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S101, ]7 A+ o- D2 D
5 M$ x6 d+ ]( t3 v; s1 Q# p0 {! b
Newsworthy: 具备新闻价值的 O: X4 p3 g1 O/ N: ?
Perform sb’s chores: 做家务杂事9 f, S( _0 Z1 r* b
Run sb’s errands:做某样差事
; d5 `# ]+ h" i( E% y0 kPolish the routine of sb’s life until it gleams with perfection: 将生活中的日常琐事演绎得完美
. c& T3 t! W, h j3 _Hallway: 门厅( t9 x1 s8 |% ]+ n$ h: \: o
Closet: 橱1 i# l ~; K* @& q+ [ Q$ `
Revolver: 左轮手枪5 z' }7 ~) ` i" \
Startle: 惊吓6 ?% H% B- G' }7 b( h0 h6 P
A poping sound: 砰的一声
6 }! T/ o9 J" z1 Q) V6 G! H4 j% nDrop in on sb: 顺道拜访! z3 }+ g3 _$ x8 c' R
Unannounced: 突然起来地8 z+ B; U1 e9 x. G( m( n
Grief-stricken: very sad for something that has happened
. Q+ A! @) d7 I2 b2 W; K& MSenseless: 愚蠢的
& T/ W. W) k+ I$ WLay to rest: 入土为安1 {2 o) U, p8 u, d
Move up the corporte ladder: 在公司往上爬
( [6 l9 o. L# \; M/ w" u" E7 w9 b0 [Stay-at-home mom: 全职母亲+ o" R" G) S+ h) r, j0 w
Hectic:忙碌8 p# b" h9 q3 {$ A3 T" i; Q
Irony: 嘲弄
1 ?$ H1 {2 ?8 ^- q) hElf:精灵,小鬼
% v; f/ J6 R% n3 q6 K! JAct up: 捣乱
& C/ a( r" o4 B2 O% A, @Well up:涌出,eg. Tears well up sb’s eyes8 Z5 A/ T2 q7 O( Q' p4 N
Piping hot: 指食物液体很热
3 n, `5 }+ T% l7 s& @Convertible: 敞篷车
4 a, \/ D0 O. tWork sth in: 插入(话题)
! `/ I" I7 R7 }* gOutfield:棒球外野( B3 E1 o2 N: D
Uphoster: 给沙发装上垫子,弹簧,布面等( ], d! j$ e8 a. e8 [0 }# N6 ] i
You shouldn’t go through all this trouble: 你不必如此麻烦费心: o4 q5 ^4 `( B3 H7 m
Macaroni cheese: 干奶酪通心粉# N5 Y; @! e8 A1 B
Watery: 水太多,糊糊' F C) @1 ]8 s& t: _
Burn sth: 把菜烧糊了时可以用+ Z- r3 q: N4 _, B
Philander: 调戏女人的人; ?1 n( ~6 W; R# E2 [: c0 Y0 M
Zen look on sb’s face: 面带禅机
0 ~9 }( `2 z' g h+ o( dPunch sb: 扇某人一巴掌% e8 Z7 f" Q( P& T
Bang sb: 和某人上床
4 V7 @5 O; t5 r/ N0 o' ~Penis: 男性生殖器
4 x! k7 r7 l! O6 g* TLimp:软弱的: G+ l. w5 |1 O+ C) U8 \9 X8 T
) |, G0 ^4 y/ i3 i: M& a# U8 UScrew up: 把什么弄糟3 R. {: T, ]! n [( W( ^& Z- q% p
Be big with sth: 专门做某事" ]& {$ u& {% y) D$ C9 z& Q
Be big with child: 怀孕: g0 a* _) e8 `- f6 N
Clog: 堵塞
/ @8 U( L" U2 b1 v+ QEase up: 放慢,放轻松
9 q1 u: m7 j; q6 ~: uVampire:吸血鬼0 |- k4 F3 X4 I$ ?4 F) Q! |) W
At a wake: 死者的告别式,守夜
" C7 e" [. i( o' M( y% e5 RHousewarming gift: 庆祝乔迁的礼物4 n3 k) y, P. h4 x
Predatory: 食肉的,主动的1 A: t$ n! \4 l7 E- K
Legendary: 传奇的
5 }) L( Y* M; u- f' ^) vSausage: 香肠,腊肠
2 B9 N3 D1 F8 i; b! zPuttanesca:5 H4 x# p: k7 x L& \
The name originated in Naples after the local prostitutes, Pasta alla Puttanesca meaning "Pasta in the way a whore would make it". The reason why the dish gained such a name is debated. One possibility is that the name is a reference to the sauce's hot, spicy flavour and smell. Another is that the dish was offered to prospective customers at a low price to entice them into a house of ill repute. According to chef Jeff Smith of the Frugal Gourmet, its name came from the fact that it was a quick, cheap meal that prostitutes could prepare between customers.
2 o& Q, s/ e1 ^Rivalry: 竞争
: y0 x: t. g2 I7 U K5 h6 PBandage:绷带
: I* k; J8 W2 N2 j7 u" tHook up: 连接电源,性交
+ w" @1 R# f5 T$ ^8 p! u0 LBasil puree: 罗勒泥" y* ^9 T: p' ]) p2 o2 K
Navy bean: 宽豆角
, y$ n5 V3 n0 K+ L- z- NOsso buco: 白酒烩小牛膝: o. _. C- B/ ~) Z8 P/ s. Z
The shank is cut across the bone into slices about 3cm thick, browned, and braised in white wine and aromatics
' R" O0 g. ~: rSullen tone: 郁郁寡欢的语气
1 I7 S5 Y# ^3 T2 S) uCuisine: 烹饪
/ ^7 P8 ?8 [( M' i5 d$ aYou are as fresh as paint in last six months. 变得不懂礼貌0 V) H( I7 o, y; E
Steford wives:/ p; P- A5 r. R
The premise involves the male inhabitants of the fictional town of Stepford, Connecticut, who all have eager-to-please, overly-submissive, and impossibly beautiful wives. The protagonist is Joanna Eberhart, a new arrival to Stepford from New York City with her husband and children, eager to start a new life. As time goes on, she becomes increasingly puzzled by the zombie-like Stepford wives, especially when she begins to see her once independent-minded friends turn into mindless, docile housewives overnight.
* t1 }5 r" H: T! T2 u2 l" }' K TBy the end of the story, Joanna becomes convinced the wives of Stepford are actually look-alike gynoids. She visits the library and reads up on the pasts of the husbands of Stepford, finding out that they were brilliant engineers and scientists, capable of creating such life-like robots.
+ \2 `. a$ U3 w2 c9 d0 vAt the end of the story, Joanna attempts to flee the town of Stepford as well as warn her new friend Ruthanne, the mother of the the first black family to move into the town. The men find her and try to convince her that she's mistaken. They take her to her former best friend Bobbie Markowitz, telling her that Bobbie will cut herself and bleed, proving herself to be human. Joanne enters the house to hear loud rock and roll music playing upstairs and sees Bobbie taking a large knife, and realizes that the men told Bobbie to kill her and use the music to cover her screams.
& P, B8 F$ I( hIn the story's epilogue, Joanna has become another Stepford wife shopping in the local supermarket, while Ruthanne appears to be on track to become the conspiracy's next victim.
7 Y! Y# _6 l7 q4 W4 r) f" gIndignation: 愤怒
3 E4 d" ^5 M6 }$ X$ v; b$ @( q% pDomestic life: 家庭生活& O, ^1 Q2 D" K- ^/ d
Blow sb’s brain out: 把脑袋打穿; E2 G$ u- `" E2 F6 }$ w; B' l# c
Have a drag: 抽烟抽一口% l( `% B( s& c& e/ O. c
Child-support-payment: 孩子抚养费: Z: P. y0 @7 T Q- q1 o' j5 T2 {8 @
Stall: 拖延& G: H# H8 ]4 H
Ambrosia: 神仙美味0 n. B1 f5 u6 t
A bunch of:一束
+ \% p2 y. q& p: ~' ^Popsicle: 冰棍
0 t! H) L6 ]5 |6 @+ t1 MChange a pace: 换个心情
; o, A! Y5 P' D7 Z. B8 ZDetergent: 虚伪的
% T1 z- Q/ O% w2 R# |1 i: sMustard: 芥末, o1 P; b/ f% K ~3 ]6 e
Ranch: 田原. B- D" T: |3 X$ }' W
Dude: 花花公子
3 F. I/ G' x# c( LChick: 少妇
" g- c* d9 D8 T6 BFrazzle:筋疲力尽# }+ V) `3 }. G; d1 ~
Touch down: 降落,着陆9 i/ y" P8 @. e$ h
Bizarre: 奇怪的4 S$ w c9 G( _8 b: }0 V
Spatula: 涂刀,抹刀
# |) d. n, z% h/ ^+ {" nMow: 割% N" S7 K/ [" m( g
Sooth the stomach: 让胃舒服点. c9 n1 u4 H$ J. S" Z- t
Upset: 胃里不舒服
% G7 s1 i' c3 ~Antacid:抗酸的
6 E6 d( z+ `+ D# X" p* hWee hours: early hours of the morning, after 12 o’clock& e4 A, _( j I% y! x/ P
Cling to:坚持,依靠3 ^7 C0 W# l7 A5 N) A! u+ J
Precarious: 不安全的,不稳固的2 c1 L7 {4 ~7 C) j N
Paramedics:护理人员/ W% Y- `& q' b8 T" {! [7 ]
Inhalation:吸入. e/ W# d1 h# Z6 j A/ A
$ n* ^7 |' P- M" M5 w: N& c7 P[ 本帖最后由 chocolate 于 2007-5-27 17:32 编辑 ] |