the time to set your sights on bringing in new business.

There haven't been any new moons in 2010 with this level of support, so try to find ways to make this one coming May 13 work for you. You will have two weeks to do so, but the week of May 17 - 21 is incredibly sweet and would be the best time to schedule meetings and appointments. All special aspects require action - the universe needs to see your intent - but this time if you do, you'll be gratified with the results. Remember, however, not to do a thing (other than research) prior to May 13.

As said, the week of May 17 to 21 will be positive for employment interviews, but especially Monday, May 17, when Jupiter will send a golden beam to the Sun, and on Thursday, May 20, when Uranus will be spicing things up by sending you unexpected opportunity.

Your friends have been playing a very big part in your life lately, but it's about to get even more social for you this month, if that's possible! Mars will spend its last month in Leo in May, and is due to leave June 7. You may miss having Mars so prominent in your eleventh house of people / events / friends after he goes, as Mars has been perking up your social life in a big way since mid-October!

Yet this month Mars will be moving at top speed, which means he will be at his most powerful. He will be incredibly helpful to you by allowing you to find support from both old friends and by increasing your ability to make new contacts, too. Make an effort to get out more in May, for you will find all sorts of benefits from doing so, both personally and professionally. Social media can be harnessed this month to your advantage, especially in the second half, when Mercury is moving direct speed (and any tendency you might have to share too much information will be reduced).

One of your best days this month for socializing and especially for finding or encouraging the blooming of romance will be when Mars and Venus waltz together on Friday, May 7. This is an evening when these two cosmic lover planets will cover you in lots of pastel confetti. It's just a glorious night when you could meet someone new. Look your best!

Some Libras have been anxious to solve a home or property situation and have felt stymied. You can blame Saturn in retrograde all year, but all that will change once Saturn goes direct on May 30. From then to the rest of the year (until January 26, 2011), you will have smooth sailing, or at the very least, an easier time setting things in place than you have so far. Watch the days surrounding the date Saturn turns direct at month's end for subtle clues that indeed, things are moving in the right direction at long last. If you hoped to sell a house or buy or renovate one, or want to help a parent in a substantial way, the barriers to completing your goal should begin to fall away after May 30.

The month will end with a perfect opportunity to get out of town and find the perfect way to relax. The full moon will light your house of quick short trips on May 27, and it will be operative plus or minus four days. You may decide to go with your sister or to visit your brother - siblings are highlighted in your chart.

The Memorial Day holiday falls on Monday, May 31, in the United States - the official start of summer - so it appears you will be among those heading out to a pretty spot to enjoy sunlight, a picnic, or barbeque or other outdoor activity! Good! This full moon will be speaking to Uranus (surprise), Jupiter (fun), and Saturn (stability) - the same group that helped you in other ways earlier in the month at the new moon, so it seems you will get a chance to play sports and really have fun.

If you have to work over the holiday weekend - some people do - you will not object to doing so this time. It seems that you actually enjoy the company of others, especially your funny co-workers, and the work you're doing seems upbeat, or at least, well paying.

Month's end will bring headline news. Uranus, the planet of surprise, will move into Aries for the first time since 1927-1935. Uranus moves very slowly and typically will spend seven years in a sign once he enters for good. This year, Uranus will enter Aries on May 27 and remain only a few weeks, until August 14, then retreat back to Pisces for the remainder of this year. Uranus will reenter Aries next year in March 2011 and stay there until early 2019!

Remarkably, Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, will also move into Aries a week later, next month on June 6, so both planets will be entering into your seventh house of marriage and commitment together. This means that if you are dating, you could be getting engaged and married VERY soon - much sooner than you ever thought possible! Uranus, after all, brings news that comes like lightning, suddenly!

Like Uranus, Jupiter will also retreat back into Pisces, a little later than Uranus, on September 9, 2010, and return to your marriage house in January 2011, to stay until early June 2011. This is the time these two planets will be cooking up romantic vibrations for commitment on any level you feel comfortable. Every Libra, no matter what their birthday, will feel this expansive, optimistic vibration for commitment in 2011, for sure. As said, the ones born September 22-27 will feel this first, immediately.

If you were born in late September, it might not be the best idea to run off to Las Vegas and arrange a marriage at 3 AM in the Elvis Chapel. I am laughing as I write this - but seriously, you might be overcome with impulse with this happy vibration. Marriage is a long-term commitment, not to be entered into lightly. Take your time, but if you are in love, and you know one another well, and you've been wondering when you would finally tie the knot, it could happen over the coming weeks if you are September-born (or have early degrees of Libra rising) or in the first five months of 2011 if you are a later-born Libra.

While it is true that having Uranus opposed to your Sun is not an easy aspect by any means (and here, again, I am speaking to Libras born in late September), I feel you are in a good position because Jupiter will be orbiting close to Uranus. Jupiter is the great protector and the planet of happiness, so things look good.

Still, Uranus opposed to the Sun can be hard on anyone's health, so watch that you stay fit and strong and that you take care of any medical matters immediately if any come up. It is never wise to let a medical matter drag on. Don't worry too much - most people do not feel this aspect with health, but rather in terms of relationship ups and downs. Uranus is the planet of alternating current, so you may feel your partner to be, at times, a bit volatile or moody.

The position of Uranus suggests where we go to seek excitement in a chart, and in coming years, you will seek stimulation from your partner. You see, you need your partner to provide excitement, creative input, and ideas, but sometimes this person's idiosyncratic nature (which you love so much) will become a little hard to handle. You will get good at it, so there's nothing to fear. (Remember, your partner probably finds things in you that are hard to deal with, too - it's all part of bonding in love and finding ways to accommodate each other.)

As said, those born in the earliest stages of Libra, September 22-27, will be the first to feel this influence. If you have Libra rising, say, 0 to 3 degrees, you will also see a dramatic and very upbeat change due to the presence of Jupiter and Uranus in your house of partnerships. You'll have lots of news to share about partnership matters of all kinds, in love and business, too. If you are an actor, for example, you may suddenly change agents or publicists. If you are self-employed, you may suddenly change investors when a better one comes along and you can say goodbye to one who has driven you a bit crazy.

Those born in the middle of the sign, say, October 7, will feel Uranus in opposition to the Sun in 2014. Libras who were born at or near the end, say, near October 20, won't feel the rays of Uranus directly until 2018. Uranus leaves Aries for good in March 2019.

(If you need to see your chart, you can order one from me at MyPersonalHoroscope.com and it will be explained in English, not astro-babble. We charge $49.99 plus shipping for the book, but you'd only need it once. The book that you get is written just for you, no one else, and it has your name written inside throughout. It takes a little over two weeks to receive. Order the "adult edition" with the purple cover.)

That's the long view, but let's go back to May. I find it's good to look ahead, but we always have to stay practical and focus on the here and now, too! This month, with Venus traveling through fellow air sign Gemini from May 1-19, you will have some of your best romantic moments.

If you want to change your appearance, perhaps with a new haircut, or for women, with pretty new makeup, you should do so from May 13 to 18.

If you want to shop for new clothes, do so when the moon is in Leo and Venus is in Gemini, May 18.

If you are single and hoping to meet someone new, look to places where you play sports, or where sports happen, say, at the gym, or when you go to a sporting event, where you watch others play as a spectator. Your office may also be fertile ground, as someone new may catch your eye in a meeting or just walking down the hall. You never know!

Your most romantic dates include: May 1, 4-6, 7 (excellent), 10-11, 14-15, 18-19, 22-24, and 27-28 (lovely travel).

Be happy, dear Libra, it's all for good!


You're known to be a good negotiator, so you'll be in a fine position during most of May when you will find you can put those skills to good use. Financial details that you've put aside need attention now, but hold off making final decisions until Mercury goes direct May 11. If you need a mortgage or are trying to sell your condo, you can see progress just after the moon May 13. That new moon will be one of the best of the year for finding a way to make a profit. Get expert advice and decide on a price you can reasonably get.

If you've been looking for work, or if you are self-employed, you can set your sights on reeling in new clients at mid-month, for Jupiter and Uranus will help you in unexpected ways. Focus and you'll see results.

Socially, this will be one of your best, for Mars will tear through your fun, friends, and people sector at a fast clip and leave a trail of sparklers behind as he blazes through. A fast-moving Mars is always a good sign of a busy time to come. Next month, though, you'll enter into a quieter time socially (mid-June though July) where you may need more rest and privacy. Things will liven up again in August, but while you have dazzling aspects now, use them to catch up with friends, in person. To much computer texting will eventually make you feel like you imagined them - but that they only exist in your head.

Romantically, you may catch the eye of someone interesting on your own level at work, so take extra care with your appearance this month because Cupid will be buzzing around you quite a bit. Uranus is about to meet with Jupiter and one of their aims will be to spice your love life. Co-workers and outside suppliers will be sources of romantic inspiration, but other good places to meet a new love include while walking your dog, at the gym, or places where sports are played. Small animals and fitness all are included in the sixth house and are hot places to be touched with those crazy sparks of love that will be falling around you.

If you are dating, the move of Jupiter and Uranus, to conjoin exactly by June 8, could bring huge news to your relationship. While most will see exciting changes in a romantic sense, you may instead make a dramatic announcement involving a business alliance. One way or another, changes are coming, but with Jupiter there, all shifts should be good ones. If you were born September 22-27, or have an early degree of Libra rising (say, zero to 3 degrees) you will feel the full effects of this energy most.

See these dates below for other things happening this month that I have not hit on in your report, but that you may want to note on your calendar.

Dates to Note for Libra:

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-1 16:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 崂山道士 于 2010-5-1 17:51 编辑


Last month you came to a very important decision or landmark point in your life, and it happened at or just after the full moon arrived on April 28. That full moon was in Scorpio, so whatever came up was 1) highly personal to your dreams and desires, and 2) marked an ending. Even so, 3) things worked in your favor or soon will because 4) powerful forces were at play, summoned by Pluto to ascertain you would surface again like a phoenix, one of the symbols of your sign, dear Scorpio.

You obviously have the support of some very influential people who adore you and who will help you do well in the future. And while the full moon was in hard angle to Mars in your house of profession, suggesting a difference of opinion with authority figures who may have created tension and even arguments, you have had plenty of cosmic support to fly above whatever was happening. Soon you will turn the tables to your favor.

As you start May, you may still be feeling a little uncertain about which path to take. This feeling is temporary and should last only about two weeks. Mercury will still be retrograde, so that's the problem. If one particular relationship seems mired in confusion, don't automatically assume it is your fault - it is just due to Mercury retrograde. Mercury began going haywire in mid-April and will continue to be out of phase until May 11. It is never easy to sort out a relationship issue while miscommunication and wrong assumptions rule the day. If you want complete closure to a mysterious incident with a partner, you'll have to wait until May 13 when Mercury will be in better shape. Bide your time as more will be revealed later.

The fog will lift on May 13, the same day as the new moon in Taurus, 23 degrees, in your partnership sector. If your partner, whether in love or business, has been indecisive or hard to reach, you will find that after that new moon, your communication will improve enormously. I am particularly excited about this new moon's possibilities because of the support it will get from Jupiter (happiness), Uranus (unexpected developments), and Saturn (stability).

Not all new moons (or full moons, for that matter) are created equal - actually, none of them are created equal, although all do open a new path. Sometimes it's a path we don't particularly like or want to take, but this time your new path is a good one and will take you to all the right places.

In order to find out if a new moon is going to be helpful or not, we have to examine the nature of the conversations that the new moon will have with the other planets. That will help us discern the kind of environment you will be moving into as soon as that new moon appears. This one is special in every way and gets my vote for one of the most positive new moons of the year - and that is saying something!

The new moon may help you become engaged or married this month, and if so, do so after May 13, your very best time. This new moon could alternatively help you make a promise to the person you are already committed to, perhaps in agreeing to a new goal or lifestyle that you will both assume soon.

Alternatively, if you like, you can take on a business partner, investor, agent, publicist, or other expert to help you in your business. Again, your timing would be right.

In love, your chart this month shows you will get great support from your present partner. Someone close apparently cares deeply about you and will be willing to protect you against any type of injustice or sorrow. Uranus is with Jupiter, and Uranus seems to be saying to you, "Just tell me what you need to do - I am your bodyguard and will help you in unexpected ways. Tell me what you need me to do."

Meanwhile, Saturn is in your friendship house, and is quite alert to what is happening in your life this month. An older friend may go out of his or her way to help you and when this happens, the help will be quite substantial. I say "older "person because Saturn rules mature, experienced people. It's clear that at least one such person cares about you and it will show. The knowledge of this person's concern will warm your heart.

Jupiter will swing into action, too, and help you negotiate financial agreements quite effectively now, and with Mercury regulating its orbit by the second half, others will be listening carefully to all you have to say. You will be deliberate in your actions in May's second half, and others will see that considerable confidence is driving you - a good quality. Your belief in yourself and what you are doing will help you rally others to your cause. New agreements may be on your mind, and if so, you can make a lot of progress in the second half of May.

You have some spectacular career aspects coming up during the week of May 17 to 21. Let's look at those now.

I love Monday, May 17, the best, for the Sun, ruler of your solar tenth house of fame, will signal Jupiter, ruler of your second house of salary. Finding a day this spectacular to link power and money is hard, but there you are - you have it. The moon will cooperate by being in Cancer too. Gee, how lucky can you get?

If you work in a creative field or with creative people, May 17 will be the one that deserves four gold stars - use this day to present ideas to clients, for they would be insane not to give you approval. I think you'll pull this off. No only will you get approval but also a standing ovation at the end of your presentation!

On Tuesday, May 18, an old friend will help you more than you can guess. It is touching when a friend displays this level of support, but you have earned it, dear Scorpio.

On Wednesday, May 19, Mercury will send a beam to Pluto, your ruler, and you will come to some sort of an agreement or make an announcement. You seem really happy and ready to do so. Do! It's a powerful time for you (although as I said, I still love Monday best - I am splitting hairs, but it's hard to beat the support of Jupiter.)

On Thursday, May 20, amazingly, the Sun, ruler of your house of fame, will get a missive from Uranus, so some sort of surprise offer could come up to thrill you. Keep your cell phone powered up. The offer that comes will be quite high level - certainly a job anyone would give their eye teeth to be considered for. This is my second favorite day for you this week.

Friday has spillover energy from the previous day. All in all, this will be quite a special week.

Money talks or actions will come to conclusion at the full moon in Sagittarius, May 27, plus or minus four days. This is another gorgeous full moon because by some miracle, the same clique of three powerful planets will be on hand to back you up: Jupiter (generosity), Uranus (surprise), and Saturn (security). Each will work with the others to make sure you are safe and happy with results.

You may agree on the salary for a new position, or you may sell something at the right price. This could be, for example, a house, perhaps, a car, or a piece of furniture. Or, you may buy something expensive, or send out checks to others that you owe, but either way you will do so cheerfully. It looks like you will have the money to cover all your obligations.

In love this will be a banner month too, for you have Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, in Pisces, a fellow water sign, in your house of new love. If you are single and hoping to find true love, this is the month you should circulate.

May 17 will be a glorious day, when love could send your spirits soaring. It's a grand day - one to watch for sure.

May 18 will be your runner-up special day, and certainly one to be out and about.

Venus will help you, too, by entering Cancer, also a water sign, on May 19, to stay until June 14. This is sensational news, for the stage is set for bells to ring when you meet your one true love. You need to make an effort, dear Scorpio.

Romance will be best on May 7, 8, 13, 17 (best) 18-21, and 25-26.

Just this week I was on a plane, sitting next to a lady who was telling me about how her daughter, age 37, was not able meet anyone to date. She said her daughter was a lawyer, and that in frustration her daughter was leaving LA to move to New York to try her chances there. That's often a good idea - to get "repotted" in a new place is always worth trying. My seatmate was flying to LA to help her daughter pack for the impending move next week.

Later, as we flew through the air from New York to Los Angeles, the lady mentioned her daughter was quite invested in her two pet cats and brought them with her everywhere. The one cat was very old but still, rather than give her beloved animal to a trusted friend before moving to New York, she was not only bringing the cat to New York, but planning to drive across country to make sure the cat was safe.

We can all understand that devotion. Still, I was thinking - her daughter should start fresh. She is completely changing her life in order to find her true love, but at the onset she is stacking the deck against that happening, as she will have her cat to comfort her when she arrives home from work each evening. Before you think I am cruel or insensitive, follow me a little further.

If she is really serious about meeting someone new, she must sacrifice all that has been giving her security and emotional support to allow someone new to provide that very thing she lacks. Sometimes it's good to feel just a little lonely because it pushes us out to meet others. Being lonely reminds us of our goal - to mix and mingle to meet new prospective partners.

I found myself offering this rather controversial idea to the lady sitting next to me, the mother - and to my surprise, she agreed with me, and had been thinking the very same thing. This lady had been happily married to her husband for years. Her daughter did not want to drive across country alone, so she asked her father, who is not well, to help her make the long drive from LA to New York. My seatmate, her mother, was worried about her husband, who was now 70. So as you see, the whole family was about to rally around the cat. My seatmate had hoped her daughter would bring her cat on the plane to New York, but her daughter felt it was not a comfy way to transport the cat to his new home.

In regard to this very type of situation, I have been thinking about "place holders" in life, where we rely on friends, lots of work, pets, shopping, technology, excessive traveling - anything to fill the void and avoid the messy but ultimately rewarding experience of a close and loving relationship. We all do it to some degree, but often we don't see that we are doing it at all.

Think about your life, dear Scorpio. If you are frustrated in that you are not finding love, this month open the cradle and create an empty space in your life to allow love to enter. If you have been terribly unhappy in a relationship, then let that relationship go and find the courage to leave. Do not fear being alone. Others will help you meet new friends, but you must be ready to welcome love. Make sure you are not finding ways to cleverly avoid love.

I have taken this courageous stand in my report to you this month because I feel for you. You have outstanding aspects that could justly be called once-in-a-lifetime aspects - and they are much too precious to fritter away. Get serious about meeting your one true love because good things happen when you do.

There is something else you should know about. On May 27, Uranus will leave Pisces and your fifth house of true love to enter Aries and your workaday sector. Jupiter, also in Pisces, will also leave your romantic sector to enter your sixth house of work at month's end, which is remarkable. Not to worry - both will be back in September, assuring you of a glorious time from September 9 to January 22, 2011.

After that, though, Uranus, planet of surprise, will leave your romantic sector in March 2011, never to return again in your lifetime. Jupiter will leave too, a bit earlier, in January 2011, not to return for 12 years. When I say this month and later this year is the time to find love, you see why.

In the coming three months, Jupiter and Uranus will bring you a plethora of new job assignments. If you want to work freelance, jobs should be easy to find, and if you are self-employed, customers and clients will be beating a path to your door. It appears you'll be working from the end of May straight through September 9. Work will be plentiful, and you'll not be able to vacation until after September 9. Still, if you have been unemployed, this is fantastic news. You will find work, and the work you do will be so well executed that others will clamor to have you in their corner.

Yet I know you want love, too. This month, while you have a near-perfect chart for romance, socialize and make the most of it, dear Scorpio. This is your time to think about bolstering your private life, too.

In all ways, your life is about to improve dynamically - but only if you allow the universe to help you. Open the door and let love in, dear Scorpio.


May holds so much potential for creativity, love, and for making fresh new plans for the future. It may become one of your favorite months.

Granted, Mercury will be retrograde as you begin the month, but only until May 11, so wait a couple of days beyond that and you'll be set by May 13. There'll still be plenty of time to make solid progress on social fronts and in every other way during the second half. Despite the confusing effects that Mercury brings when out of phase, you'll see a benefit from this planet in other ways. Several old friends will pop back into your life in the start of the month, making early May the perfect time to catch up and reminisce.

If single and hoping for love, circle May 17 as an ideal day to meet that new romantic person - this person would have lots of potential. When it comes to love, with Jupiter so friendly, it would be hard to go wrong.

At work and in life, although you are showing how visionary and capable you are at your job, you seem to realize that combining energies with others, either as collaborators or as those who can offer tips and advice, would be a productive move. Right! In May you can do work with others in any way you wish, in big or small ways.

After the new moon May 13, you will be ready to make plans with at least one other person. You may decide to get married or you may sign a deal with a business associate or investor.

If you are already married or have an established partnership, your partner may bring news so exceptional that you will be singing a happy tune all month. Jupiter and Saturn will work to help you set up a firm foundation for your future.

By the time you leave the month, you may notice a strong and comforting feeling of security coming over you that you've not felt for a long time. If so, this will come thanks to the good work done by your partner or intermediary.

At work, things could not be better. You've been working very hard, but you've managed to get the attention and trust of higher ups. In fact, you've likely made it to their short list of stars in the making to groom for bigger things. By the new moon in just three months, August 9, you will see the fruits of your labors along with some stellar professional developments.

For now, with the support you have garnered from those at the top, you have the power to move mountains. Present your most creative, riskiest ideas with confidence while you have Mars in your house of fame and honors until June 7.

More money may arrive in your paycheck May 28, thanks to a full moon that will burst with surprising news. You may finish up a deal or get an offer out of the blue that is just as surprising as it is generous. If you've been promised a raise, or if you've been pitching business for your own services, this moment could be a wonderful watershed moment in your timeline. Make the most of it!

Dates to Note for Scorpio:

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-1 16:47 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 崂山道士 于 2010-5-1 17:52 编辑


You have a busy month in store, but at the onset it won't look that way. Mercury will still be retrograde, and because Mercury is the natural ruler of your tenth house of career and reputation, you may be a little frustrated that things aren't clicking into place. They will, but at first it seems that nearly everything will need a bit of tweaking. The slow pace that you've experienced lately in your career first started in mid-April, so by now it may feel like it's been going on for an eternity. Soon all this will be a distant memory, so keep your spirits up.

By May 11, Mercury will turn direct, but you will need to add two more days' space after that to fully allow Mercury to regulate its orbit. The day Mercury turns direct is always difficult. Don't make any big decisions until May 13. If you make announcements while Mercury is retrograde, you will be making them while your judgment is off, partly because you will be forgetful of some of the main points you need to keep in the forefront of your mind, and partly because conditions are rapidly changing and you won't have all the facts. The problem is, it will look as though you do have the facts - only later will you regret your haste.

While you wait for this planet of communication, transportation, and commerce to turn direct in the month's first two weeks, focus on any project that has come back on your desk for changes. You won't want to be thinking about old projects after mid-May - too many new endeavors will be starting up about that time.

If you work in sales, marketing, promotion, or PR, go back to good clients from your past to see if you can develop new business together. While it is never advised to accept new offers or launch new ventures while Mercury is retrograde, it is possible to accept business or a new job offer if it emanates from someone you know from the past and who is offering you a chance to work together again.

Once you get to May 13, which also is the date of the new moon in your sixth house of workaday projects, you will get lots of new assignments. If you are self-employed, this is the time to start looking in earnest for new business, and you can reach out to brand new accounts, not just focus on past ones.

The sixth house, which will be lit up for you, is also the area of the chart where we hire subordinates, so if you need a person to help you at work, or if you need help at home, say, in the form of a housekeeper or nanny, start to interview applicants during the second half of May, for the right candidates will show up. If you need new computer equipment or software, look into buying what you need AFTER May 13, not before.

By June 7, Mars will move into your house of honors and professional achievement, so from June 7 until July 29, you should see gratifying career progress. All the waiting you have had to do will be worthwhile and you will make up for lost time. Indeed, Mars has not visited your lofty tenth house of career status for two years, so in the coming two months you will have a chance to go for the gold. Mars will refresh your professional opportunities and help you start a whole new two-year cycle. Get ready by dusting off your resume, updating your reel or portfolio (if you are creative), and drawing up a list of potential clients you'd like to contact.

Generating new sources of income will become increasingly important because eclipses in Capricorn and Cancer are mandating that you do. Your first experience with these eclipses first arrived last year on July 7 and 21, 2009, and then at the start of the year, December 31 (in some time zones, January 1) and January 15, 2010.

More eclipses in this family of signs - for you, falling in your income sectors - are due next month, on June 26, and the month after, on July 11, 2010. The checks that you receive will have a new name across the top, perhaps because you will find a new job, or because your company has been merged or has been acquired by another and is technically a new the company to you. If you work for yourself, you may lose a client, but you also will likely gain a new and better one.

From time to time we all have to renew our way of earning a living, and this is one of those times. Eclipses fall in the Cancer and Capricorn series every nine years, so you can look back to 2000 and 2001, and back further, to 1991 and 1992. Once a family of eclipses arrives, they keep coming every six months (as pairs of eclipses, a full moon and new moon). If you think back to 2000 and 2001, for example, you might notice some broad similarities to what is happening now.

This month, the opposition of Saturn, the teacher planet, to your ruling planet, Jupiter, may emphasize how closely you need to monitor money matters. The toe-to-toe meeting of two Titan planets will occur on Sunday, May 23, but you will also need to watch the days that lead up to this date, starting with Thursday, May 20.

Still, Saturn, ruler of your salary sector (second house), will turn direct for the first time this year on May 30, and after that, you should find earning money easier. If you've been seeking new sources of income to no avail, it could be that Saturn's been partly to blame. After May 30, it will easier for you to find well-paying work or to negotiate better deals for yourself. Watch the days surrounding May 30 for clues that better days are due.

Keep up your efforts to find new income sources, for when you do find your new source, it will be more appropriate to the person you have become, the skills you have acquired, and the times we live in now. While nobody likes to have to trade one steady source of income for another, especially if the new moneymaking source has not yet shown up (and the old one has quickly disappeared), all Gemini and Sagittarius are in the same boat. Keep the faith. You will find the steady salary you seek, and when you do, it will be better and more stable than the one you gave up.

The week of May 17-21 is special and things will go your way, especially in regard to real estate matters.

Your best day of the month will be May 17, when the Sun and your ruling planet, Jupiter, will be beautifully in sync. The fact that Jupiter is in charge of you will make this day extra special. Anything having to do with your home and property or family will likely bring excellent news.

May 18 is your runner up best day, also for real estate and family matters, for on this day Uranus, planet of surprise, will contact the Sun on your behalf. Excellent! It's sure to be special.

While the dates just mentioned are perfect for property and family-related breakthroughs, your career could get a boost on May 19, when the Sun and Saturn are so beautifully cordial. Decisions made will be in place for a long time, perhaps comfortingly so. Promises made will be followed through with care on both sides, so keep this day in mind when making deals that require your signature.

Now let's talk about your health and fitness, for both will get a big boost at the new moon, May 13 plus two weeks. If you have meant to refine your exercise and wellness routine (but have not so far this year), you could not wish for a better time to start than now, at the most beautifully positioned new moon of the year, May 13. I discussed this new moon earlier, but only in terms of work and money. It holds another bonus for you - to help you increase your health due to the unusually powerful help from Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus. That is some lineup!

This new moon will be in Taurus, the sign that rules devotion to routine. If you can set up patterns and a schedule you like now, you are likely to stay with it a very long time. Join a gym, hire a trainer, try something new - you will see your body get stronger in no time. If you have been ill, this new moon could bring you a doctor who understands your condition and who can prescribe effective treatments. You won't see instant results because you will be on the verge of a beginning, not an ending, but with some effort you will see big-time results.

Travel is always a priority of a true Sagittarius, and you've enjoyed having Mars in your long-distance travel house in perfect angle to your Sun since October 15. Since that time, Mars has not always been in strong shape, but as of May, he will be moving at top speed. That means Mars will be in a powerful position to help you - actually in one of the very best positions of the year. By early next month Mars will move on to Virgo and your options to travel far and wide will be reduced as you turn to focus more on career matters (as I mentioned earlier in this report). While you have Mars working as your best buddy, if you'd like to duck out for a vacation in May, do!

One of your happiest days this month, in addition to May 17 (listed earlier), will be May 7, when Mars and Venus will do a dance of love. This could be a highly romantic night, and a distant locale could form the setting for your tender scene.

Venus will move into Gemini and your seventh house of close relationships from May 1 to 19, encouraging quite a close and loving experience with the one you love. In this sense, attached Sagittarius are those who will be most favored by Venus. Find ways to enjoy your partner - a special dinner out, tickets to a play - choose your way to build a memory.

All in all, your best nights for love include May 1, 5-7, 9-10, 14-15, 22-24, and 27-28.

On the full moon in Sagittarius at 6 degrees, you will see something come to fulfillment in a very gratifying way. Again the three planets that were so prominent at the new moon mid-month will be on hand to help you. Jupiter and Uranus will see that you have a good conclusion to a matter dear to you, which might (but not necessarily) be related to your home or family. Saturn, on the other hand, will help you with a career situation. Yet this full moon addresses your innermost desires, so it goes beyond any one venture or relationship. It will go deeper, for at this point in the month you will see clearly what is most important to you. Chances are, this will make you feel very content about the way things work out, too.

If you were born on November 28 or within four days of this date, you will feel the full moon the most and will most likely benefit from it.

When it comes to love, whether you are single or attached, you will have one of the most sensational three months this summer in recent memory. I have saved the best news for last and you may be amazed to hear what comes next. (If you live down under it will be June, July, and August, which is not summer for you!)

On May 27, coincidentally, Uranus will move into a new sign, Aries, after having been in Pisces for the last seven years. Uranus has not been in Aries since 1927 to 1935, so chances are, this will be a completely new experience for you. Once in Aries, Uranus, planet of stimulation, excitement, and surprise, will move through your house of true love (fifth house) for a very long time. Uranus won't be ready to stay in that house until 2011, but for now this major planet will give you a thrilling preview of what's to come.

What makes this news even more remarkable is that Jupiter, the good fortune planet, will accompany Uranus one week later into your same fifth house of love and romance. Wow! Uranus will only stay until August 14, and Jupiter, until September 9, 2010. With the promise of more to come in 2011, you truly have a fantastic outlook for finding true love or for bonding closer with the love you have now. More about all of this extraordinary development next month, dear Sagittarius, but in the meantime, sweet dreams!


The month will begin slowly, allowing you to catch your breath. Mercury will be retrograde until May 11, creating stalls at work and in your career. Don't be frustrated - snags will clear up a few days after Mercury turns direct. In the meantime, be cheerful about redoing assignments that your boss or client feels needs to be done. Do this even if you followed their dictates to the letter and cannot for the life of you understand why this is happening. Everyone is in the same boat - changes of mind from all sides will be common now, and actually will be for the better.

The entire mood of the month will change dramatically after the happy, encouraging new moon, May 13. A more interesting work project will come to you at that time, and these will not have the fits and starts that the last one did. If you are self-employed, new assignments will pay better, too. You will soon see you are valued by higher ups, and your willingness to please clients with revisions will be rewarded with plum projects. All in all, things are looking up.

Also at this time, you can turn your body from winter flabby to fabulously fit. To see best results, begin to commit to a new training program over the weekend of May 15, two days after the new moon. This new moon is in Taurus, the sign that prizes predictable routine - be consistent and progress will accelerate. Jupiter, your ruler, will support this new moon, suggesting health benefits will be considerable (perhaps more than you are counting on) and Saturn's support suggests you can find a routine you love well enough to follow consistently for a very long time.

Romantically, travel will sparkle for new love, and unlike earlier months of 2010, in May, you can expect vacation plans to a foreign country to click into place. The one little glitch may be that a work deadline will get in the way. You're a master juggler, so it seems you can find the answer, even if it means working long hours to provide you the time to rest - so barrel forward.

With Uranus and Jupiter poised to enter your true love sector in June, you are about to become the zodiac's favorite sign for finding outstanding romance, so it will be worth the effort. This is considered one of the best aspects possible for finding love, and you've not had Jupiter here in 12 years!

If you're committed, you're in luck too, for you will enjoy more time with your one and only. Also, Venus will now be in Gemini until May 19, adding mystery and allure to your close relationship. Interactions should go smoothly and be fun. Saturn will be at hard angle to Venus over the weekend of May 15-16, however, a time when obligations will need to be done first. That won't be the best weekend to plan to go away.

The full moon in Sagittarius - it will be the only one of 2010 - is coming on May 27, so at this time something of vital importance will reach fruition. All Sagittarius should have something to be excited about, and if you were born at the end of November you'll get a double dip of pleasure. A residential situation will improve and family support should be strong. Also, financial news could be quite positive, and even a short trip may be in the making. Apparently, May will enter as softly as a kitten, but end with flourish, like a roaring dragon!

Next month, on June 8, Jupiter and Uranus will meet in conjunction in your fifth house of love for the first time since January 25, 1928. It will not happen again for centuries. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime event! Be ready, dear Sagittarius! This will be a beautiful gift sent from a loving universe!

Dates to Note for Sagittarius:

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-1 16:49 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 崂山道士 于 2010-5-1 17:54 编辑


Pluto in Capricorn and the recent eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn in January this year and in July 2009 have brought many changes to you and have kept you on your toes. Just when you thought things were settled, something else would pop up that would require you show adaptability, flexibility, and resourcefulness. It's certainly been a year so far filled with potential, but has also been one chock full of emotions. It's been both exciting and difficult, stimulating and exhausting - all rolled into one. It certainly hasn't been boring, but you could use a little fun and romance and that's precisely what's in store for May.

Gentle May will completely change the pace, and that could have the power to allow love to flow. Put aside your folders, put your BlackBerry on silent, and push your chair back from the computer, dear Capricorn. May has strewn her rose petals at your feet to entice with fragrance and beauty to coax you out in the world. This month holds such potential - you will want to enjoy every moment of it!

As you begin the month, Mercury will still be retrograde until May 11, touring fellow earth sign Taurus in your house of true love. You may hear from someone special that you used to date. Or, you may broach a sensitive topic with a present lover and perhaps take a chance on suggesting a new solution to an old problem that can draw you closer. Mercury retrograde gets a bad name, but there are many good sides to Mercury retrograde, too. We find what we lost - sometimes material, sometimes spiritual.

At the new moon on May 13 - one of the most glorious new moons of the whole year - your romantic and social life will become much more vibrant and alive. All new moons are worth watching, but this one will be a new moon that is more special than any we've seen in two years and will shower you with social possibilities.

I am excited about it because this new moon will receive blessings from Jupiter, the good fortune planet, and Uranus, planet of surprise, both now in your travel sector, so you may suddenly arrange a quick but luxurious trip to a nearby location, just for the fun of it, during the second half of May. Meanwhile, Saturn, your ruling planet, will also send golden beams to this same new moon, adding an element of stability to any romantic introductions you may experience this month.

If you are single, you will have a superb chance of meeting someone new who really captures your imagination. After all, it's rare to have this level of planetary support! If you are already attached, you will have a chance to amp up your relationship to the sizzle stage - possibly to where it was when you just met years ago. Travel does seem to add a large measure of sugar and spice, but it need not be to a place far from home. It looks like a trip taken for pleasure, but even if you have to combine a bit of business while there, with the lovely aspects you have, you can find ways to enjoy yourself and relax easily.

If you were born on January 13, plus or minus five days, you are in line for double the fun as a result of this new moon. If you have Capricorn rising at 23 degrees, the same will be true.

Your most romantic days will fall this month on May 2-3, 7-8,13-15, 17-21, 25-26, and 30-31. As you see, you have the most special days of any sign!

I mentioned travel, on Monday, May 17; a spontaneous trip will become quite possible. During that week, I just love this day, thanks to the interplay of the Sun and Jupiter.

Wednesday, May 19, sparkles too, for on that day, Uranus will send a beam to the Sun, and the result will also be to coax you into a new setting, perhaps quite unexpectedly - and you'll find you love the time you spend there.

In the middle of these two days is another outstanding one - the day Saturn, your ruler, sends greetings to the Sun. It's a gratifying day on so many levels, and what you decide can lead you to a more stable situation, for that is what Saturn does so well.

If you are attached, Venus in Cancer from May 19 to June 14 will be a boost to your partner too, for Venus will tour your house of committed love. There is one little word of caution, however, in that Pluto will be on the other side of your chart, directly opposed to Venus, so that's going to be a seesaw that's a bit out of balance. Be gentle and not too demanding toward the one you love. Being accepting of your partner's flaws will help love to grow, so if you find yourself ready to say something without thinking, this month, hold back just a little.

Actually, overall, your ability to communicate will be unusually strong after mid-month. You may be asked to write or speak, or be part of a panel - any of these would be great outlets to show off your considerable talents.

Speaking of talents, if you have a creative pastime or if you work in a creative profession, consider taking a little time to relax. Doing so will help you get in touch with the true "you" inside and give you so much more of your talent to release into the world.

This month you'll find it easier to express artistically, with great originality and imagination. The stars are clear though in that everything will start with taking time to decompress. You are a hard worker, so letting go isn't always easy. Yet it would be a shame for you not to try - so much personal growth is there for you if you do.

If you are interested in developing your creativity, this magical energy that is available to you to tap into will appear after May 13. Be sure to take a little time for yourself to experiment, write, design, draw, paint, bake, compose, dance, sing, or audition - you choose your favorite. This month will be all about rounding out your personal side, dear Capricorn.

Financially, you've been spending quite a bit since mid-October, but the good news is that after May, you will see an end to this trend. Mars will leave Leo on June 7, and after that it will be easier for you to control your finances because your high level expenses will end.

Capricorn is a sensible and even frugal sign, but if there is a chance you've been shopping to cheer yourself up (or any reason), that won't be necessary much longer. This month's romantic new moon could bring you the emotional satisfaction you've missed from having a relationship. Remember, what you do in the two weeks that follow a new moon has the power to change your life for a whole year, until the next new moon comes back to refresh the one that is happening now. Push yourself out of the house, dear Capricorn!

The full moon of May 27 will be a time when you will want a bit more rest and privacy. Your intuition will be very acute at this point, so listen to the inner voice within and follow what it tells you to do.

There will be headline news coming at month's end, when Uranus enters Aries on May 27, to stay only until August 14. In so doing, Uranus will offer you a peek at what is coming in years to come. It is common for a big planet like Uranus to only make a short venture into that sign at first, just to help you get oriented. Uranus will be back to Aries in March 2011, and at that time, he will stay for seven years. Uranus has not been in Aries since 1927 to 1935, so for most people alive today, this will be a completely unique experience.

Aries rules your home, property, and real estate sector, so this will be an area of enormous focus in coming weeks and years. What makes this all so astounding is that Jupiter, the good fortune planet, will accompany Uranus into your home sector too from next month on June 6 to September 9.

Both planets will return in the early part of next year to bring more incredible changes and improvements to your living arrangements, and to help you to help your family, too. I will discuss this once-in-a lifetime trend more next month, but for now I will give you an idea of the biggest news of all - these two planets will meet in conjunction on June 8!

Be ready, dear Capricorn! When it comes to home, you have a lot to look forward to - much luck and many surprises!


You're very career-oriented, but this month, you can safely let down your guard. The professional momentum you've built up so far this year will carry you forward through May without needing to push too hard. With Saturn backing into Virgo now, you'll feel less pressure from VIPs to produce, although you will see on-the-job responsibilities climb later, by late July. For now, you can find ways to build a richer, more balanced private life and enjoy social activity.

To that end, watch the phone calls, emails, and texts you get as a result of the new moon, May 13, plus two weeks. This will be the most glorious point of the year for finding romance or for taking time to enjoy the love you already share with a partner. With Jupiter in your travel sector, you might want to sneak out of town to a nearby setting with fantastic results - you'll come home with memories, a feeling of appreciation, and warmth that will be indescribable. When planning your trip, here is a hint: Long distance travel could bring obstacles, so think "near," not "far."

If you have been thinking of reconciling with an old love, do so early in the month, when Mercury will still be retrograde, a good time to go back to see if you can recapture old feelings. If you want to send that text or call, do, but keep in mind you may have had a good reason to break up in the first place. If you are convinced the circumstances were unique and repairable, then get in touch. Love is fragile and precious. If you find it, it is always worth revitalizing for safekeeping.

Your creativity will operate at double speed during the second half of May. This will come thanks to a friendly new moon and the support of good fortune Jupiter and Uranus, planet of originality. Present an idea to an influential person from May 13 to 21 and kudos will come!

The biggest news of all is that Uranus will enter Aries on May 27 to move into your home sector, bringing with it a plethora of unexpected developments. Happily, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will come too to ensure the changes you make are happy ones. These two will circulate only a few weeks, until August 14 for Uranus, and September 9 for Jupiter. If you have wanted to sell a house, renovate, get new furniture - you name it - no matter how ambitious the project, it looks like you can accomplish it now. For Capricorns, when it comes to home and property - as well as family support - sky's the limit!

Dates to note for Capricorn:

Saturn is your ruling planet and has been retrograde since mid-January. Now, Saturn goes direct on May 30 and all your aims and projects get a special push. Saturn will stay direct for the balance of 2010 - so go, go!

Career pressures have been strong, but you've been putting in the hours and your fine work will pay off. Let up a little this month, refuel, and allow your energy to return. You can coast a little bit now - be ready to start up again in June.

The new moon May 13 will be a boon for your love life. This will be one of the most glittering new moons of the year for everyone, but for you, it spells a better love life. It will be up to you to get out of the house to make that fated meeting!

Mercury has been retrograde in your love sector since mid-April and will continue to emit weak vibrations until May 11. Wait until May 13 to begin to make important decisions and purchases.

Mercury has been looking back in your romantic house, so you may have been focused on something that happened in your relationship in the past. From the date Mercury goes direct, May 11, you will turn forward in your relationship.

Your creativity will be very strong in the second half of May - present an idea!

If you take a trip in May, choose a short distance one, close by.

Mars in Leo is still forcing up expenses, a trend that started in mid-October 2009. This will be the last month of this, so hang on. Your financial picture will improve.

The full moon at month's end May 27 will bring you a need for rest and rejuvenation. On the last weekend of the month, plan a very relaxing time, with no strenuous activities on the docket. You need to breathe.

Venus will light your house of relationships from May 19 to June 14. If you need to discuss a difficult topic with your partner, do so then.

Most romantic dates: May 2-3, 7-8, 13-15, 17-21, 25-26, and 30-31.
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