刚出炉的Marzipan&Marmalad Muffins.....
2 cups flour405面粉1/4 cup sugar糖(我就用2汤勺)
2 tsp baking powder烤粉
1/2 tsp baking soda小苏打
1/2 tsp salt盐
7oz Almond Paste杏仁软糖(我在Penny买的,不贵,好像是80cents)
1/2 cup orange juice橙汁(我刚好有剩下一个新鲜西柚,就挤了汁用了)
1/2 cup orange marmalade橙味果酱
4 Tbsp butter (1/2 stick), melted黄油(我用margarine)
1 large egg鸡蛋
1 Preheat oven to 375 F and grease the muffin pan.
2 Sift the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt into a large bowl.
3 Grate the almond paste into the flour.
4 Mix the grated almond paste into the flour mixture until all pieces are coated. Separate any pieces that may have stuck together.
5 In a medium bowl beat the orange juice, orange marmalade, melted butter, and egg until well mixed.
6 Add the orange juice mixture to a well made in the center of the flour/almond paste mixture. Beat quickly with a spoon until just combined.
7 Spoon the batter into 11 of the muffin pan holes. Using all 12 holes means smaller muffins.
8 Bake for 18 to 20 minutes or until lightly golden on top.
[ 本帖最后由 angelinatan_cn 于 2005-9-8 15:11 编辑 ] 来一张近照。。。诱人吧
[ 本帖最后由 angelinatan_cn 于 2005-9-8 15:13 编辑 ] LG 吃了3个。。。。我看中午我不用做饭了。
[ 本帖最后由 angelinatan_cn 于 2005-9-8 15:16 编辑 ] 1 Preheat oven to 375 F and grease the muffin pan.预热烤箱到375F/190C. 然后在麦芬盘里涂上层油。如果要是用麦芬纸杯,就不用涂了。
2 Sift the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt into a large bowl.把面粉,糖,烤粉,小苏打,和盐混合放在一个较大的盆里。
3 Grate the almond paste into the flour. 磨碎杏仁软糖。
4 Mix the grated almond paste into the flour mixture until all pieces are coated. Separate any pieces that may have stuck together.把磨碎的杏仁软糖放进面粉里,混匀了。不要让磨碎的杏仁糖黏和在一块。
5 In a medium bowl beat the orange juice, orange marmalade, melted butter, and egg until well mixed.另备一个干净的中盆,把橙汁,果酱,黄油,和鸡蛋混合,拌好。
6 Add the orange juice mixture to a well made in the center of the flour/almond paste mixture. Beat quickly with a spoon until just combined.把黄油橙汁倒入面粉/杏仁混合物中。用汤勺迅速拌匀。注意不要搅过头,要不然面粉会出筋,这样烤出来的麦芬就不松软了。
7 Spoon the batter into 11 of the muffin pan holes. Using all 12 holes means smaller muffins.好,这时候可以勺入事先备好的麦芬烤盘里了。分成11-12份。如果你要是喜欢大点的麦芬,那么就分成11份。我烤了12个。
8 Bake for 18 to 20 minutes or until lightly golden on top.入烤箱,烤18-20分钟。建议烤17分钟就成。20分钟有点长了,麦芬稍微有点干。
[ 本帖最后由 angelinatan_cn 于 2005-9-8 15:15 编辑 ] $不错$$不错$ 啊啊阿阿啊啊阿
口水ing .............. 那个外面包的纸是什么时候弄呀? Originally posted by yaoyao at 2004-12-19 20:00:
你把它放进麦芬盘里,这样麦芬盘就不用涂油了,还有也好清洗。 做的真好,我只做过两三次MUFFINS,感觉硬硬的,后来就没再做过了。 Originally posted by 甜甜 at 2004-12-19 23:19:
过奖了。 要不讲讲你的草莓卷吧。 我LG是个草莓狂。