本帖最后由 vogueidea 于 2010-8-5 11:21 编辑
又搜了下德国人的论坛,发现很多建议去ebay买,于是又搜了下网上店的价格,的确ebay要比amazon或者kochen essen wohnen上要便宜,北美的代理网站上28cm的浅的要239美金,我在ebay上58欧加邮费拿下
我买过很多的 T-FAL 的不粘锅,可用过一阵子就开始发粘,再用久点特弗隆的涂层还会掉,对身体不好。也用过两个国产铁锅,炒肉还是有点粘,而且要多放油烧热,搞的油烟味满处,菜的颜色也不好看。所以我一直在找一个不粘、无油烟的健康好锅。
2006年,看到朋友买了一口不粘又无油烟的健康好锅。虽然很贵 ( 约 300 加元),确实是非常好。毛毛妈也忍痛买了一个直径 28cm 的深的煎锅,牌子是 Gastrolux, 是丹麦的技术,德国或丹麦制造,采用纳米技术将钛和陶瓷的喷涂到铝锅上,不含特弗隆(non Teflon coating)
这个锅用了 2年半了,还是很满意。关键是每次用完都要洗干净,隔断时间可以做个 Shock treatment, 这样可以将残余在表面的食物微粒,油烟去掉,不沾性能得到激活。
1. Heat the cookware on the stove on HIGH without the lid until Very Hot. The pan will smoke indicating it is burning off built on food residue. A clean pan will not smoke when heated. Let the pan smoke until it stops, approximately 20 minutes.
2. Carefully bring the pan to the sink and place approximately 1 cup of Cold water in the pan, the water will boil intensely so be careful. When boiling has calmed down, add a few drops of liquid dish soap in the water. When it stops boiling, return to the stove. Continue boiling for approximately 5 minutes without letting it boil dry, add a half cup of water if required.
3. Carefully empty the water in the sink, and wash with your plastic scrubber, clean Hot water and liquid dish soap. This treatment may be repeated in severe cases of residue build-up.
4.When clean, heat the pan to warm and condition the pan with a couple drops of CANOLA oil. Spread the oil around to condition the pan, and wipe dry
我大火干烧了快 20 分钟(这对其他的不沾锅是不敢想像的事),经过这样处理后,里面还真像新的一样。我用硅胶铲保护表面,注意不要用很硬的很尖的铲子。
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