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发表于 2010-5-1 16:57
Life is becoming delicious, for good fortune Jupiter is now moving in strong, sure speed through Pisces, showering you with a rare kind of luck. By next month Jupiter will briefly move into Aries for three months before it returns to Pisces. While you have Jupiter at your side in May, favoring you above all others, make a key initiation while your chances of success are so strong.
Make a strong effort to meet someone new, make a career choice, or buy a house - the type of move you make will be up to you. The major decisions you make in the second half, from May 13 on, will put you in a fine position in years to come. Any big initiation you take now toward a heartfelt goal has an outstanding chance for success. Choose your actions carefully though, and don't spread yourself too thin. If you conserve your energy and beam it to where it will do the most good, you will see the most dramatic results.
You are innately a happy sign, not one given to complaining about anything in particular. You have shown incredible grace under pressure, and for that you should be congratulated. That is no small gift.
Indeed, you have had some of the hardest challenges of any sign of the zodiac, but finally, by May, you will now see the light at the end of the tunnel. While it is true that Saturn is back in Virgo, a condition that was reactivated on April 7, this tough teacher planet will only be there until July 21. You are so close to ending your most difficult and demanding period in recent memory, dear Pisces, so just hang on a little longer! Once Saturn moves out of Virgo, the place that has proved to be so very tough for you, Saturn will not be back to this position until 2036.
Saturn is presently directing most of his lessons of maturity, courage, and forbearance toward those Pisces who were born late in the sign, from March 17 to 20. Everyone gets the same amount of time in Saturn's boot camp.
You are actually fortunate in that good fortune planet Jupiter has been in Pisces in a once-in-12-year visit, since January, and so Jupiter is at your side to protect you. In ancient days, prior to Neptune's discovery, Jupiter was Pisces' ruler, and to this day we still look at Jupiter's position for clues to what will come up for you. Having Jupiter in Pisces is awesome, akin to having an invisible net beneath you to catch you whenever you need special help - even in those against-all-odds situations in any phase of life.
While you wait for Saturn to move out of Virgo, you will have a chance to regain your financial footing that may have needed more tending between last November and March. You can get things back on track, but it will take some finessing. The sooner you come up with a better system to control and track financial details, the sooner your tension will be reduced.
In terms of your closest relationships, however, someone close seems to have taken advantage of your good nature, becoming excessively needy or demanding and resistant to any ideas you have offered to foster progress. You may be at the point of frustration now, or soon will be. If you leave, no one would ever question why. It's hard for Pisces to draw the line, because you are so oriented toward relieving suffering in others, not creating more stress. Even if you feel the person has wronged you, it is never easy for Pisces to stage a confrontation. A Pisces would rather leave.
On May 23, when Jupiter and Saturn will be at direct odds, you may find this very person will again test your patience - if you haven't already aired this topic (or left) you will at this time. This demanding person may be costing you money and time, which is why you might reach an end point at this time.
As you get to the second half of May, despite what may (or may not) happen on Sunday, May 23 (plus or minus two days), you will find this to be generally a good strong month for you. Chances are, you'll like almost all the developments that come up! Let's go through the month now, with a little closer look.
First, though, as you enter May, although you will want to jump on deals and negotiations, you will have to hold back. Mercury will still be retrograde until May 11, but continue to send scrambled messages until May 13. Sit tight until May 13. If you become anxious and begin making decisions prior to this date, it will only cause you more grief down the line, for you will have to backtrack and undo what you had done during the Mercury retrograde period.
During May 1-13 it is not a time to shop for any expensive things like a car, computer, or other electronic products as Mercury rules machines. Buying these types of things, including furniture or jewelry, increases the chances of buying a dysfunctional item or one you decide you really don't like later - when it is too late to take it back. As you see, you really do have to refrain from making big decisions and purchases in early May.
The new moon in Taurus on May 13 will herald a fresh start. You will feel your energy and enthusiasm start to soar, and finally, things will begin to click again. The area of opportunity that will shine brightest will be in the realm of speaking, writing, and communicating. Offers will be substantial and well paying, and better yet, they will represent a chance for long-range gain. Whether you hope to lecture overseas, host a TV show, or write a column in a prestigious magazine, as two examples, you should be able to get closer to your wish - or actually capture it now.
Not all new moons have such strong planetary support. This one is very special and different, and will stand out as a key point in 2010. Don't overlook social media as an area of opportunity. Put up a blog, redo your website, start to Twitter - when it comes to your ability to communicate, few can hold a candle to you!
You will begin to travel more, too, both near and far. Those journeys will be quite broadening and allow you to make new contacts and open up new ways of making money.
Those Pisces born on March 13, plus or minus five days, will feel the most dramatic benefit from this new moon, but you may have other planets in Pisces or water signs, and if so, you may find some dazzling benefits from those planets, too. Wait and see. I should also say that any reader with Pisces rising within five degrees of the 23 degrees of Taurus of this new moon would notice this influence, too.
No matter when your birthday falls, you have several days in mid-month to circle on your calendar as exceptional. Here they are:
The first day to watch will be Monday, March 17, a gorgeous day when the Sun in Taurus will combine energies with Jupiter in Pisces. Traveling, speaking, negotiating, presenting - all will go so very well for you on this day. This is a day that has benefits from communication written all over it. This would also be a superb day to sign a contract, for profits are likely to be better than you expect.
On Wednesday, May 19, you will have the Sun and Saturn in sync, so you may want to sign a long-term agreement or make a pact with someone special for the future. On this same day, Venus will be in prefect angle to Neptune, so it's also going to be an enchanting date night, too.
On Thursday, May 20, the Sun in Taurus will reach out to Uranus, planet of surprise, also in Pisces. You may travel today quite unexpectedly or get a surprising text message out of the blue. It's sure to be a day that brims with good news. You'll also be in top form when it comes to generating creative ideas, and that always is news a Pisces loves to hear.
It seems you have been working very hard, for Mars has been in Leo since October, increasing the number of assignments you were being asked to do. No doubt you've been under the gun, trying to get out all those projects. Pisces are known to work best when self-employed, so although you've been working very hard, you may be happy to be so in demand. This pace will keep up until June 7, the date Mars will finally leave this sector. Dear Pisces, you need a rest, so let yourself enjoy a slightly slower pace. You won't miss a beat, because your aspects continue to be stellar!
If you have been having medical concerns, the move of Mars out of Leo would mean you would have fewer interactions with doctors and medical practitioners and technicians. That's good news - it means you must be getting better!
If you have been fine, then use May to recommit to fitness goals, perhaps by treating yourself to a package of training sessions or lessons in a sport you have always wanted to learn. Having Mars in your solar sixth house (what you have now) is considered a superb placement for making exceptional strides in fitness and health.
Next month, you may give your home and family more focus, thanks to the important upcoming new moon June 12. In the meantime, this month, on May 7, Venus and Mars will be in perfect sync (operative plus or minus one day), so you may want to choose a new accessory or plant for your home to make it prettier and more in keeping with the coming season. Alternatively, you can find a surprise to bring your mother - she'll be thrilled.
Romantically, once Venus moves into Cancer, you will enter a truly bewitching phase that will last from May 19 to June 14. Mark that period on your calendar because it will be one of your favorite phases for fun and love.
If you were thinking of doing something to improve your appearance, like meeting with a stylist to change the way you wear your hair, do so on May 25 or 26. Get ready to receive lots of compliments! This message is directed to my men and women readers - both!
When Saturn goes direct speed on May 30, you will find it easier to see friends and get support from them. This is good news, for Saturn has been retrograde - and therefore weak - ever since the year began. Saturn will stay in strong form for the balance of 2010, so it seems you will be moving into a much more social period - good! When friends make offers and promises, they will keep them too, which is always comforting!
Your most enjoyable, fun, and romantic dates will occur on May 8-9, 12-13, 17-18, 20, 25-26, and 29-30.
For you, May enters like a lamb but ends like a lion, with brilliant firecrackers! Here is why I say that!
Your career is about to get an exciting boost on the full moon May 27. You may get important publicity or hear that your boss wants to give you a promotion. You may be asked to give a speech or write a book that is later lauded by many reviewers. Or, you may bring in a new client or be offered a brand new job. This day is sure to add another star to your lapel.
In the United States, May 28 (Friday afternoon) through May 31 will be a holiday weekend - Memorial Day - but it seems you will be happy to stay back an extra day working if necessary when opportunity knocks! Give this full moon a plus or minus four days, with the greatest emphasis on May 27-31.
Also at the end of May, there will be MORE big news!
Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, will enter Aries and your solar second house of earned income. Uranus is about to move into this area of your chart for seven years next year, but won't be ready to do so just yet. This year, Uranus will move into Aries from May 27 to August 14, 2010.
Remarkably, Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will enter Aries too, from June 6 until September 9. As you see, by some miracle, both planets will be moving into your earned income house together for the in coming months. Get ready to earn some VERY good money, dear Pisces! Life can't always be this way, but gee, this is incredible!
If you are saying to yourself, "Wait, I want Jupiter and Uranus to be in Pisces, my sign, not Aries! Having them both in Pisces is quite lucky, too!" Indeed you are right, and both planets will return to Pisces to make their last tour during the balance of the year.
As you see, Pisces is going to have the cake and eat it, too. Uranus will come back to Aries in March 2011, and Jupiter, a bit earlier, in mid-January 2011. All the work you are doing now is about to add up to something big, and although you are not a materialistic sign, you will finally be paid generously whether you demand your due or not. Uranus has not been in Aries since 1927 to 1935, so very few people alive today have experienced this trend! Chances are, it will represent something very new and special for you!
Dear Pisces, are you excited yet? You should be!
Mercury will be retrograde until May 11, so if you have an agreement to make, do it after the new moon, May 13. You'll be glad you waited, for Jupiter will bring profits and Saturn will have the power to bring you long-term security. May 17 and 18 will be especially fine days for making any kind of promises in your personal or business life.
The career news you get near the full moon in your house of fame and honors May 27 will be especially exciting. You may get enviable publicity or you may crystallize a big career development. The salary offered should be surprisingly generous, too. Stop to think about how long and hard you worked to see this victory occur and celebrate this special moment.
In terms of love, having Jupiter in your sign makes your prospects some of the best possible. When Venus enters fellow water sign Cancer on May 19 to June 14, the picture will be complete and you will have an even better chance to find happiness. Wow, when you're hot, you're hot! Venus in Cancer will also be ideal for improving your looks and for choosing new clothes - indulge a little, dear Pisces! Choose May 25 or 26.
Your ruling planet, Neptune, will go retrograde from May 31 to November 7, so after the end of May, you will need to concentrate on the projects and relationships that you have already built, rather than seek new ones. Your time to move forward will begin again in mid-September but will step up even more in early November and extend through most of January 2011. You are in a rare time, dear Pisces, for the planets are pushing you quickly to a new lifestyle and a happier place. You'll soon see!
Dates to Note:
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