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古丽斯坦Gulistan艺术收藏爱好者协会 , {) z3 N: D. s( ~: z# ~# j
Gulistan and her art. 1 D- o* i# Z0 ^1 q

+ H7 j! K, s$ V- x
& _* F0 Q* I! w$ [8 a古丽的绘画没有传统油画技法的束缚,没有流行题材的局限,亦没有视觉语言符号化的追求,她似乎是在一个无拘无束,完全自由的境界往来穿梭。这里,承载着她对生命的体验和感悟,在记忆的尘埃中时隐时现,它们是她心象的呈现。
' i' L3 V% j3 v' n# y7 |# q' P! y$ S. ^1 s7 Y
古丽把自己融入画面,任由意念在流逝的时光中潆回,沉积为肌理与色彩的微妙变化,这变化最终蕴集为一个意念的时空。在这无限的时空里她捡拾着记忆的碎片,悉心拂去岁月的尘埃,倾听那无言的诉说,在心灵的最深处与之回应。于是她把时光制成记忆的印签珍藏在画面里,纤弱却不乏顽强,敏感而蕴涵丰富,真实而美好。古丽的画被赋予了生命一般,静静的停留在那里,似乎在等待着被发现……。4 t* B+ K" ^& G1 f: p

' s4 d0 Q! _. t2 H) U- H, A2 s+ b" E+ k
; Q8 g2 r3 y0 ]: D9 e
Gulistan 古丽•斯坦
9 Q: T7 ]( M% S9 HGulistan and her art7 |3 @7 }  V* i5 A" R& [
9 y  z, \- b  H" E; }& b1 f5 J4 J# C

6 ~- ?  ~9 X6 A3 U: y, L9 c1 u, I) z; [
' B" G: p9 I8 J4 J! I4 T- y, T$ @
Gulistan 古丽.斯坦6 r" E! C6 G9 \: H' K- o) l

2 o9 M" f" ~6 m性别 女
& o2 [& g. Z% T0 B1 }) [0 q( U) T1990年-1994年中央民族大学美术系、大学本科、文学学士学位。' m9 l9 i, a* D! d4 p4 t
2000年-2003年首都师范大学美术学院读研究生油画专业。5 X$ _3 E0 V9 A3 k( F6 L! {
2005年-2007年澳大利亚FLINDERS 大学的教育硕士。
2 x  T; J& u) X; g! R1 X5 v# C2 R2 U; C现任教于首都师范大学初教院# U$ u8 L7 {' F& j+ o

  E7 e. ?  x! v7 Z/ ?参加的展览
: ^' W7 S9 C& ]9 w( O( i* c% ~$ Z
/ Y( {2 h! |, o) I* D! h$ P. j2001年 油画创作作品《千年星雨》入选油画学会主办的“研究与超越-中国小幅油画大展” (2001年11月在中国美术馆展出)。* b: r0 F4 u5 ~( h+ N9 [! K
2002年 油画创作作品《记忆.四》入选北京市第三届新人新作展(2002年10月在中央美院展出)
6 T- a- P0 i( C. B9 `" `( w0 h& I2003年 油画创作作品《女娲之服》入选“携手新世纪-第三届中国油画展”(2003年在中国美术馆展出)
* ~: }0 _" [- ~& T" Z+ W* S! b2003年 油画创作作品《地理学.历史学.心理学》、《女娲之服.星云》参加“与文化有关” 的展览在索卡画廊展出。(北京)
/ b9 S6 U' G7 a8 e2005年3月参加首届格调女性艺术展(北京)3 O  y- D1 U4 |# [" u3 j* o8 R8 t
2005年8月参加“实力派中青年画家邀请展”(山东)6 J; r* q6 N6 m: N* b
2 ]! T2 ?& B6 E( v2006年12月在北京举办当代艺术家14人联展“视觉的深度”东方元象画廊(北京)
/ e/ S# t0 B6 @% I/ t/ s2007年3月在北京今日美术馆举办展览“用绘画传递心灵的音符”(北京)
! n2 O6 ^: B  E2 t, n, O) h2007年9月在北京桥舍画廊举办联展“欲望的风景”(北京); I/ v) E5 n' {/ C( C% J# X. i
4 }- t- j) c0 j9 U. b2008年6月参加瑞典马尔默“中国蓝”-中国当代油画展(瑞典)
8 |1 {. i1 g/ z6 |7 V2008年9月入选2008北京艺术沙龙主题展《视野-形象》国际当代绘画与雕塑邀请展。(中国国际贸易中心,北京)" M8 m: `0 S* M# Y, T; j8 N" H
4 H5 J1 F9 x$ m# H" J$ j) P2008年12月入选“魅力龟兹”油画展,(中国美术馆展出, 北京)+ E; G+ \$ Y: L5 O9 p4 p" p
2009年3月参加当代女艺术家联展(环铁时代美术馆, 北京)
3 X, j, r4 z5 d0 b! _0 ^% |2009年6月“圆启中国”中国当代艺术价值回归展(北京尚元素美术馆,北京)
8 }; z1 t7 a7 m6 L2009年8月参加韩国首尔画展《东方之光》首届中韩当代艺术交流展(韩国首尔世宗会馆)
' \- T! F) M$ }# r2009年12月《摆设系列》《关于时间的传说系列》《跨越》等油画作品在文化部中外文化交流中心中外首工美术馆展览(首工美术馆,北京)
; _! ]2 p- x- ^  @0 v  G. E2009年12月参加“中国风景”邀请展,(东方之光艺术中心,北京)* D8 X% X) r/ {' U( s' B
2010年4月30日参加“方寸之间——当代艺术小幅油画国际邀请展” (东方之光艺术中心,北京)
0 z, J( R. Q0 r7 d+ Y( Y  L; d2010年6月“古丽斯坦Gulistan上海个展-关于时间的传说”(M ART CENTER,上海)& @, e" ^, X$ A* ?) [& K
2010年8月参加“北京时间-金宝汇艺术嘉年华”邀请展,(北京金宝汇艺术馆)* {# l1 @" V+ E2 H& ~* v
( E8 ?8 _" u  ~
* S5 ], p5 c1 g

$ l# J! O9 t( E% }发表印刷出版的作品
1 _: M. J- W5 v; e7 _# ], A9 f. m% a& l
出版个人画册《古丽斯坦》由香港东方艺术中心出版社出版,中国美术大事记-2009年古丽斯坦Gulistan创作状态(油画)由中国文史出版社出版.中国美术大事记-纪录当代艺术家代表作品由中国文史出版社出版。2 M& I& ?6 H5 i6 s' t  m& n
油画作品及文章发表于《东方艺术经典》 《美术内参》 《艺术世界》
0 ]9 R; K" u5 u《新美域》 《25ans》《艺术家》《中国百老汇》《上海时代报》《东方早报〉〈新民晚报-国家艺术杂志〉《中国油画》〈携手新世纪-第三届中国油画展〉 《中国当代艺术》《美术观察》〈研究与超越-中国小幅油画大展作品集》《画刊》《北京商报-当代油画周刊》《韩国-世界美术》《OFFICIEL时装》《VOGUE》《ELLE》 《品鉴杂志》等等。
" C$ Q( u  e, x/ }1 B/ o% C, A6 ]
  y# L1 j( Y" T1 r
Resume  l3 t) r. W/ m' }% x
' K! E0 d7 A; x
Gulistan 古丽•斯坦
: w; j7 _; q  b
- O. u: z1 c9 }7 \Ethnicity: Uyghur' a0 W2 t9 a. i- g' B1 T3 V3 w: ]+ p# |
Gender: Female( ~4 {. O" ~! r  {" A. h+ f
8 L/ u3 N3 Q& ?1990–1994
  Y5 Z7 h2 q5 O/ P0 zBachelor's degree in Art and Design from the Fine Arts College of the Central University for Nationalities, Beijing
7 P# l# U, K* }& r% M- u9 p# p6 [/ F
1999–present1 F" l1 Q# n4 k" m
Lecturer in the Elementary Education College of Capital Normal University, Beijing& d  a# p- u4 R
2 s$ y$ }7 T( x2 w( @. B
2000–2003+ K- J) u+ ~( {0 ]
Master's degree in Oil Painting from the Fine Arts College of Capital Normal University, Beijing- A6 U6 B. C  T8 R4 ]1 G* \- v

3 Z& d- P' j2 M/ {2 R& ~2005–2007
! @6 I% D( n+ j& l& s# l3 RMaster's of Education from Flinders University, Australia
( E$ e, d4 d, w* Q5 q' f. K5 G) e/ f$ r* G9 x
Exhibitions% ~- `) S* }6 F& I! J
In 2001, the oil painting Raining Stars of the Millennium was included in the "Research and Surpassing–Oil Painting Exhibition of China" hosted by the Oil Painting Academy of China, on display in November 2001 at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.
/ G7 p- v4 F& J6 L2 {7 ~' n2 N7 M' e/ e
In 2002, the oil painting Memory (IV) was included in the "Third Exhibition of New Works From Beijing Freshmen", on display in October 2002 at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.
/ e6 Y2 g1 N, J$ M) v$ D# w6 Q) `7 ^$ |; v8 ~: o: P" m; x' {
In 2003, the oil painting Nuwa's Dress was included in the "Entering the New Century Hand by Hand–The Third Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition", on display in 2003 at the National Art Museum of China.
7 d3 r9 T% O: H3 `! o/ U1 V6 l
& h- h' o9 `2 Y% G, H- P6 dIn 2003, the oil paintings Geography, History, Psychology and Nuwa's Dress–Stars and Cloud were included in the "Related to Culture Exhibition", on display at the Soka Gallery in Taiwan.* J* Z& s* u& {: q7 o0 j
$ o6 P  S$ x+ N: e. |, o* `
In March 2005, Gulistan participated in the "Style Women Art Exhibition" in (Beijing).1 b( }' c# h: M; d

* F& p. h3 Q: d- T  X! D: x8 ZIn August 2005, Gulistan participated in the "Exhibition of Works from Excellent Established Artists" in (Qingdao).+ @  b# T/ T% p0 W: @# @" s& F

& O* j: Y1 W/ G0 [8 dIn July 2006, Gulistan held a solo exhibition of her work at the Spring Gallery in (Shanghai).
/ g8 |$ b; M* y, T0 P% z4 m
; Z% V& }9 s* ~7 N+ _: j/ UIn December 2006, Gulistan participated in a 14-member group exhibition of contemporary artists entitled "The Depth of Vision" held at the Oriental Yuanxiang Gallery in Beijing.
( V7 C0 v1 B! f- @
9 Z1 K% L9 |& m& WIn March 2007 Gulistan held a joint exhibition with Greek artist Yorgos Papageorgiou at the Today Art Museum in Beijing entitled”Encounter Between the Notes”
% Q8 p+ N) }' t& _) J. [4 I$ m! \9 O9 k
In September 2007 had a group exhibition entitled”The Scenery of Desire” held at Bridge Gallery in (Beijing).
) B2 z4 P0 I% S& t5 G" l& f9 J5 C8 X3 ^& t
In October 2007 had a group exhibition at ShiJiazhuang Contemporary Museum.
+ a0 Q+ c2 h- R8 G
2 \& ~6 _1 Y$ o4 Y% W+ B1 XIn June 2008 had a group exhibition entitled” China Blue” in (Sweden).
3 ]* p9 z- s  c. c, z; E2 t2 i) A5 [* [- X1 p
In September 2008 participated in “view and image”
2 P9 o. z& _! z7 B' c! s4 G2 a3 r  kInternational Contemporary art exhibition in (Beijing).
( ~9 ^. B" H0 h& ]: w! W
+ \# h( p8 b" y4 \+ ZIn December 2008 participated in “Art in China- Chinese Contemporary art exhibition” at Today art Museum in (Beijing).6 W* G; d/ z- Y7 E1 D0 H4 K

* H( b* K1 c9 i/ f' J; cIn December 2008 participated in “Art from Silk road” at National Art Museum in (Beijing).
3 b8 `4 z0 x2 M/ k( ]9 ]8 a4 B# {& W5 p: q) l9 w
In March 2009 Participated in “The Exhibition of Contemporary Female Artists” at HuanTie Times Art Museum in (Beijing).
! ~; p1 q9 T, t( A* M/ B) K% \  `
0 i7 p9 v' v# o: M: ?0 f* ]2 q, y9 `1 |, y* ^' q0 Z* _
In August 2009 Participated in “Korea-China Contemporary Art Interchange Exhibition"(Seoul, Korean)
) i7 b% l" }. q, e. e, }7 \9 |, a; C" \; w# e: H( W# w* @
In December 2009 had exhibition at Shougong Art Museum(Beijing)
6 l; K1 D1 H) l4 i0 H% u* P/ B* @0 k' t
In December 2009 Participated in “Chinese scenery"at Oriental Art Center in Beijing.
, o, k9 x( l: M% c; {9 l+ Z: ^/ K5 ?4 D! G
In April 2010 Participated in“Between Square Inch - International Contemporary Art Exhibition of Small Oil Paintings "at Oriental Art Center in Beijing.8 E% j% t# l0 @, ^' N

# X/ U4 X& [0 A0 c0 b2 k) W: n) _In June 19th 2010 held a solo exhibition"Gulistan 2010 Shanghai-Tales of time" at the M ART CENTER (Shanghai).
# m, V' @% K6 c) E
- @0 W  Q* u, i0 j( m0 s3 [) J1 d" x, _# W; U! u, m# }) w9 e
Gulistan Published Works" B* y$ b. V8 e1 U9 ?( `2 F

, V$ {1 V! d3 S  k: g$ V1 [6 FGulistan's artwork has been published in: Chinese Oil Painting, Art Observation, Research and Surpassing–Oil Paintings Exhibition of China, Entering the New Century Hand by Hand–The Third Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition, Chinese Contemporary Arts, Chinese Oil Painting, Xinmin Evening News, Oriental Morning News (Shanghai), Shanghai Times News, Chinese Broadway Bookzine (Beijing), 25ans, New Horizon, Meishu Neican Magazine, and Oriental Art Classics….
1 ?% ?' H$ x# G" \' s! v
0 z8 e9 |1 J* Q* TA personal art book entitled Gulistan was published in Hong Kong in April 2006, 160 pages.Published Events -2009 years of Chinese Fine Art Chronicle-Creative state of Gulistan's painting from the Chinese Literature Press.Record History China Art Memorabilia Record The Contemporary Artists 2009' Representative Artworks.
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