Im noerdlichen Britannien wird der 122 begonnene Hadrianswall zur Abwehr der Kaledonier auf der Linie Solway-Tyne fertiggestellt.请各位前辈帮忙翻译翻译
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在大不列颠北部自公元122年起在solway-tyne边界抵御加勒多尼亚人的Hadrian's Wal已经完工了.
* Hadrian's Wall: Begun by Hadrian in AD 122, the wall guarded the northwestern frontier of the province of Britain from barbarian (particularly Celtic) invaders. It extended 73 mi (118 km) from coast to coast, from Wallsend (Segedunum) to Bowness. It had towers, gates, and forts at regular intervals; a ditch fronted it and an earthwork (the vallum) ran behind it. It was briefly abandoned in favour of the Antonine Wall, but it returned to use until c. 410. Portions remain visible today.