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发表于 2011-3-17 13:32
1133: The First Secretary at Japan's embassy in London has been speaking to BBC News. He defended his government from criticism that it has been slow to provide information. "The Japanese authorities consider it is a very important aspect to provide accurate and swift information. The situation develops minute-to-minute and hour-to-hour so what we need to explain will change," Daisuke Tsuchiya said.
German TV station ARD also reports that 20 workers from the power plant have been diagnosed with severe radiation poisoning. ARD cites IAEO as the source of this information. Do we have translation errors or is information conveyed not clearly enough?
by Sled79 at 8:00 PM
Defense Minister Toshimi Kitazawa said in Tokyo, referring to decision on dousing No. 3 reactor with water carried by choppers: ''We decided to do this because we thought that TODAY is the time limit.'' english.kyodonews.jp
by Mar1Popp1ns edited by Reuters_MarkKolmar at 8:10 PM
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