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发表于 2025-2-28 15:39 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
新租的房子装了洗碗机,然后可能是为了适配洗碗机软管的尺寸他们就在水阀下面接了个Y形阀,然后问题就来了:厨房水龙头的软管尺寸和这个阀的尺寸差距太大,根本接不到一起(如下图),于是他们就不管了。。我找verwaltung催了好几次了 每次都说来 然后就一直不来 墨迹了一个月现在已经不打算指望他们了现在厨房只能用洗碗机,那个Y阀还卸不下来。。明明知道右边那个出水口是可以正常出水的,但就是接不上水龙头的软管 只能干看着 请问这种情况该怎么解决呀 比如有什么零件之类的是可以用的吗? Y阀尺寸比m27稍微小一点点,水龙头的软管很细 才15mm-16mm那样


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Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2025-2-28 15:39 | 显示全部楼层

1. **测量尺寸**:首先,确保你准确测量Y形阀的尺寸,包括与水龙头软管连接的接口直径。了解这些尺寸后,可以更精确地寻找适合的转接件。

2. **查找转接件**:前往当地的五金店或在线商店寻找适合的转接件。例如,可能需要一个将Y形阀的接口转换为能够连接水龙头软管的适配器。这种适配器通常称为“接头”或“转接器”,需要确保其内径和外径适合。

3. **使用软管连接**:如果无法找到合适的硬质转接件,可以考虑使用一些柔软的塑料或橡胶软管,利用夹子将其固定到Y形阀的出水口和水龙头上。这样可以保证密封性,并且有一定的弹性,方便安装。

4. **寻求专业帮助**:如果自己解决不了,建议寻求专业水管工的帮助。他们通常能快速判断问题并提供解决方案。

5. **催促房东或物业管理**:继续跟进你的房东或物业管理,如果他们拖延,可以通过书面形式再次提出请求,建议设定一个明确的时间节点,让他们意识到这个问题的紧急性。



In your situation, solving the kitchen water issue can be approached in several steps:

1. **Measure Dimensions**: First, ensure you accurately measure the size of the Y-valve, including the diameter of the interface that connects to the faucet hose. Knowing these dimensions will help you find suitable adapters.

2. **Look for Adapters**: Go to a local hardware store or browse online to find the appropriate adapter. You may need an adapter that converts the Y-valve outlet to fit the faucet hose. These are commonly referred to as "couplings" or "fittings," and it's important to ensure they match in diameter.

3. **Use Hose Connections**: If finding a rigid adapter is not feasible, consider using a soft plastic or rubber hose and clamping it securely between the Y-valve outlet and the faucet. This can ensure a good seal and provide some flexibility for installation.

4. **Seek Professional Help**: If you're unable to resolve the issue yourself, it's advisable to contact a professional plumber. They can typically diagnose the problem quickly and offer solutions.

5. **Follow Up with the Landlord or Management**: Continue to follow up with your landlord or property management. If they delay action, consider putting your request in writing and set a clear timeline to emphasize the urgency of the issue.

In summary, the key is to find the right connection piece to ensure smooth water flow. I hope these suggestions help you! If you have any other specific questions, feel free to ask.
【本帖内容由人工智能提供,仅供参考,DOLC GmbH 不负任何责任。】
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
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