情人节预热篇:macadamia chip brownies、冰糖蹄膀(P2加做法)、提拉米苏
本帖最后由 wakaka 于 2011-6-16 18:16 编辑“每周蛋糕计划”之macadamia chip brownies
1/3 cup butter
4 onuces white baking chocolates
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup chopped macadamia nuts
1/2 cup milk chocolate chips
In a saucepan over low heat, melt butter and white chocolate; remove from the heat. In a bowl, combine the eggs, sugar and vanilla. Add the chocolate mixture, flour and salt; mix well. Stir in nuts and chocolate chips. Pour into a greased 9-in. square baking pan. Bake at 325F for 30-35 minutes or until top is lightly browned. Cool on a wire rack. Cut into bars.
最后祝大家情人节快乐~!{:4_301:} 噢噢~~那个冰糖蹄髈看的很很很好吃额。。
给个方子吧{:3_259:} {:5_358:} 蹄膀!!! 太有食欲了。。这么吃。。那还怎么减肥啊!!http://photo-collection.co.cc/img/2669/h09a0213qlug/073.gifhttp://photo-collection.co.cc/img/2669/h09a0213qlug/073.gifhttp://photo-collection.co.cc/img/2669/h09a0213qlug/073.gif 太有食欲了。。这么吃。。那还怎么减肥啊!!http://photo-collection.co.cc/img/2669/h09a0213qlug/073.gifhttp://photo-collection.co.cc/img/2669/h09a0213qlug/073.gifhttp://photo-collection.co.cc/img/2669/h ...
TT海带TT 发表于 2009-2-14 22:24 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
显然减不了肥。。。我们每周都有这么一顿Kalorie Bomb,平时再怎么饿,体重还是居高不下。。。 噢噢~~那个冰糖蹄髈看的很很很好吃额。。
cavendish 发表于 2009-2-14 16:54 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
这道菜是我同学做的,明天问了他再来告诉mm哈~ {:4_294:} {:5_375:} 也等蹄膀的做法