2 cups flour 405面粉
1/4 cup sugar 糖(我就用2汤勺)
2 tsp baking powder 烤粉
1/2 tsp baking soda 小苏打
1/2 tsp salt 盐
7oz Almond Paste 杏仁软糖(我在Penny买的,不贵,好像是80cents)
1/2 cup orange juice 橙汁(我刚好有剩下一个新鲜西柚,就挤了汁用了)
1/2 cup orange marmalade 橙味果酱
4 Tbsp butter (1/2 stick), melted 黄油(我用margarine)
1 large egg 鸡蛋
1 Preheat oven to 375 F and grease the muffin pan.
2 Sift the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt into a large bowl.
3 Grate the almond paste into the flour.
4 Mix the grated almond paste into the flour mixture until all pieces are coated. Separate any pieces that may have stuck together.
5 In a medium bowl beat the orange juice, orange marmalade, melted butter, and egg until well mixed.
6 Add the orange juice mixture to a well made in the center of the flour/almond paste mixture. Beat quickly with a spoon until just combined.
7 Spoon the batter into 11 of the muffin pan holes. Using all 12 holes means smaller muffins.
8 Bake for 18 to 20 minutes or until lightly golden on top.
[ 本帖最后由 angelinatan_cn 于 2005-9-8 15:11 编辑 ] |
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