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【每日一歌】Katie Melua - I Cried for you

发表于 2009-8-6 20:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 VinniDoll 于 2009-8-6 23:07 编辑
* {* {7 O% M: U6 f; ~4 \
* T- p- F; F) L这首歌也很有感染力 偶听Katie的歌经常听到一个人默默的blue...
$ ?: _1 p5 v7 T) S. K* O8 _: G/ M& J) L
不过这个视频。。。。实在是 。。。。以前没留意看7 R" p3 ^, k" e* c  J4 W
今天想给大家看才发现。。。。。有点儿。。。。。。。吓人+看不懂 。。。。。。。。。
4 a! x( j6 _; A. R
. @/ T5 g) `$ X2 j偶上学的时候语文就不好 阅读理解 作文都很差" D6 O6 w: }4 Q, C, c/ Y) U8 F

( \1 y4 `5 x+ T+ I大家来讨论讨论这个视频的寓意吧      
2 f. d' s4 W& h: d! \; o- @( [

4 v. q# _* m' O. c" \$ Dhttp://www.youtube.com/v/ftZAZWLrWKo&hl=en&fs=1&




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发表于 2009-8-6 20:44 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-6 20:45 | 显示全部楼层
You're beautiful so silently 0 P6 j0 R, w" C3 x
It lies beneath a shade of blue + v7 E. x2 m$ X) C
It struck me so violently
' H: y. p3 r8 i! o( AWhen I looked at you
! v; x( a; D3 I! z
. H# _( K- i( T) \. T  S: G+ qBut others pass, the never pause,
1 ]+ {) M' T: G- R5 r/ xTo feel that magic in your hand
8 w: [5 s; ~- C  f; A9 CTo me you're like a wild rose : U' ^: F1 s: `3 o( U
They never understand why
' f( Z, m+ _. q0 a) q
; L! o' \5 R" l4 j5 {I cried for you $ f, t# Y0 ~+ ~$ b) P" L
When the sky cried for you . X1 l+ {2 ^: K* m: s9 X2 N
And when you went / i5 w5 [* i* z$ T
I became a hopeless drifter
) t2 c6 F2 ]3 [! L6 [7 D0 s/ [But this life was not for you 4 w' H/ C3 c0 {4 o7 E" f
Though I learned from you,
8 J0 s# s+ C" V2 G. }That beauty need only be a whisper 7 u* a; Z2 W: Z( t

( X& C, W9 h  a+ NI'll cross the sea for a different world,
& L8 L4 o6 K5 I2 Z% V$ [With your treasure, a secret for me to hold
, y5 M3 Z# k1 L' W' n- y6 g" U3 }8 M& b  q" }
In many years they may forget
' n& c' y0 ^& k1 h7 RThis love of ours or that we met, 0 s& j5 M8 e' d. N2 t' n6 Y
They may not know 4 c/ W! I4 `6 U5 e9 |; J+ n, R
how much you meant to me.
& o* Y3 W/ n8 H8 u/ ]3 w& {: Z8 L& C
I cried for you ! W4 `2 u4 ~  q% ?
And the sky cried for you,
. O9 m5 W' X/ I% c7 i, e) BAnd when you went
% |/ p) r1 q. p+ B5 \4 n; ZI became a hopeless drifter.
/ u) d6 C# E" a# k* v/ oBut this life was not for you,
, I! i5 |1 W& _, b. sThough I learned from you, ; X% B- O+ D+ K# z. d: y
That beauty need only be a whisper
$ h# c' v( P* i1 _, v( W
  t4 A5 [7 R4 w  P, {Without you now I see, 0 ~4 a3 X% Q+ s
How fragile the world can be - Q) j/ D1 g" [2 i3 m% g
And I know you've gone away
( }8 c( j8 ^' g5 y6 O1 h3 rBut in my heart you'll always stay. * Z/ Y2 g5 f7 q9 G

9 _1 m; P* C( B8 }I cried for you
- B# A  y% P; d; [) K: Q* iAnd the sky cried for you, 3 K4 A- x0 N, k2 m/ g! N4 L" P
And when you went 8 I) a. n2 ^7 b2 c: L/ S' L, {, q
I became a hopeless drifter. , r$ x6 ~4 G9 h5 S* }6 g
But this life was not for you, 9 }' |3 `. L. K3 ^2 g
Though I learned from you, ' N' F" Y& R% A2 d' R
That beauty need only be a whisper   {8 c, F! ]/ W
That beauty need only be a whisper
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-6 20:46 | 显示全部楼层
斑斑 偶刚刚在找歌词 慢了点儿哈 2 H( P1 a5 [" ?

  ]! S$ [# S2 f5 c9 z4 K- u0 t& S1 X0 K# ~! [

5 S4 w' g, r1 R0 {$ a$ ~
晕,格式。。。) S# H0 m4 [6 u, [2 i
程普 发表于 2009-8-6 21:44
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发表于 2009-8-6 21:59 | 显示全部楼层
i'll try my best to explain,but in chinese
/ b: x$ g- {* ?4 S; T+ a, u5 A! Q$ a一个男人深深的爱上了一个女人,她的美,她的一切深深的印在了他脑海,但是她离开了他,这时,他发现他的心底全是她(因此这时去掉的第一个面具之后是个女的)。但是,慢慢的,他从她那里学会了把爱埋在心底,因为美不需要大声说出来,终于又找回了自我。(这时面具又回到了男人的样子)
: y7 j* z# P: D+ h/ k4 ]9 b9 {/ y4 _1 Z7 p
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-6 22:08 | 显示全部楼层
可是偶看歌词 觉得 这个男的是不是pass away了。。。?; u: b: B! B: W  R% w
7 k/ u7 _* t# z% A) O) S
难道说的不是她深爱的他永远的离去了么? 9 z: D( ~8 R  x

7 j6 Y6 v$ F2 z, m8 q) M5 T/ ?1 D- `  b8 m/ O' Y2 ^
8 q& T3 y! N9 w* C! u
i'll try my best to explain,but in chinese
) ?% b: g1 u# r( o+ d. m/ s一个男人深深的爱上了一个女人,她的美,她的一切深深的印在了他脑海,但是她离开了他,这时,他发现他的心底全是她(因此这时去掉的第一个面具之后是个女的) ...+ u0 Q: T6 A/ J+ H2 A
yuyu2008 发表于 2009-8-6 22:59
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发表于 2009-8-6 22:13 | 显示全部楼层
”[quote]可是偶看歌词 觉得 这个男的是不是pass away了。。。?
& L* z8 A) {7 x& u% k* n4 b, d' {$ I2 j) @' R- f( N* M
1 d( _, Z/ G$ [) W! N! J8 z. a+ o, p4 `

9 A& z" `: l% p9 {, y% x我怎么觉得应该是从男的角度唱的吧,因为一开始出现的是个男人啊
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-8-6 22:18 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-6 22:22 | 显示全部楼层
如果歌是从男的角度唱的话 那MM的理解就让人有恍然大悟的感觉 嘿嘿+ |" ^7 ]  K6 K: U3 i
3 _" E3 P; X2 k5 M* N7 b6 K" N+ j3 Q

  E  E$ N. ?  v3 E$ f0 H
, o  G- G; z# K
”可是偶看歌词 觉得 这个男的是不是pass away了。。。?/ Q3 e& T$ G0 ]5 G" _9 k% U$ p1 f, I+ ]
( @8 r9 y2 N) d0 b0 j
1 t* P# |" a+ L# g
% a. w3 T, e7 M% r1 k" W7 L9 B/ _/ @& J
我怎么觉得应该是从男的角度唱的吧,因为一开始出现的是个男人啊7 \+ c8 B/ Z$ ?8 I$ [
yuyu2008 发表于 2009-8-6 23:13
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
发表于 2009-8-6 22:22 | 显示全部楼层
Die von den Nutzern eingestellten Information und Meinungen sind nicht eigene Informationen und Meinungen der DOLC GmbH.
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