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das Votum投票
das  Kartellamt卡特尔协定
ultimativ   Adj ①最后通牒的 ②强硬的
adj. ultimate, demanding, insistently requesting, claiming in an authoritative manner; decisive; definitive
vorrücken 1.Vt 向前挪动,向前移动 2.Vi (sein) (部队)推进
Vorrücken (der)  
n. advancement, forward movement, progress  
v. move forward, advance, move on, progress, move ahead
das  Anstuermen 袭击,风浪汹涌
Steinhagel (der)  
n. shower of stones, falling of stones, many stones falling at
standhalten  Vi 顶住,经受住
Standhalten (der)  
n. resistance, act of withstanding the effects of
Tyrannei  die -en 暴政,专制统治 u.A.w.g. 缩 um Antwort wirdgebeten 敬请回复(用于书面邀请)
n. tyranny, unchecked use of power and authority; rule of a tyrant; domineering or despotic behavior
der  Gesetzentwurf
n. bill, proposed law
absetzen  1.Vt ①摘下,拿下 ②放下 ③让人下车 ④使沉积 ⑤撤去某人的职务 ⑥取消,撤销 ⑦ 销售 2.Vi 停止,中断 3.Vr 沉淀,沉积
v. depose, unseat, set, put, place, supersede, (from a position of power) remove
Machtübernahme   die 上台,接管政权
n. seizure of power, takeover, taking control
Monarch帝王, 元首, 统治者
n. monarch, king, queen, hereditary sovereign, sole ruler; orange and black migratory butterfly (Zoology)
einfrieren 1.Vt (haben) 冻结,冷冻 2.Vi (sein) 结冰
Einfrieren (das)  
n. freezing, chilling until solid  
v. freeze, ice, chill until solid; be chilled until solid
Karikatur  die -en 漫画,讽刺画
n. caricature, drawing that exaggerates certain physical characteristics; something absurd; cartoon, animated drawing
Solarzelle (die)  
n. solar cell, unit in a device that stores energy from the light of the sun
Solarzelle (die)  
n. solar cell, unit in a device that stores energy from the light of the sun
Übergriff (der)  
n. invasion, incursion of an army for conquest; encroachment; intrusion, foray; infringement, trespass
vorherig  Adj 在前的,以前的,事先发生的
adj. previous, earlier, prior, preceding, former
Besatzung  die -en ①驻防部队 ②(舰船,飞机等的)乘务员(总称),机组人员 ③占领军
n. crew, group of people working together
Oberbürgermeister  der (大城市的)市长
n. lord mayor
Barrel 桶
n. barrel, round container
adj. vicinal, of or related to area; neighboring, next door to, in the house next to, in the building
Elfenbeinküste (die)  
n. Ivory Coast, country in western Africa
Rivale  der -n -n 竞争者,对手
n. rival, competitor, opponent, contender
überfluten  Vt 溢出,泛滥,淹没
v. float, flood, inundate; brim over; overflow
adv. half mast, halfway down from the top of a mast; hung halfway down the mast
Feierlichkeit  die -en ①庄严,隆重 ②庆祝,庆典活动
n. festivity, festiveness, solemnity, splendor, grandioseness
der Marineinfanterist  pl.Marineinfanteristen海军陆战队。海军陆战队士兵
n. soldier in the American Marine Corps; (Slang) leatherneck
Präsidium   das -dien ①主席职位 ②主席团,理事会主席职务 ③警察总局,公安总局
n. presidium, executive committee in socialist countries that acts of behalf of a legislative body that is not in session
Karibik   die 加勒比海
n. the Caribbean, the Caribbean Islands; the Caribbean Sea
Boykott   der -s/-e 联合抵制,断绝(政治,经济等到方面)往来
n. boycott, ban, embargo, restriction on commerce
notfalls  Adv 不得已时,必要时
Notfall (der)  
n. emergency, state of emergency, unexpected need demanding immediate action  
adv. in case of need, if necessary, if need be
Schuldenerlass (der)  
n. debt forgiveness, nullification of a debt  
n. (new spell.=Schuldenerlass) debt forgiveness, nullification of a debt
schüren  Vt ①拨火,捅炉子 ② 转 煽动,激起
v. poke, stoke, stir coals, rake
adj. Shiite, pertaining to the Shiite sect of Islam
ergebnislos  Adj 无结果的,徒劳的
adj. unsuccessful, not successful, ineffectual, fruitless, inconclusive, not resulting in a final conclusion
adv. inconclusively, without reaching a final conclusion
ansetzen  1.Vt 放置 2.Vi 开始做 准备
v. put on, load; place, put; appoint
einhalten  Vt 遵守,遵循
Einhalt (der)  
n. holdback, restraint, halt, stop  
v. keep, follow, carry out, maintain; stop
erfreuen  Vt 使高兴
v. gladden, make happy, cheer, make cheery, gratify; joy, be happy, delight
adj. unsensitive, not sensitive, callous, unfeeling, indifferent, detached, impartial
provokativ  adj.  挑衅的。挑拨的
ungewiss   Adj ①不一定的,不肯定的 ②隐隐约约的
adj. uncertain, doubtful, unsure; suspensive, arousing suspense
adv. uncertainly, unsurely, in an uncertain manner
Immunität   die -en ① 医 免疫性,免疫力 ② 律 豁免权
n. immunity, condition of being insusceptible to a disease, protection
Säule (die)  
n. column, pillar, narrow vertical structure used as a support or for decorative purposes
versehren 使伤残
v. injure, hurt, damage, disable
Akrobatik  die 杂技艺术,武术
n. acrobatics, gymnastics
Gefreite (der/die)  
n. private, soldier of the three lowest military ranks
Gefreiter  列兵
anspornen  Vt ①用马刺催促 ②鼓舞,推动
Ansporn (der)  
n. encouragement, support, inspiration, something that gives hope, boost, inducement, something which persuades or motivates  
v. encourage, support, inspire, instigate, stir up, provoke, spur to action, urge into action, push into action
unwiderruflich  Adj ①不可收回的,无可挽回的 ②不可更改的 ③最后的
adj. irreversible, impossible to reverse, irrevocable, unalterable, final, unchangeable; nonappealable
adv. irreversibly, in an irreversible manner, unchangeably, irrevocably
aufdecken  披露。揭露。透露。解释。阐明。露出。显示。摊牌。拆开,解开,展示
v. unweave, unravel, take apart; reveal
Ultimatum  das -ten 最后通牒
n. ultimatum, final condition or demand the rejection of which may lead to the use of force
abschwoeren 发誓放弃,宣布中止
v. abjure, renounce upon oath; deny; forswear, swear to give up, renounce; abjuration, denial of an oath
aufzehrenⅠ(vt) ①吃光,吃尽②耗光,耗尽Ⅱ(refl)用光,耗尽,伤神
v. consume, use up, exhaust
Vorfall  der -e ①(偶然发生的)事件,变故 ② 医 脱出,脱垂
n. occasion, incident, occurrence; (Medicine) prolapse, instance of falling out of place, instance of sinking out of the correct position
Gemälde  das - ①绘画(大多指油画) ②生动的描述
n. painting, picture, drawing
unterlaufen  Vi (sein) (因疏忽而)发生(差错)
v. underrun, pass below; occur, happen, take place
Panikmache  die 危言耸听
n. alarmism, tendency to be alarmed, tendency to needlessly alarm others
Habicht  der -e 苍鹰
n. hawk, bird of prey with a hooked beak and curved talons
aussichtsreich  Adj 大有希望的
adj. promising, encouraging, favorable; providing a source for hope; likely to turn out well
vorschieben  v. 向前推进,向前移动
v. push forward, move forward, move towards the front
ablegen  1.Vt ①放下,脱下 ②摆脱,抛弃 ③作出 ④产卵 2.Vi ①插枝 ②启航
v. put down, place or set down; write down; file; classify within a series of ideas; spawn; (one's hat, jacket, etc.) take off
Magnetschwebebahn  die  磁悬浮
Magnetschwebebahn Transrapid  die  磁悬浮快速列车
Vorsprung  der ①(建筑构件,山岩等的)突出部 ② 体 领先 ③优势地位
protrusion, projection
Stall   der "-e ①厩,圈,棚 ②狗窝,猪圈(指脏而乱的房间) ③(同一养马场的)所有赛马
n. barnstable, stable
Sanktion   die -en ①批准,认可 ② 律 制裁,国际制裁 ③强制手段
n. sanction, penalty imposed for disobedience of a law, policy or principle designed to enforce a law, bonus or reward given for obedience of a law
Evakuierung  die 撤离,疏散,把人全赶出
n. evacuating, act of clearing people out, act of removing people
Konsulat  das -e ①领事馆 ② 史 执政任期
n. consulate, office of a consul
Zorn  der 愤怒,恼怒,激怒
n. anger, wrath
anstecken  1.Vt ①别上,别住,戴上 ②点燃 ③传染 2.Vi 传染,传染,有感染力 3.Vr 传染上
v. contaminate, infect with a disease, infect, affect with a disease or disease causing germs; influence; pin, attach with pins
beharren  Vi (sein/haben) 坚持
v. persevere, endure, continue; persist, insist
vergiften   1.Vt ①下毒,毒死 ②(道德上)毒害,毒化 2.Vr 服毒(自杀),中毒
v. poison, kill or injure with toxin, give poison, pollute, intoxicate
Razzia  die  搜查
n. incursion, raid, attack, charge, capture of suspected criminals

einstehen  v.  负责,担保,答复,栖息,被雇用
v. answer for, be responsible for -, vouch for -
v. send representatives, send delegates
absehbar   Adj 望得见的,可以预见的,在望的
adj. foreseeable, may be foreseen, able to be predicted
kontrovers  争论的。有争议的。未定论的
adj. controversial, disputable, debatable, tending to cause differences of opinion
adv. controversially, contentiously, disputably, in a manner which causes debate
Pfeiler  der - 墩,柱,支柱
übergeben  1.        Vt ①递交 ②交出,让出 ③委托 ④交付使用 2.Vr 呕吐
to turn over, hand over, transfer, consign
Ueberflutung  die 溢出。泛滥。浮选,洪水
n. floatation, floating, inundation; flooding, overflow
Pornografie die 色情图片,春画,春宫画,黄色书刊
n. pornography, literature or pictures of sexual acts intended to cause sexual arousal; (Slang) porn, hot stuff
Vormarsch   der -e (军队)前进,进军
n. advance, forward movement, progress; modernization
verzehren  1.Vt ①吃,吃掉,喝掉 ②耗损,用掉 ③消耗,使憔悴, 2.Vr ①憔悴,消沉 ②强烈渴望
v. consume, eat or drink, eat up
Putschversuch  der 政变企图
Rosenmontag  der -e (复活节前四十天的)星期一
soeben  Adv ①正好(在这时) ②刚才
adv. just, just now, just this moment, at this moment
dämpfen   Vt ①蒸,煮 ②用蒸汽处理 ③抑制,使缓和,减弱(声音等)
v. damp, stew, cook at a slow boil, simmer; steam, expose to or treat with steam; diminish the intensity of, moderate, dull, diminish, muffle, silence or lessen a sound, temper, tone down, soften
gewähren  Vt ①提供,给予 ②满足
v. grant, bestow, give, vouchsafe, award
Auflösung   die -en ①松解,解开 ②解散,取消 ③解法,解答 ④ 化 溶解,溶液 ⑤分析,分解
dissolution, solution, breakup, resolution
Nebeneinkuenfte  (pl)  额外收入




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发表于 2007-6-6 22:36 | 显示全部楼层
Pornografie die 色情图片,春画,春宫画,黄色书刊
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-7 00:18 | 显示全部楼层
Im Kampf gegen die Verbreitung von Kinderpornografie sind mehr als 100 Verdächtige in 19 Ländern festgenommen worden.
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