高中水平:I will never marry you.高考水平:Never will I marry you.
四级水平:You are the last man I am willing to marry.
六级水平:Under no circumstances will I marry you.
GRE水平:If you were the last man in the world, I would definitely remain single.
大神水平:If you were to marry me, I would go to the temple.
If the sun rose in the west, I would marry you.
I will marry anybody but you.
I can suffer anything but marrying you.
烈女水平:If you were to marry me, I would jump to the water/river/lake/sea/well.
五毛水平:If Li Gang were your father, I would marry you. {:5_342:}果然到六级水平我就有个单词不认得了 If you were to marry me, I would jump to the water/river/lake/sea/well.
jump into?? 觉得后面的都太繁琐了……很多时候简单的句子就足够极好地表辞达意 you jump, then you jump{:5_387:} 除了高中英语是地道表达外,
其他的可以算是东南亚风。 不对,marry you有娶也有嫁的意思呀 后面的真啰嗦,还虚拟语气……