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Miniature city Madurodam
Madurodam is opened all year round. The canal houses of Amsterdam, the Alkmaar cheese market and parts of the Delta Works, all replicated in minute detail on a 1:25 scale. All is set in beautiful gardens. Windmills turn, ships sail trough the harbour and trains are traversing the city on the world's largest miniature railway.
Madurodam is a miniature city located in Scheveningen, The Hague, in the Netherlands. It is a model of a Dutch town on a 1:25 scale, composed of typical Dutch buildings and landmarks, as are found at various locations in the country. This major Dutch tourist attraction was built in 1952 and has been visited by tens of millions of visitors since then. The miniature city was named after George Maduro, a law student from Curaçao who fought the Nazi occupation forces as a member of the Dutch resistance and died at Dachau concentration camp in 1945. His parents donated the money to start the Madurodam project.
On July 2, 1952, teenaged princess Beatrix was appointed mayor of Madurodam, after which she was given a tour of her town. When Beatrix became queen of the Netherlands, she laid down this function. Today, the mayor of Madurodam is elected by a youth municipal council consisting of 25 pupils from schools in the region.
海牙市郊,有一座面积仅为1.8万平方米的微型“城市”,数以千计的“居民”都是寸把高的“小人”,这就是赫赫有名的马德罗丹小人国 (Madurodam)。小人国建于1952年,是马都拉夫妇为纪念他们在二战中牺牲的儿子而出资建造的,作为献给荷兰儿童的一件礼物。小人国有自己的城徽,市长由当今荷兰女王贝娅特丽克丝担任,市议会议员由海牙30名海牙小学生组成。1972年,被“荷兰城市联盟”接纳为正式会员,成为世界上最小的城市。城内汇集了以25:1比例缩小的荷兰国内120多座著名建筑和名胜古迹。
web page:
http://www.madurodam.nl/default. ... lmode=1&fid=479
[ 本帖最后由 MirAcleola 于 2007-9-24 22:05 编辑 ] |