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发表于 2009-2-3 23:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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推荐看“1984”) 2008-02-09 20:08 《时代》杂志评出的100部最佳英语小说(含下载) 2008-02-09 19:44 3 C. P: z9 b, O  Z1 F1 d4 Q0 z: N
评选人是《时代》评论家Lev Grossman和Richard Lacayo,评选时限为1923年(《时代杂志》创刊的年份)至今,范围是全世界,语种是英语。100部小说名单如下(依篇名字母排序):9 c, X& f. n; c2 s* x
. Y0 Y! h# q0 o8 D, D" _

3 ?3 A6 `4 C9 A" ?4 L
! W) m$ P: c, |) PThe Adventures of Augie Marchby Saul Bellow 下载pdf) j0 A# q1 i( `* ~+ V

! t' W( K  T6 Z+ I3 h; w1 CAll the King’s Menby Robert Penn Warren- ~- k1 c/ l% t9 D" Q0 n
% y+ H1 V0 L! H3 s/ i
American Pastoral[美国牧歌]by Philip Roth 下载doc+ B1 m9 l* T6 t$ e; f
1 q7 C; h3 H4 t6 W5 I) a
An American Tragedy[美国悲剧]by Theodore Dreiser 下载pdf
% ^0 K& V9 q, T( c& v7 @1 n/ H
' R( q: R2 a" S  @) v- M. b; eAnimal Farm[动物农庄]by George Orwell 下载pdf
! C) Q" [: v! N, Y6 g/ i
! [+ L) Y8 y, R2 |; \Appointment in Samarraby John O’Hara9 `2 b9 D( K! E
* U9 {& U1 W$ j
Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaretby Judy Blume9 i9 T& ]4 T$ Z. v# V- `- q

& ?. p# s' v# ^The Assistantby Bernard Malamud4 G, o) b; M) x) q  W
. s. [* ~3 {, F3 \9 Z' y
At Swim-Two-Birdsby Flann O’Brien
  v( C2 f/ Q3 Z. O& o# b0 `, ]( S+ U" i0 p
Atonementby Ian McEwan
9 T7 T7 ^" m8 x8 a2 S0 I9 T4 d4 Z# n( J' B; ^. y6 x5 C# O
Beloved[宠儿]by Toni Morrison 下载doc,pdf1 z* q. ]0 ?" j5 R! r+ l% j

5 z' u* ~0 K  b( l/ PThe Berlin Storiesby Christopher Isherwood
4 R0 }' @* D: l3 I
) t, a9 F8 T0 {2 V. F2 I3 I9 CThe Big Sleep[夜长梦多]by Raymond Chandler 下载pdf: a. z; \# w/ n/ U# G6 B

7 Q6 J# ~1 G' G. UThe Blind Assassin[盲人杀手]by Margaret Atwood 下载pdf
9 O6 ~2 ^8 T1 ]9 x* \* y/ [5 P0 z1 _- z( L- r( N9 i( l
Blood Meridian[血色子午线]by Cormac McCarthy 下载pdf
5 `& [2 q. _! l6 P1 b; P% {% k: n# `/ i" ?2 `7 ~* W
Brideshead Revisitedby Evelyn Waugh
2 I) }  a/ H1 P5 d
$ o+ ]) u/ ~; P3 a3 Y1 N" PTheBridgeofSan LuisReybyThorntonWilder; g( M$ [! C, W

  O7 R' g8 t- U" l+ \Call It Sleepby Henry Roth
/ F: @0 H! F+ c: Z& Y# U/ T+ X; i: S$ O; E
Catch-22[第二十二条军规]by Joseph Heller 下载doc  A/ G/ e9 ~/ v% d* g6 z" ?, h' f0 k0 O

; J1 P' i3 J/ w  bThe Catcher in the Rye[麦田里的守望者]by J.D. Salinger 下载Ebook
5 p7 E9 [( E: [- A9 K7 z. p: W5 Z7 u9 E+ {. f
A Clockwork Orange[发条橙子]by Anthony Burgess 下载pdf) `3 |- O+ t5 r0 ]8 O; x

! f, P: p, q- S8 M9 F% z5 w. TThe Confessions of Nat Turnerby William Styron! L: y' I, S7 ?# w- ^

$ U$ m0 O4 X( m9 }. A+ i: A4 aThe Correctionsby Jonathan Franzen
" Y1 x) Q0 F) R
7 d" k5 W' h$ g9 eThe Crying of Lot 49[拍卖第49号]by Thomas Pynchon下载pdf
( _; C$ c3 l' K7 ?6 I
2 |$ U1 |# r% mA Dance to the Music of Timeby Anthony Powell- e' A2 [  Q1 C& ~4 \2 B/ Y) x# m% L5 N

  n+ W8 _4 Q8 ?# B5 U' r2 kThe Day of the Locustby Nathanael West
5 K3 Q9 Y0 k" k* O  p4 p/ R
# h& y2 X' X$ ODeath Comes for the Archbishop[大主教之死]by Willa Cather 下载doc. v( o$ ?) ?1 f

: `0 K1 _8 r' ^9 j2 B  kA Death in the Familyby James Agee
- |: r( Y0 h' k* @! f2 h5 d; B* ~& P) j/ b
The Death of the Heartby Elizabeth Bowen
  p3 I. ~/ @' x4 z$ l% O
' u, Z/ g. C: q! n$ K- {) iDeliveranceby James Dickey8 B$ r4 h# w8 h$ |
) @( |. i8 Z8 |6 g- V
Dog Soldiersby Robert Stone
  L, |  F; Y7 A( S3 G, t% _
$ p) H/ _1 U& h& Y' E. Q# Y* }7 @. V/ NFalconerby John Cheever
2 F7 r8 ]. a% h& g" U) L
2 k8 z+ Y# ]- A4 k5 zThe French Lieutenant’s Womanby John Fowles在线阅读
+ W1 H& [7 |# v
9 u0 ~$ g2 L. _4 L. T' OThe Golden Notebookby Doris Lessig: }0 ?6 f; t, @! [7 ~. c

, f* k: g6 S$ N) V8 \  RGo Tell it on the Mountainby James Baldwin
5 e2 b. m( A/ w( }, u- N! l* L" v
8 p# X5 r4 w1 f2 Z% HGone With the Wind[飘]by Margaret Mitchell 下载pdf9 ?& J  d4 G0 P4 c/ ?2 O. I7 z

0 N/ n$ |1 a4 ~6 MThe Grapes of Wrath[愤怒的葡萄]by John Steinbeck 下载pdf9 I# F& k: T( F% I" J
# y/ ^  `- d& m3 c; v4 A7 N6 S! |
Gravity’s Rainbowby Thomas Pynchon下载pdf
; [6 C1 t/ d1 [0 P7 n( b
/ w; z: F2 q" ]) V( q; i! lThe Great Gatsby[了不起的盖茨比]by F. Scott Fitzgerald 下载pdf& M# C1 X8 e' _8 Y
& T, ^2 j( I  m- n
A Handful of Dust[一掬尘土]by Evelyn Waugh 下载pdf# V- A" l( N, _% I, W/ X% o3 B, I( ~

- f4 D% @3 a& J2 f- F9 sThe Heart Is A Lonely Hunter[心是孤独的猎手]by Carson McCullers 下载pdf5 l7 U4 B+ v) T$ h& j; t- W
  I. c! ^# ^, I6 T+ [
The Heart of the Matter[事情的核心/问题的核心]by Graham Greene 下载pdf
9 l1 K+ D/ o! P! K/ i! U) c  Z0 p+ n
  q* @1 H4 h5 P& T* [: fHerzogby Saul Bellow9 X2 p8 h7 N" G( F6 e

1 a' W+ n6 n" Q; {' S% MHousekeeping[管家]by Marilynne Robinson 下载pdf
, i1 g- O+ C3 S/ i& {7 c$ W3 E5 ^" b( R+ X
A House for Mr. Biswas[毕斯瓦思先生之屋]by V.S. Naipaul 下载pdf
' s9 d" z0 C+ [) b; j) d3 C0 y5 d  B6 i8 A- a. G1 K
I, Claudiusby Robert Graves
6 C" [7 o6 p- C! J  `& M% k7 g
4 W2 p- G; H! Y% fInfinite Jestby David Foster Wallace5 \4 f1 k0 Y  ]- o

8 E7 }" X) z6 Y4 U5 S! CInvisible Man[隐形人]by Ralph Ellison 下载pdf) A' p& M0 q8 f$ x/ G7 U4 v2 S

% J' U4 P( L! o; y7 ^Light in August[八月之光]by William Faulkner 下载Ebook$ j3 d) A6 q9 x0 O! {  h7 Z/ ?
+ u5 t6 o8 W+ Y8 m! m$ E
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe[女巫狮子和魔衣橱]by C.S. Lewis 下载Ebook
$ c- q* Y' I# c5 ]7 S* Y4 a& \
! M$ z$ y" G- a9 q4 \3 W4 |/ KLolita[洛丽塔]by Vladimir Naboko 下载pdf
6 R! r% [. B# `7 Q5 _3 s& u5 ^: I. y8 t1 _
Lord of the Flies[蝇王]by William Golding 下载Ebook
) J! H$ K9 }! e" H6 z* Y& _; o" Z- I2 _% [( E" a3 p! i" ^; v9 B
The Lord of the Ringsby J.R.R. Tolkein 3 ^4 ]/ q; I) k% L+ P: f
Silmarillion下载Hobbit下载 Fellowship下载 TwoTowers下载 King下载 相关资料  s, l  m$ u+ O1 N% B  A
5 e- q  Z' D. E! x4 R; [
Lovingby Henry Green
4 a+ z9 j# Q8 W0 n) }2 _
4 v4 M8 x) J" s. @8 V* E/ @: VLucky Jim[幸运的吉姆]by Kingsley Amis下载pdf
1 q* F/ I# _6 l6 N% D4 X& a. u) g: F( _9 \- t  p& H
The Man Who Loved Childrenby Christina Stead: ?4 u1 m& J0 R) L* m9 L

1 @) a9 R1 H# P" H! G* CMidnight's Childrenby Salman Rushdie
2 ~* Y$ {' W9 f$ N& P% d, i; i9 c# X  A6 R9 [- F& h- _
Moneyby Martin Amis, b; y/ F7 n2 h7 H
4 p4 [( J7 D' ~4 }$ ~
The Moviegoerby Walker Percy
* K0 C) z' ~! h; m) `8 ^' \2 v3 s& u; q. S( p
Mrs. Dalloway[达罗薇夫人]by Virginia Woolf 下载pdf/ X% Q4 C. D# Z' f. J/ o$ t1 U3 x# t/ K

4 Y- H) Z* q* q6 W: {Naked Lunch[裸体午餐]by William Burroughs 下载pdf
' I8 h- B6 _7 C/ `" g7 r
1 d, k) _6 g) YNative Sonby Richard Wright
, _- P. p0 o$ @% J; |! t8 K; j+ _" _
Neuromancer[神经漫游者]by William Gibson 下载pdf8 T$ s8 `$ P% U! x" h

* S2 z! F  o: k! f- s6 ANever Let Me Go[别让我走]by Kazuo Ishiguro 下载Ebook8 W# }/ V7 O0 Z% G3 H

* Z1 J* O8 w4 q# ?1984[一九八四]by George Orwell 下载pdf1 p/ k1 G4 [0 O( @: z9 M

4 J; R9 g/ g4 D- D- F2 n% jOn the Road[在路上]by Jack Kerouac 下载pdf0 o) T: X* ^' w7 G& |; U9 Q
8 D$ t9 A9 ?1 Y: `  @% w
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest[飞越疯人院]by Ken Kesey 下载pdf7 a/ m. ~6 u* n# v
8 @. C# u  @  f8 L/ b
The Painted Birdby Jerzy Kosinski& o( w# `* z8 A  J4 r; Y: f* [

7 {: E* G/ Q5 X6 YPale Fire[幽冥的火]by Vladimir Nabokov 下载pdf' L) K! P" W8 r8 E6 K; {- z7 q/ s
, P6 K) J! d5 R( X; j( j( P; [
A Passage to India[印度之行]by E.M. Forster 下载pdf
4 m$ q+ u: e' r( P* o9 K1 w1 s) t. B5 P
Play It As It Laysby Joan Didion5 j$ V* C: X" M( A6 |+ ~- y# [
) ^7 o/ E' j4 {; K+ o4 n4 W
Portnoy's Complaintby Philip Roth
, ^, f  R6 h4 D
" P. \% B" P% x- ?9 i6 A. I2 R, PPosessionby A.S. Byatt3 Y+ _, s0 W# J+ ^3 l9 e
$ q; s+ ^) W9 f
The Power and the Glory[权力与荣耀]by Graham Greene 下载pdf
* X# s& \7 v$ x! K9 U* T+ h1 H# ^0 l7 \2 R. f1 E. {
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodieby Muriel Spark
7 h" ]) J3 |6 N3 a" [% L
" k' c! w" P$ n) d6 m. W! ERabbit, Run[兔子,跑吧]by John Updike 下载pdf& H. t. O9 n5 L+ L1 |" l7 S& c0 ~
( P2 T2 o. O% O6 {  E4 r
Ragtimeby E.L. Doctorow
' R8 @  w* v4 j9 o( X) _! @
% H8 i1 a' s* k, S/ E" J% LThe Recognitionsby William Gaddis
' W3 @' y+ m; ~8 M$ A
  S" M: g+ ~$ hRed Harvest[红色收获]by Dashiell Hammett 下载lit
2 d( W) A3 |# k2 f% l
( N5 B) m' z. N- mRevolutionary Roadby Richard Yates
0 J6 }0 J* ^$ U: ]& V+ f; d4 W  y) X) o- v" Q. n& I% l
The Sheltering Skyby Paul Bowles* p' W' _, |4 b& ~
6 k. ]1 i8 a; d1 q% y; x1 g: s
Slaughterhouse-Five[第五号屠场]by Kurt Vonnegut 下载pdf
! ]) ?" J' k$ K! d+ ^  G- P. ^3 L, I' M, D$ [% Y- D& L
Snow Crash[雪崩]by Neal Stephenson 下载pdf
+ P1 D& }9 `' h& N
: |" @, B3 R+ o; f+ _+ n0 hThe Sot-Weed Factorby John Barth4 n* D" K3 ]/ w

& c7 g0 c' L" r: k' L0 q# I& wThe Sound and the Fury[喧哗与骚动]by William Faulkner 下载pdf0 G8 t( P3 `% u: j! ~9 V

' E; E# Z/ S* a3 v' G- X2 a" r' h, |6 OThe Sportswriterby Richard Ford! k& u6 h1 Q4 M7 h- ]" l: E3 N* d- w
) u5 P$ ^5 U( `) R, u5 z
The Spy Who Came in From the Cold[柏林谍影]  by John LeCarre 下载Ebook
1 ?6 V" o. ?1 V0 ^1 [8 R* c( c
  d" `( E: @2 R& m' y  ^The Sun Also Rises[太阳照样升起]by Ernest Hemingway 下载PDF# F7 v5 X9 |+ D& M
! ?6 Q$ z5 B( u* ]! \5 G
Their Eyes Were Watching Godby Zora Neale Hurston 5 G" y# b& b9 M1 V# j8 E1 M

# ]9 i/ i: q0 `3 b. gThings Fall Apart[瓦解/生命中不可承受之重]by Chinua Achebe下载pdf
$ o8 K2 L: \; W% U2 a
5 |- w; D" ?! M) a$ k. B+ GTo Kill a Mockingbird[杀死一只知更鸟]by Harper Lee 下载txt# @# P1 _7 h4 l* ], F7 l; {
# J- j( i9 d# y! z
To the Lighthouse[到灯塔去]by Virginia Woolf 下载pdf2 F9 ~. p9 W/ R' _& @
% ^$ F( V) {& l5 l2 S  P
Tropic of Cancer[北回归线]by Henry Miller 下载doc 在线阅读
. q6 w% I' F4 O1 X- k3 i$ p( G( n7 n5 ?. e7 D$ n
Ubikby Philip K. Dick 下载html4 ?4 W  r, R( s7 f: M
) `- f9 T) |7 J* _4 e" v1 r9 S/ n
Under the Netby Iris Murdoch8 ]$ M( [0 }- x3 w- ^
* D' R$ X2 s0 e- ]
Under the Volcanoby Malcolm Lowrey
0 y6 h! l9 q0 P0 J
. }. g  t+ ^) c" ?7 |: |9 N5 uWatchmenby Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons
( u$ _8 p: I! e. g* w
" |6 g3 I5 G) L4 GWhite Noise[白噪音]by Don DeLillo 下载pdf
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-3 23:24 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-3 23:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-4 01:12 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-2-4 11:55 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-4 22:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-2-4 23:10 | 显示全部楼层
有没有合成下载版? (都在一起的), 省点劲
2 t& Y" j" R" O+ \8 b2 g; E
( d% X7 }- D4 z2 u, k谢谢
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.


发表于 2009-2-5 00:55 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-2-6 11:04 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kt栀子花开 于 2009-2-3 23:25 发表
4 @$ C# b% o# g2 B. Ehttp://www.en8848.com.cn/yingyu/87/9087-11954.html  可去这个网搜一下!!!麻烦大家拉
7 o" z6 c' X$ D. E( S

3 G0 ?8 g0 o3 E+ f; K' m' U+ M( i
3 A' C. A$ h+ O+ {* \搜不到啊.....
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-2-8 15:08 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
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