因为是学生宿舍,合同条款中没有写什么 关于renovieren的问题,但是Hausmeister说要先请专业人士来看,然后renovieren(楼下天花板上水印发黄了),并说sehr teuer
无比焦虑中 你买第三责任险了吗? 如果买了, 看看当时你签的合同都包含什么, 这种情况保险赔不赔.
如果没有买, 那只好等高人来解答了. 回复 2# 树獭宝宝
6. Third-party liability cover
In the event that the insured is subject to a claim in damages due to an event which has occurred during the policy term, Kammarkollegiet undertakes vis-a-vis the insured to :
1. Investigate whether liability in damages exists.
2. Negotiate with the other party.
3. Represent the traveller in proceedings before courts of law or arbitral proceedings and , in such context, pay the litigation or arbitration costs which the insured incurs or is required to pay and which cannot be received from the other party or a third party.
4. Pay the damages that the insured is liable to pay according to applicable tort law, however, not exceeding EUR 1,000,000.
The insurance cover is not limited to claims against the insured as a private person. This entails that the cover also includes claims against the insured as a student.
Students have round-the-clock cover against financial consequences of a third party liability, by virtue of the legislation or case-law of the host country, occasioned by physical or materialdamage to third parties.
In all cases, this cover extend to the students’ host higher education institutions where the student’s action may devolve third-party liablity to them.
Kammarkollegiet shall not be bound by the insured’s undertaking in advance to compensate any loss, admission of liability in damages, or approval of compensation claims. Where claims are made, the insured shall refer to the liability insurance with Kammarkollegiet. The insured should note the name, address, and telephone number of witnesses and other persons who can provide information regarding the event. 管道渗水的原因有很多,hausmeister凭什么说是你取下水道的头发造成的?
lz既然是住学生宿舍,那应该也不用负责。至少我目前住的学生宿舍,楼上学生家浴室漏水把我客厅天花板和墙都弄湿了,也没听Hausmeister说要扣楼上学生的kaution。 回复 4# chain1983
谢谢,现在只能先等等看Hausmeister还有什么行动了。他那天态度非常不好,一心一意责怪我,都不让我解释也不想听我说。。 这事我也干过,HM也说这个其实该我自己掏钱,不过最后没管我要. 学生宿舍这东西都是有保险的。要你付钱肯定有问题。你放心好了,不是你故意弄的,一分不用。 回复 7# 一万
如果被证明是故意的,那么保险公司不会承担一点费用。只有在过失的情况下,保险才用的上。即使有保险,保险公司付不付要由他们说了算,所以不是随便那个保险都可以拿来用的。 回复 8# jochenkan
额,故意指的是蓄意破坏么。。。清理头发是故意么。。。 回复 9# violetmask